Transcript for A. H. Patterson Emigrating Company journal, 1863 June-September
Title: A. H. Patterson Emigrating Company journal, 1863 June-September
Call Number: MS 1416
Cap. A. H. Patterson's Coy.
Journal accross the plains
Journal of an Independent Emi
gration company bound for Utah Territory
organized at Florence N. T. [Nebraska Territory] by Elder
F. [Feramorz] Little Superintendent of the Church
emigration at the before mentioned Place.
[Horizontal line drawn in center of page] June 28th. 1863
The number of teams &c. will be given in this
at a future time as several are expeted to be ad
ded before we reach Fremont.
The officers of the company are as follows,
Elder A. H. Patterson from Payson City Captain
" John Stock from G. S. Lake City, Chaplain
" Warren [Joseph Warren] Hancock from Payson City Sergt. of the guard
" Martin Zyderlaan from G. S. Lake City Clerk
June 29th. Started from Florence, then, numbering
33 teams, traveled 5 miles and camped at Little
Pappillion, good feed, little wood, weather fair
30th. Had a severe Thunder Storm accompanied
by much rain in the morning, Started in the
afternoon, traveled 8 miles and camped at Ran
che No. 1, good feed, no wood, weather damp.
July 1rst Started, traveled 8 miles and camped half a
mile beyond Elkhorn bridge, good camping place.
2nd Traveled 14 miles and camped one mile beyond
Fremont along Platt [Platte] river, a good camping place.
weather warm. 17 more teams had joined
which makes its total number 50. At
this camping place I made out the required
list which was sent by mail to President
F. Little, to be forwarded to President B.
Young. to be published in the Deseret News
Which was as follows fifthy teams as before
mentioned and the officers, then the rest of the people
belonging to the company which are as follows.
Joseph, Zundal, F. M. Keel, and Wm. Cloward
from Payson City, Utah.
Ann, Fotheringham, and two children, David. M. [Moses]
Taylor, and two children, Margaret, Green, [Margaret Kirkman] and
five children, James, Green, Emelia [Amelia Jane Stewart Legg] his wife, and
One child, Richard, Legg, Ann, Swift, [Ann Toan] and Eight
children, Elizabeth, Short, [Elizabeth Curtis] and four (children) David,
Mitchell, [David Alexander Mitchell] Christiana, [Christiana Gertruijda Cornelia Clignet Frost] his wife, and three child
ren, from the Eastern Province Cape of Good
Hope, South Africa.
Amasa, Scovill, Sarah, [Sarah Comstock] his wife. Leroy, Scovill [Leroy Ansel Scovill]
Aduline, [Adaline Almira Ballou] his wife, and four from Washtinaw {Washtenaw}
Co. Michigan.
James, Grey, Sarah, his wife, and two children, & John
Woodhead, from Canada (West) British America
Alfred, Bennet, [George Alfred Bennett] Lucy, [Lucy Ann Susan Saxey] his wife, and two children, Wm.,
Phipps, Lidia, Ann, [Lydia Ann Copeland] his wife, and One child, Jefferson, Copland, [Thomas Jefferson Copeland]
Louisa, [Louisa Johnson] his wife, and two children, Elias, Copland, James,
Tidd, [James Washington Tidd] Andrew, J. Hall, [Andrew Jackson Hall] Nancy, [Nancy Hudson] his wife, and five child
ren, Albert, Brown, Sarah, [Sarah Campbell] his wife, and six children,
Jane, Howell, [Jane Copeland] James [James William Howell] her son, and Rosina [Rosannah Monk] (his wife) and three
children, J. W. Mikesell, [Garrett Walls Mikesell - "J." appears to have been incorrectly recorded] Ruth, [Ruth Cunningham] his wife, and Six children;
John, Mikesell, [John Cunningham Mikesell] Sarah, [Sarah Elizabeth Skinner] his wife and One child, from
Pottawattamie, Co. Iowa.
Joseph, Taylor, Elizabeth, [Elizabeth Mary Collier] his wife, and three children,
and Henry, Greyham, from Johnson Co. Iowa.
Wm. Oglesby " Cook Co. Ills.
Wm. Brown, [William Parker Brown] Mary, [Mary Ann Blanchard] his wife, and Seven children,
Charles, Morgan, [Charles Rogers Morgan] Ann, [Ann Mariah Delahay] his wife, and One child,
from St. Louis, Mo.
John Burrows, from Nottingham Shire, England.
Ester, Delhay, [Esther Horton - mother of Ann Mariah Delahay] from St. Louis Mo.
John R. King, [John Russell King] Hanah Hannah Amelia Montgomery] his wife, and five child
ren, from Portage Co. Ohio.
Arriah, Moss, [crossed out words]
from Pottawattamie. (Co.) Iowa
John, Williams, [John Henry Williams] Arminta, [Arminta Elizabeth Griffith] his wife, and One child
from Calhoun Co. Ills.
Adam, Lightner, Mary E. [Mary Elizabeth Rollins] his wife, and five child
ren, from Dacota [Dakota] Co. Minisota. [Minnesota]
Edwin Bingham, from Minersville, Bever [Beaver] Co. Utah
Elisabeth, Gilbert. from Dacota Co. Minisota.
Chatrine, Roberts. from Calhoun Co Ills.
Bensemin R. Hulse. [Benjamin Robinson Hulse] from Pinto Creek, Iron Co. Ut.
James, Low. From Bever Co. Utah
Alexander, Millar. [Alexander William Millar] Geo. Cunningham, [George William Cunningham] and Joseph
Wrigley, from American Fork Utah Co. Utah
James Brooks, Mathilda [Matilda Paris] his wife and Six children
from Story Co. Iowa.
Delorma Parish [Delorma Owen Parish] (Elethe J. [Elethe Jane Hall] his wife and One child) from Pottawattamie Co. Iowa
Wm. Barnett " " " "
Lucinda Landon " " " "
Alfred. Beebe. " Farmington, Utah.
Charlotte, Evans, " Shropshire England.
A. C. Dufrander, [Anders Carlson DuVandeer] A. Engstrom, [Mons Engstrom?] A. Lindberg, [Anders Johannesson Lindberg] Bengta [Bengta Pehrsdatter]
his wife, and two children, A. Transtrom, [Anders Nilsson Transtrom] A Bergren, [Anders Berggren]
Hana, [Hanna Olsson] his wife, and three children. N. Nillson, [Nils Nilsson] Karna, [Karna Hansdotter]
his wife, and four children, P. Nillson, [Pehr Nilsson] Bengta [Bengta Isaacson] his wife and
four children, P. Larson, [Pehr Larson] Suilja, [Cecilia? Martensson] his wife, and four children
July 3rd Traveled 12 miles and camped for noon
at the North Bend of the Platt River, again
Started, traveled 6 miles and camped on the Platt again
good feed. little wood, weather fair.
4th Sarted at 7 A.M. traveled 10 miles camped for
noon, good feed, but no water for the cattle, again star
ted traveled 8 miles and camped on Balding's Ranche
alongside the Platt river, a good camping place, weather fair.
5th Traveled 9 miles then crossed the Soup Fork with
the ferryboat at $0,55 per wagon, camped for the
night on the other side of the stream, good feed, weather fair.
6th Traveled 10 miles and camped for noon at the Platt
River, good feed. Again Started, traveled 7 miles and cam
ped at the Platt again, a good camping place, Weather warm.
7th Traveled 9 miles and camped for noon at the Platt river.
again Started traveled 4 miles and camped at the Platt again,
good feed, Weather very warm during the day.
8th Traveled 12 miles (nooned) at the Platt river, good feed, again
Started, traveled 7 miles and camped alongside of the Platt
again, good feed, weather fair.
[The following lines are bracketed linking them back to the last five lines on the previous page]
From Sweden. Europe
G. Frandsen, from Mount Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah
A. Hansen from G. S. Lake City, Utah.
July 9th Traveled 12 miles, camped for noon on Shoe
Maker's Ranche. Again Started traveled 4 miles
and camped at the Platt river good camping place,
Weather was very warm during the day.
10th Traveled 8 miles and camped for noon at a Fork of
the Platt river, good feed. Again started. traveled 8 miles
and camped at Wood River, good camping place, weather fair
11th Traveled 16 miles and camped for night at Wood
River Centre, grass rather short, weather pleasant.
12th Traveled 7 miles, camped for noon at Nebraska
Centre. Again Started traveled 13 miles and camped at the
Platt river, good feed, little wood, weather fair.
13th Before starting every accountable person was called
by the Captain to assemble at the Centre of the Corrall,
which call was obeyed. the business of this meeting
was to get up a collection to get the Captain
a horse for the use of the Company, this matter
was put to a vote by the Chaplain and was carried
Unanimously, it was to be collected by myself.
After this meeting we started, traveled (10 miles) and camped for noon
at a Slough, good feed, wood, and water. Again
started, traveled 8 miles and camped for night at Elm
Creek, good feed, wood plentiful, weather fair.
Twelve more teams had joined the company since we
left Fremont. The individuals belonging to this wa
gon's are as follows.
R. A. Beard [Richard Alexander Baird] from G. S. Lake City Utah,
Mathilda, [Matilda Rutledge] his mother, and two more of her sons
from Doniphan Co. Kansas
Frederick Rich [Frederick Reich Sr.] from G. S. Lake City Utah
Margaret, Rich, [Margaret S. Knobles] his wife, and Eight children, and
John Knoble, [John Nobel] his father in law, from Lafeyet [Lafayette]
Co. Wisconsin.
Loren, Bassett, [Loren Elias Bassett Sr.] Huldah, [Huldah Dimrus Vaughn] his wife, and 3 children,
Harmon [Ammon Harmon] his son, Margaret, [Margaret Scott] his wife, and two children
from Mills Co. Iowa.
James, and Henry, Chamberlain, from Centreville
Davis Co. Utah.
Wm. D. Johnson Sr. [William Derby Johnson Sr.] and Wm. D his son
Wm. Selck, [William Waldemar Selck] from Copenhagen, Denemark. [Denmark]
John, Bottomly, from Lafeyet Co. Wisco(on)sin
[horizonal line]
14th Took Elder Joseph W. Youngs cuttoff, trav
eled 16 miles, and camped at the Platt River for night,
good feed, Weather cool and pleasant.
{written in 2 columns with 2 verticle lines drawn down the center of the page. Also dots between name and $ amount.}
List of the donations towards purchasing
a horse for the use of the Company
James, Brooks
Geo. Green
John, R King
Margaret, Green
James Howell
50 [0.50]
Ann, Swift
Leroy Scovill
H. Greyham
R. A. Beard
James, Green
C. Morgan
P. Nillson
A. Scovill
N. Nillson
A. Millar
P Larsson
Wm. Phipps
P Lindberg
L. Bassett
Wm. Johnson
J. Copland
J. Chamberlain
James, Grey
H. Chamberlain
Sarah, Grey
A. Transtrom
Elizabeth, Grey
J. H. Williams
Harriette, Grey
Elisabeth, Gilbert
J. Hall
A. Bergren
Ann Fotheringham
[horizonal line]
Wm. Oglesby
Total amt.
D. Parish
Edwin Bingham
Wm. Brown
[horizontal line]
Total amt.
July 15th Traveled 12 miles, nooned alongside
of the Platt river. Again started, traveled 7 miles
and camped for night at the Platt river again, good feed
and wood, Weather cold and cloudy.
16th Traveled 12 miles, and nooned at the Platt river.
Again Started, traveled 8 miles, and camped for night
at the Platt again, good feed, weather cloudy.
17th Traveled 8 miles and camped at Skunck Creek,
Staid at this place over night on account of having to
make a new axletree in Bro. Brooks wagon which
got broke, which was accomplished by Bro. Rich. the
wagonmaker for the company, which calling exempted him
from all campe duties except asembling for prayer,
the job being done in time caused us to start again and
traveled an other 8 miles, and camped at the Pawnee's Spring,
had a light thunder storm during the night.
18th Traveled 10 miles, and nooned at the Platt River,
good feed, no wood. Again started, traveled 8 miles, and
camped for night at the Platt again, good feed, wood
scarce, weather showery during the night.
19th Traveled 10 miles, and nooned on the other side
of the North Bluff Fork of the Platt river.
Again started, and traveled over the Bluffs, 4 miles.
and camped (for night) at the Platt river again, good feed,
weather fair
July 20th Traveled 5 miles, and nooned at Bluff Creek (Branch)
had some very heavy sandy road that forenoon.
Bro Oglesby Cached a marble bureau top, some
fire bricks for a cooking stove, some sofa, and bed
springs, and a heavy black walnut box, in order
to lighten his load as his team was about to give out
being insufficient to draw the load. these articles
were cached in the shape of a grave, at the North
side of the road, the head board had the following
inscription ingraved with a Knife, Elizabeth, Wife
of Thos Brown, Died July 20th 1863.
Again started, traveled 7 1/2 miles, and camped at the
Platt river, good feed, had a light thunderstorm in the
day time.
21st Traveled 8 miles over considerable sandy
road, nooned at the Platt river, good feed.
Again started, traveled 10 miles, and camped at
the Platt again, good feed, weather fair.
22nd Traveled 10 miles (nooned) at Camp Spring,
good feed. Again started, traveled 7 miles, and
camped for night (at the Platt river) good feed, weather fair.
July 23rd Traveled 5 miles, passed over the heaviest
Sandy ridge, Emelia daughter of David and Chris
tiana Mitchell, age one year, two months, and ele
ven days, died of inflamation in the bowells. died at
7 1/2 oclock A. M. This babe was burried 5 miles
from last camping place and about 7 miles below
Ash Hollow, on the North side of the Platt river,
close to the two forks of the road, one leads to the
river, and the other along the foot of the Bluff
to avoid the Slough, Camped at this place over night,
on account of a thunder storm, good feed.
24th Traveled 9 miles, and camped for noon at Castle
or quicksand Creek. At this place were some of the
Valley teamsters Stationed, taking care of Cattle flour
+c +c from the different Companies that started from
Utah last spring, except Captain Murdock's whose
company is about 30 miles ahead off us on their
return to Utah. Again Started and traveled
6 miles, and camped for night at the Platt river.
It being the 24th of July a Social party was
held after supper was over, and all that felt like
it enjoyed themselves in the dance till about mid
night, the best of order was observed.
July 25 Traveled 11 miles on Elder Joseph W. Youngs
cutoff, and camped for night at the Platt river.
Brother Richs wagon had a thimble skein axle
tree broke a new one was put in in the afternoon
had a thunder Storm in the afternoon, good feed.
26th Traveled a half mile beyond Crabb Creek Cros
sing distance, 10 miles, feed poorly, Again Started,
traveled 9 (miles) and camped for night opesite the Ancient
bluffs ruings, good feed, Weather fair.
27th Traveled 10 (miles) nooned at the Platt river, good cam
ping place. Again Started, and traveled 2 miles
and camped for night at the Platt again, Bro
J. R. King broke the hind axletree of his horse
wagon which was repaired during the afternoon.
Four Chyenne indians drove 4 head of oxen
in the camp, Which they had found about 20
miles back; amongst the hills, these cattle were
offered for sale, the Captain almost feeling sure
that they were church property bought them
of those indians for 4 double blankets. Cutt in
two, making eight pieces. Geo Green gived two
white coulered, Mary Lightner gived two blue ones
Ann Swift two white coulered, and Elizabeth
Short gr. [gave?] two white ones, these blankets were
to be returned on the value thereoff by the law
full owner in Utah. The description of those oxen
are one light red, horn mark is M. CO and has a
brand mark on the left hind quarter similar to this V.
An other, marked on the left horn, T. TA the next letter not
distinct enough to tell, then an ET. a M on the
hind quarter and a mark similar to this [heart shaped with small circle inside the heart at the top] on the
left side. its colour, red and white
The third one is a Black and white, line back, white
tail, and a brand on the left side similar to a heart.
The fourth is a brindle, marked J.S.M. on the left horn
28th Traveled 8 miles and nooned at the Platt river, good
feed. Again started, and traveled 11 miles, camped for night
along the Platt again, two miles below Chimney rock,
feed good, weather fair.
29th Traveled 12 miles, nooned at the Platt river,
again started, traveled 6 miles and camped for night
on the Platt again two miles below Scott's Bluffs,
good feed, weather warm during the day.
30th Traveled 10 miles, nooned at a creek. Again star
ted, traveled 6 miles and camped for night at the Platt
river, good feed, weather fair.
July 31rst Traveled 8 miles, nooned at Sloan's
Point, feed rather dry. Again Started, traveled
6 miles (and camped for night) at the Platt again feed rather dry, weather
fair. The captain bought a horse suitable for the
trip of a mountaineer Stationed a little ways be
low the camp on the same side of the river for
$77.50. there being not enough money collected he
paid the deficiency out off his own pocket.
Augst. 1rst Traveled 9 miles, nooned at the
Platt river. Again started, traveled 5 miles and
camped for night at the Platt again. feed dry,
weather fair. A Strayed ox of Captain Mur
dock's train was redeemed by our Captain of a
mountaineer, Stationed oppesite Bovie Branch,
by paying $10.00. Captain Murdock left word
with this mountaineer for Capt. Patterson to re
deem the ox if found. the description of the ox is
a light red, branded H on the left side, fore head
partly white, and a white belly
2nd Traveled 4 miles, crossed the Platt river oppe
site Ft. Laramie by fording, and nooned 5 miles
beyond Laramie at the Platt river. Again started,
traveled 6 miles and camped at the Platt again for
the night, feed midling, weather cloudy.
3rd Traveled 14 miles, and camped for night at
the Cottonwood Spring, the cattle were drove 1 1/2
below the camp on the other side of the Platt river
where they done well. Weather fair.
4th traveled 12 miles, nooned at Horse Shoe
Creek, good feed, wood handy to get, weather fair.
Again started, traveled 11 miles and camped at the Platt
river for the night, midling feed, weather cloudy
5th Traveled 8 miles, crossed the Platt by fording it
and camped for the night a little ways above the
crossing. good feed, wood, weather fair
6th Traveled 13 miles, nooned at the Platt river du
ring this travel the little male child called Heber
about thirteen months old (belonging to Sr. Ann Swift) fell out off the front
of her wagon, the mother being in it at the time,
the hind wheel runned over both leggs of this in
fant, it was anointed immediately after it got hurt
the prospect was that it would soon recover with
out a blemish of any kind. Again started as
usual and traveled 6 miles crossed the Platt
by fording and camped for night 1/2 mile
beyond the crossing, little Heber is getting on fine
August 7th One ox of Bro. Wm. Brown
and a cow of Mr. Andrew J. Hall died during
the night decease not known. traveled 10 miles
nooned at the Platt river. Again started traveled
11 miles and camped for night at the Platt again
feed dry, weather fair.
8th Sr. Ann Fotheringham and bro Wm Phipps
lost one ox each by the same unknown decease
during the past night. In the morning before
starting Mr. D. M. Tayor a fault finding dispo
tion person especially when his turn came to guard
the cattle which it fell his lot to be on (on) the
following night, Bro Warren Hancock upon
hearing his grumbling tried to satisfy him
by showing him the guard list which only
resulted in Bro W Hancock receiving insults
from Mr D. M. Tayor Mr Tayor prepared
a small bundle of clothes on purpose to go back
to the states went back a little ways and then re
turned again and drove Sr. Ann Fotheringhams team again
being her teamster Bro Hancock Sergt. of the guard
took his name of the guart list with the intention
of letting him severely alone rather than to be
bothered with him any more Traveled 8 miles
nooned one mile beyond Deer Creek Station.
Again Started traveled 7 miles and camped for night
at the Muddy, good feed wood & water
9th Traveled 9 miles nooned at the Platt river.
Again Started traveled 7 miles and camped for night
at Big Island, good place for camping, weather fair
Bro E. Bingham, and Mr. Leroy, Scovill. lost an ox
each by the same before mentioned decease
10th Bro N Nillsson's cow died during the past night
Traveled 7 miles crossed (the Platt) on the new bridge, then trave
led 3 miles more and nooned at the Platt river.
Again started traveled 6 miles and camped for night
at the Platt again place called Redbute good feed,
weather fair. Bro. Wm. Phipps, lost one ox by death.
11th A cow of Bro Beard, one ox of Bro Rich and
one ox of Mr Amasa Scovill were found dead this
morning. Made one drive of 21 miles to get out of
the way of a Gentile train bound for Banack City, [probably Bannack, Montana]
Camped at Fish Creek feed midling weather fair
12th Traveled 9 miles, nooned at Greeswood Creek
good feed. Again started, traveled 4 miles and camped
on Sweetwater, good feed, weather fair. A cow died
this day of Bro. Albert, Brown
August 13th. Traveled 10 miles, nooned at De
vils Gate. Again started traveled 10 miles and cam
ped for night at Sweetwater, good feed across the river,
weather fair one ox of (Bro) Wm. Brown died this day
14th Traveled 13 miles and camped at the Sweetwater
Laid by the remainder of the day to Shoe Oxen
15th Taveled 10 miles, nooned at Sweetwater
Again Started, traveled 5 miles and camped for night
at Sweetwater again, good feed, weather fair
One ox of Mr. A. Bennett died during this day
16th Traveled 8 miles, nooned, had a dry camp. Again
Started traveled 6 miles and camped for night at a Spring
feed scant, Weather windy.
17h Traveled 5 miles, watered cattle in Salaratus
Creek after which drove 3 miles more and nooned
had a dry camp. Again Started traveled 5 miles and cam
ped for night in Antelope Hollow, feed middling
water Scarce Weather Stormy Bro. Wm. D. Johnson
lost one ox by death and Mr. A. J. Hall lost a Bull
by Straying off this Bull was sick at the time
with the same Plague or decease of which the Cattle
died this Summer on the plains this decease is some
thing simelar to the Bloody Murren, with the excep
tion that they swell tremendious soon after death.
Augst 18th. traveled 12 miles and camped at Sweetwater
P.M. Shoeing of cattle, hunting and repairing of wa
gons took place Bro. W. Hancock killed an Antelope
Mr. D. M. Taylor and Bro Joseph Zundal killed one yesterday
Bro. Wm. Cloward, A. Millar, Geo. Cunningham and Joseph
Wrigley left the Company and went ahead anxious to get
home, the two former, had an ox team each, and the two
latter ones, one in partnership, which they took with them.
19th Traveled 10 miles nooned at Sweetwater. Again star
ted, traveled 8 miles, and camped for night at the Sweetwater
again, good feed, Weather pleasant. one ox died of Bro Copland
20th The {Stray} ox of Capt. Murdock's train (for paticulars see
August 1rst) died during the past-night. traveled
7 miles nooned at a branch of the Pacific Spring.
Again Started traveled 10 miles and camped for night which
was a dry camp. Bro W. Hancock wounded a Brown
bear in the forenoon about 4 miles from where we
nooned, left the animal, came to Camp where we nooned
In the afternoon Bro J.R King with his light horse,
team; James Brooks Mr James Tidd and Harmon
Bassett accompanied Bro. Hancock, they con-
quered the bear and brought him in camp a little
after sundown
August 21rst Traveled 10 miles, nooned at the Little
Sandy Sr. Ann Swift, a woman weighing about 250 lbs
tried to get out of the front of the wagon without asking her
driver to stop the team, She fell, the front wheel runned
her over head, and back, the driver stopt the team at the mo
moment, and reproved her for not telling him to stop the
team while she get out of the wagon, her head and back
were slightly injured nothing seriously.
22nd Traveled 10 miles, nooned at the Big Sandy. Again
Started, traveled 8 miles and camped for night at the same
creek, feed midling, weather pleasant, Bro J Copland's cow died
23rd Traveled 9 miles, nooned at the Bigg Sandy. Again
Started traveled 7 miles crossed Green river, and camped
for night feed midling, weather cold and stormy
24th traveled 11 miles, nooned, dry camp, Again started
traveled 13 miles and camped for night at Granger's
Station, at Ham's Fork, feed midling, weather fair
25th A.M. before starting every male native
or foreign from the age of 18 years and upwards
took the oath of alegiance to the Government of
the U.S. of America, as per General Order
No. 25 (current series,) before Lieut. Cornall
Commander of the US. troops Stationed there
this officer acted very gentlemanly. Before we
took the oath we gived three cheers for the
Constitution of the U. S. of America. Traveled
13 miles and camped for night at Black's Fork
good feed weather fair.
26th traveled 7 miles nooned on Black's Fork.
Again Started, traveled 8 miles and camped for night
at Black's Fork again, feed midling, weather fair.
27th Traveled 10 miles nooned about 4 miles be
yond Ft. Bridger; where we had to show our
certificate who had taking the oath +c at
Granger's Station. Again started, traveled 6 miles
and camped for night at Little Muddy, good
feed, weather fair. Sr. Swift got entirely well
28th Traveled 11 miles and camped for night
on quacking Asp Hill, good feed, water, weather (fair)
29th Traveled 8 miles nooned at Sulpher
Creek. Again started, traveled 6 miles and camped
at a Branch of Yellow Creek, good feed, Weather (cold)
30 made one drive of 11 miles and camped at
Cache Cave Creek, oppesite the Cave, good
feed, Weather pleasant, At the usual evening
meeting I read the Donation list of horse
at which meeting without an oppesite vote the
horse was giving to the Captain
Augst 31rst Traveled 12 miles, nooned in Echo
Kanyon. Again Started, traveled 7 miles and
camped for night in the same, good feed, weather fair
Sept. 1rst Traveled 9 miles nooned at Grass Creek
Again Started, traveled 6 miles and camped for
night at Weber Settlement, two miles beyond
Hoits Mill, good feed weather Showery during the night
2nd Traveled 8 miles, nooned in Silver Creek
Kanyon. Again started, traveled 6 miles and
camped for night on Parley's Park, good feed
weather rainy during the night
3rd. Made one drive of 13 miles and camped in
Parleys Kanyon, good feed. At this camp the
Captain made a settlement with the indivi
duals who paid in the blankets for the four oxen
that were bought of the indians. (for particulars
see July 27th.) except with Elisabeth Short
who was willing to wait until she got into the
City. August. 4th traveled about 12 miles which
brought us safely on the Eight Ward Squire,
where an other settlement took place between
Captain Patterson and the parties that paid
the blankets for the before mentioned oxen
before Bishop Hunter and Elder J. C. Little
Where any requisite information can
be obtained, as I was not present when
this settlement took place
Martin Zyderlaan
Clerk of the Company