
Transcript for Argyle, Joseph, Reminiscences and journal, 1870 May-1894 Oct., 63

. . . in the year 1856, I left my situation to go to Utah after working for Mr Bent 16 years[.] on March the 19th I left Birmingham for Liverpool[.] went on the river on the 21st and set sale on the 23 easter Sunday on the sailing vesil Enoch Trane [Train]. and we arived at Boston on the 30th[.] from there we went to New york thence to Iowa City thence about 4 miles to the camping ground were we staid 6 weaks and 3 days wating for Hand Carts being made for my self and Wife [Rebecca Jane Finch Argyle] and 6 Children[.] tooke up our march with the first han[d]cart Company that ever Crost the planes[.] myself and two of my Children pulled two carts for 14 fourteen hundred Miles[.] My Wife was Confined soone after we got to Utah and she had to walk all the way with the exception of one half Day[.] this was a hard trip but I never complained but always made the best of it[.] we stade ten Days at Florance [Florence] then started to cross the planes and we arived in Utah on the 26 Day of september with all of my family alive for which I thank God