
Transcript for Alma H. Hale autobiography, 1901

As soon as we could, after the sad event just narrated, we children moved across the river to Winterquarters [Winter Quarters] and lived there all winter until the spring of 1847, when we moved up the river 6 miles, with others, to a place known as "Kimballs Farm", which we utelized for that season and raised a good crop of potatoes, buckwheat, and corn.

In the spring of 1848 we commenced our journey to Utah, an epoch of my life which shall never be forgotten, and one which tested the sinews and manhood of every one of us. Young as I was, bare-footed, I drove an ox-team from the Missouri River to Salt Lake City. (as a matter of fact, I never owned a pair of shoes in my life until I became 17 years of age. It was "moccasins" or nothing).

We arrived in Salt Lake in the month of September 1848.