
Transcript for Ann G. Marriott diary, 1866 April-September, 17-32

July 2nd Monday. [Wyoming, Nebraska] rest, during the past night not very good I felt better in health. Washed a part of my clothes. our folks fixed up a snug little tent but a very cold one with two rooms in it[,] one for Father [George Marriott] and I and the other for Mary ann [Marriott] and Sister [Ann] Waldram. William Alvey and Jabes [Jabez] Bowler in another tent. we are Clubing together as a family. the rain cleared off[.] we had a fine day excepting a few drops in the afternoon. The Brethren laying in flouer store[.] Captain said we should move out Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning.

3rd Tuesday. A fine morning but cold. had as good rest as the night before. very hot day. all Tolerable well.

4th Wednesday. Packing up to move out. they are now puting the mules in the wagons to make a start for Salt lake Valley. about three O clock as near as I can guess we started to walk, we troted along some with one stick and some with two, others took peaces of boards, some had umberellas others had not, the sun was scorching hot. We left Brother Harper and family on the last camp ground at [blank space] Wyoming his wife having a very bad Brest[.] Captain [Thomas E.] Ricks said they had better stay till another Train went on, they did so, but very reluctantly. all was weeping but mother and baby as we passed by them. we traveled two or three miles and then pitched our tents for the night. all well.

5th Thursday. another fine hot day. stayed in camp

6th Friday. Travelled about five miles farther across fields over hills and dales[.] we passed some Teams there were some unyoked[,] one ox had a yoke on, he took fright and kicked up his heels and made some of our folks run. we arrived at our camp ground and built our tents. the clouds spread thickened and changed to a blue Black[.] the wind Blew the dust flew the vivid lightening flashed[.] the thunder rolled and cracked and rain decended in torrents[.] some folks flew to the waggons and some stayed in their tents[.] some got wet[,] others did not

7th Saterday. dull and cool all day. stayed in camp[.] prepared for moveing out in the morning. all well.

8th Sunday. started out early in the morning[.] walked till eleven or twelve O clock then we had a good rest and a bait[,] after that a nice walk till the sun was nearly set[.] they said we had walked 18 miles making a good start[.] I was very ill in the morning[.] I felt better with walking but when I sat me down at night I felt very bad. a fine hot day

9th Monday. I was too ill to walk so I rode on the Waggon till dinner time then feeling better started again to walk and walked about three parts of the afternoon then rode the other. In all 24 miles. had a bad headache[.] had some strong Tea. first suger and Tea ration

10th Tuesday. had a good nights rest. feeling firstrate[.] Walked nigh upon 10 miles

11th Wednesday. Very hot and a good breaze of wind[.] Walked [blank space] miles. all well. Bill not very well. travelled 23 miles

12th Thursday. Walked 16 miles very windy and hot. dust flying in clouds. very heavy dews. Bill better. all feeling Pritty well but tired

13th Friday. rested firstrate[.] a fine morning. walked 10 miles before camping at noon. Crossed a small creek in the morning without a Bridge. All well but tired.

14th Saterday. Waked us up out of Bed before it was light to start earlyer than common[.] us walkers got a good way ahead of the Train. Walked 10 miles. Captain said we should have to go 18 miles before we Camped for dinner and for water. on our way, there were two Indians seen, a little farther on there were two yoke of oxen fastened to the ground and a empty wagon with a dog under it by the road side. when we camped a man came up to our Captain and to[ld] him he had been Chased by the Indians and that there had been four men believ killed and two women taken prisners. While we stayd in camp three Indians and one squaw came to see us, quite friendly, camped for the night by the side of the river Platt[e.] more Indians came to see us. When we was moveing out of last camp one of the Captains mules was taken very ill[.] the folks that night tho[ght] it would die[.] it roled about on the ground, and bled at the mouth[.] the bretheren gave it some fat Bacon, and about a quart of Wiskey and some pepper so I heard, but, the mule did not seem to be any Better. the Team's were all ready for starting, the Captain came up and said to the Teamsters better move out with your Teams[.] I will stay with it but to [blank space] the surprise of a good many, when the curull began to move out it jumped up and shaked its head and walked behind a waggon and kept its place all afternoon

15th Sunday. Walked 12 miles all tolerably well, only bad appetites. Sun very hot but the wind has blown very hard so it has taken the heat and misketoes [mosquitoes] away. We passed a post Ofice and a guide Post[.] the inscription on it was keep ot [to] the right to avoid sand

16th Monday. All well. Walked 8 miles before dinner[.] Camped about 10 O clock[.] we passed a Beer Shop Stores and Bakery in the afternoon[.] we came to Cornna[.] stopt there a short time to get some flour and get a pass before they would let us go on. There were a great many soldiers about[.] Walked 7 miles. All well

17th Tuesday. Walked 8 miles then camped[.] came on rain[.] wind not so rough it lightened last night and the evening before

18th Wednesday. Walked 15 miles[.] rained a little[.] very cold for the time of the year. A Brother died and was buired as comfortable as present circumstances would allow, leaveing a wife and child. all well.

19th Thursday. dull and cool nearly all day. looking out for the Indians all yesterday but all was Peace

20th Friday. dull and cool in the morning, hot day. Walked 16 miles yesterday and 10 today. We crossed a water and got my foot wet. just before we came to a place they called Cotton Wood there Bad was a Bad Place in the road, a sudden drop, somebody had met with an accedent by it for there was a nice looking mule lay by the side of the road, to all appearance it had not been dead long, But our folks passed along very nicely. Saw an Indian on horse Back not far from our camp. We have high hills on our left, and the river Platt[e] to the right, a scorching sun above, a parched ground beneath, and very little wind to cool us. Camped after 6 and before 7 O clock in the evening. I was not well.

21st Satterday. Travelled on but felt I would rather be in bed[.] the morning air revived me[.] camped about 9 O clock. There was a large train before ours that had the small pox[.] they that is four waggons had been detained for some time through haveing the small Pox[.] Walked 12 miles

22nd Sunday. here we are on the Banks of the Platt[e] about 10 O clock in the forenoon[.] just had a snap [nap] now waiting for to cross the river. Some time in the past night Brother [George] Cooks youngest Child died[.] it was buried this morning. I and Mary ann waited till the first lot of Teams and the largest loads went over[.] we crossed by the second[.] the last came over after sun down[.] two women and two girls and males walked over through the river. I not very well[.] Father very tired

23rd Monday. Thunder and a little rain. started on our journey about mid-day. felt rather better[.] walked 3 miles yesterday and 5 today

24th Tuesday. Walked 15 miles. We are now going by the North Fork of the river Platt[e.] came very near being thrown over in the waggon

25th Wednesday. Walked 9 miles over rocks, hills, and Plains, Father got his Back sunburnt by batheing at dinner time[.] we were very bad at night when we camped

26th Thursday. one of the Teamsters gave Bill Alvey some antelope meat. Walked 10 miles[.] I crossed over high hills and passed through Ash Hollow and came again to the river and camped for the night[.] the rays of the setting sun were beautifull[.] it caused the clouds to shed a pink hue on the tops of the waggon and on the sides of the rocks that were on our left[.] feeling firstrate

Friday 27th. Walking nearly all day, very bad roads, saw a great many Indians over the river[.] when we camped at night some of them came to see us[.] they were quite friendly. The last four nights there has been Thunder and lightening and rain. My teeth and gums seemed too large for my mouth. very bad roads. very hot these last few days and very little wind.

28th Satterday. Mr Marriott walked and cook took his place as teamster. Walked 11 miles. My mouth no better. Fathers Back is better[.] rained as soon as we camped

29th Sunday. I felt very ill[.] My mouth worse and face swelled[.] rode in the waggon all day. we crossed through two waters[.] some of the females waded through and some were carried over. After Prayers I wanted the ordinance[.] Mr Marriott fetched brother [William W.] Raymon[d] and he brought brother Gibbs with him[.] They attended to it[,] Mr Marriot assisting[.] from that hour I began to get better. The moon shone Bright

30th Monday. Much better. in sight of the Chimney Rock all day[.] camped five or six miles East of it at midday[.] walked about 12 miles[.] I am now level on with the Chimney Rock[.] I will wait for the waggon and take a ride. a young woman was buired [buried] this morning[.] she was very ill on ship John Bright and has been ever since. The clouds above us has been very Black all afternoon, as soon as we had camped the storm commenced[.] the wind blew so hard the folks could not put their tents up but take shelter w[h]ere they could till the storm abated which did not last long for the sun was shining[.] had more rain during the evening.

31st Tuesday. Much better[.] I had a little relish for my food, something I had not known for a long time[.] walked 14 miles. caught cold to night caused by sleeping in a damp bed and wet tent. Cold nights and morning and days hot. reached the rocks and hills and hollows at Scot[t]s Bluffs [Bluff.] walked through them

Aug[u]st 1st Wednesday. Walked 20 miles. in the afternoon there was something up with the mules.

2nd Thursday. about 6 O clock in the morning sister [Maria Elizabeth Robbins] Cook was confined of a daughter[.] it died about 10 O clock and was buired [buried] at noon. Walked over 20 miles[.] in the evening very ill.

3rd Friday. Much better[.] walked to the Bridge that croses the Platt close by Larama [Laramie.] we rested there awhile till the Captain came and told all the men when they heard the bugle they were to go in the front of the waggons and folks[.] we walked a short distance and met a sergeant who devided the males from the females to see which had the majority[.] then he placed our men in two strait rows abreast and examined their fire arms which every man had to have that had any. we traveled on a peace farther and camped at noon[.] we got lots of Red and Black currants[.] walked 15 miles[.] feeling better. Father and Mary ann not very well. We saw Indians, Squaws, and soldiers but all was peace[.] in the afternoon we came down a very steep hill and passed a house or a Provision Store and an Indian wigwam by the side of it. The squaw was boreing a little childs ears to put earrings in

4th Satterday. w[h]ere we camped the last night we had walls of rocks in the shape of a half moon to our left and river to our right. Walked 18 miles before dinner in the day. Crosed the horse shoe creek. Mary ann and Father no better their mouths being the same as mine was[.] had a sprinkling of rain

5th Sunday. Mary ann and Father worse[.] a nice cool day for traveling[.] been walking for 5 days only about 2 hours ride. lost sight of Larama [Laramie] Peak. got in Camp about 9 O clock at night. we have passed over the Black rocks and now we are amongst the red ones. hot and cool

6th Monday. crossed through a river in the waggons this morning and a creek yesterday forenoon on foot[,] got my feet wet. a hot forenoon. camped early at night[.] Mary ann better[.] Father had the ordinance. at noon camp they killed a wild ox and we had some fresh Beef. crossed a creek just going into camp

7th Tuesday. Father and Mary ann better[.] crossed two creeks and a beautifull grove and camped by the Platt river[.] walked about half way yesterday and to day, crossed Deer Creek

8th Wednesday. Father Better. cold nights and mornings and dull. walked 8 miles. camped about three miles off Platt Bridge

9th Thursday. Walked to Platt Bridge[.] there we saw lots of soldiers[.] some where going through their excersise, and some rough looking Buildings[.] a short distance to the back of them were some Indians Wigwams[,] squaws and children[.] amongst them was a Pritty white Baby. the Authoritys wont let us cross the river on the Bridge unless Captain would pay 2 dollars for each waggon after getting through with the corn and flour as the Captain had to stay here for the Captain and others went to seek a place in the river for the saints to ford it[.] after a short time they brought the unwelcome news. the saints would have to ford the river, as they had found a place. in five minuties after While us saints were bringing our minds to fording, the welcome sound came to our ears, we can all go over the Bridge, we crossed the river on the Bridge and camped a short distance off. I walked three parts of the road today. not very hot

10th Friday. Father very little better, Mary ann and I are firstrate[.] walked till 20th past 11 O clock forenoon. A little rain before camping[.] Pritty good roads to day and yesterday only for hills and hollows which are very plentyfull. some more red rocks to be seen. an antelope killed[.] we got a little peace of it. We walked about 5 miles then camped for the night. last Thursday cook and son was thrown out of the waggon not hurt much, his son was run over a short time before and hurt his ancle

11th Satterday. morning very cold[.] 30 mules missing. Captain and others went off on horse Back and found them all right. We passed four graves two of them were sank very much. one in 6 aged got wood. Yesterday I passed an engraving in the rock like unto this ["] H.P. COOK 1866.["] on the right hand side of the road[.] walked about 19 miles. We came to a station[.] they wanted one dollar per waggon to go over the Bridge near Independent [Independence] Rocks [Rock]. Camped close by them for the night.

12th Sunday. Forded the river[,] some of the females on horse Back and others in the waggons. Walked from there to the devils gate and a little way past it and camped for the day. Washed some shirts for Bill and Jabez. Father better. A hot day. Captain Ricks went out shooting[,] was out late

13th Monday. started on the road half past six O clock. before starting we <had> a peace of a[n]telope given us that the captain brought home last night at ten O clock. Walked the forenoon and a little after. rode into camp commenced with Bowel complaint, awake nearly all night

14th Tuesday. feeling very weak and ill[.] Marriott asked permission for me to go inside of the waggon, the answer was there is no room[.] he then fetched Bro. Wolfe[.] he came and told me to get into the waggon beside of the other woman[.] I did so[.] that made the driver red mad

15th Wednesday. not feeling any better[.] still keeps my Bed which is a bag of flour for my seat, the corner end of a square Bag of clothes to lay my Back on, and the Bottom of a carpet Bag for by [my] Pillow, the side raft for me to swing upon, to keep me from rowling into the middle of the waggon, on the top of the woman and boy

16th Thursday. a little better in the morning but the toil of the day and my comfortable bed, I was as full of pain as ever by night. We had a very heavy shower of rain in the afternoon. I have seen the snow Cap't mountains. We have forded the river three times this week. there was a flour waggon overturned in the water belonging [to] an ox Train that was just ahead of us[.] they got it out and spread what was wet on the ground, it was a fine day. I think our folks got through with without any accident[.] I did not hear of any

17th Friday. had a better nights rest. had my Bed made better[.] I got a little rest in forenoon[.] camped at noon for the day[.] appeared to be surrounded with high hills and sweetwater river flowing at the Bottom to our left. Brother [Charles Roscoe] Savage took quite a number of our liknesses in a group before leaveing us. I suppose he will be in the City before we shall[.] a man lost. a large fire was made on a high hill that he might see it, guns were fired, the bugle was blown, some whistled, others shouted but to no effect

18th Satterday. Brother Savage and others bid good bye to the gentlemen and made their exit. I am better but still keeps to the waggon. I saw some more snow capt mountains.

19th Sunday. a little better, we came to a boggy peace of road[.] one of the mules stuck with its hind legs in the mud[.] they got it out and it was not hurt much

20th Monday. Crossed little and Big Sandy rivers. The lost man found camped by the side of the Green river, the left wing was ferryed over at night. very cold nights

21st Tuesday. We were waked up before day light to get over Breakfast so that we in the right wing could be ferryed over, early in the morning[.] travelled to ham['s] fork and forded, then camped for the night[.] one of the waggons was turned over into the river fork[.] there was not any body hurt seriously, but got a good soaking with water, very hot days

22nd Wednesday. Camped by the river[,] Blacksmith fork at noon, ford— the river muddy. rain in the afternoon, we came to some very high hills of different shapes and sizes, left them to the left a little and then camped for the night

23rd Thursday. afternoon going down hills, some bad places in the roads. passed a long ox Train

24th Friday. We begin to see lots of folks, settelments, Trains, and odd Teams. not feeling so well. walked a little Wednesday and Thursday morning

25th Satterday. a rainy morn[.] an early start[.] three camps in the day[.] cleared of[f] in the afternoon[.] Travelling between hills and rocks. rocks to the right[.] they are beautifull

26th Sunday. a beautifull fine morning. Walked a little a girl died this morning and at forenoon camping which is in ecles [Echo] canyon was buired. Soon after starting for the afternoons drive[,] an old woman died that had been ill for some time and lame all the journey. we have had some dangerious places in the road this afternoon and has passed some of the most beautifull red rocks, and high, green, hills that I ever saw, there was in the green vale below a good curranted stream quite clear[.] we had some little rain, and Thunder all afternoon. we have reached Weber and crossed through the Creek and camped[.] during the evening Brothers Hopkin and Farnsworth came to see us[.] Hopkins invited Mr [George] Marriott to Breakfast and bring his family with him. Farnsworth took Marriott to supper and to stay all night and wanted me and Mary ann to go too, but I declined going this evening. well we must go early in the morning as I did not feel able to walk as far to night. Buired the old woman on the top of a hill in the rock. the Captain got us some mutton and shared it amongst us folks in the Camp[,] 4 lb for five adults

27th Monday. before day break Mary ann and me, and sister [Ann] Waldram (as she was invited too) arose and got ready and on the road for Hopkins[.] we had about a mile and a half to go[.] we had no trouble in finding the place[.] they greeted us as saints and made us welcome to a firstrate Breakfast[.] while it was being prepared Marriott came in so we all partook together. We then went about half a mile and called to see sister Farnsworth[.] she gave me a drink that did me good and some Potatoes, Carrots, a few Peas, and some Milk. we have had some bad roads made worse by the rain desending, they have been on the side of high hills and silver Creek running at the bottom below them[.] when we came to the first opening we camped for a rest about an hour and a half[,] then we traveled onward a few miles and camped for the night

28th Tuesday. better roads and a fine morning. rocks and hills as grand as ever but steeper[.] lots of the folks cleaned themselves up at noon camping time. all that could walk were told to walk up the hill called Summit[.] about half the afternoon the wind blew and the dust flew to that extent it nearly blinded everybody and made the folks look like sweeps. w[h]ere we camped at night were very short of room[,] had to put our tent where we could on the hill side to the right of the road[.] in the night it rained fast but we did not get wet. so it rained in the afternoon to lay the dust

29th Wednesday. Cold and dull in the forenoon, after we had left the Kanyon [canyon] Captain Ricks wished all to walk as could in front of the waggons till we reached the tithing ofice[.] during the walk we had some fine rain. We arrived in the tithing ofice in Great Salt Lake City where we met quite a number of old acquaintances and friends. . . .