Transcript for "Arrival of the First Hand Cart Company," Deseret News, 29 August 1860, 204
Captain Daniel Robinson brought into the city on Monday afternoon, between four and five o'clock, the first of the season's hand-cart companies, in good order and apparently in general good health.
The company was composed chiefly of British Saints with a few families from the Eastern States—in all about two hundred and thirty souls. They had six wagons, thirty-nine hand-carts and ten tents for their additional accommodation. They lost but one ox on the way. A child of two years of age, son of William Robinson [Robison], of Franklin county, Pennsylvania, died a week ago and was buried at Cache Cave.
There had been several cases of sickness on the way, but on arrival the entire company is reported in good health. They had drenching showers during the first two weeks of their journey out from Florence; but throughout the remainder of the journey they had excellent weather and, as far as we learn, have come along as well as any company that ever crossed the plains. Their appearance on entering the city was indeed of any thing more favorable than that of any previous hand-cart company.
As soon as they emerged from the kanyon [canyon] on to the bench and the citizens got a glimpse of them, the streets leading eastward presented a very animating appearance. Everybody seemed cheery and pleased to go out to meet the new arrivals. By the time the company reached the camping ground, opposite the Eighth Ward school house, there were thousands of citizens round them whose language or reception to the arrivals was evidently a hearty welcome.
The camp was soon formed by the wagons being placed in a line to the north, the tents to the west and the hand-carts to the south and east.
We noticed early on the ground, Bishop Hunter, his counselors, and the Bishops generally. As soon as possible, the Bishops had brought to the camp a general abundance of vegetables and other edibles to refresh the emigrants.
Capt. Ballaw, with a portion of his band, was early among them and enlivened the scene with excellent music, "Home, sweet home" must have caused a thrill of joy and gratitude in every bosom.
Altogether, the assemblage on the camp ground on Monday evening was decidedly cheering. The healthy appearance of the immigrants, the kind greeting of relatives and friends and the good feeling everywhere apparent was creditable to all.
From the captain we learned that, when the company camped about twenty-five miles east of Bridger, three fellows from that neighborhood rode up to them at dusk, evidently wishing to display their civilization. The first, who rode directly into the camp, was quickly marched out again, on which one of the other confederates drew his revolver, but fortunately for him and the others possibly, being only a braggart bully, he put it back again to the belt and, without much further ceremony, made tracks for more acceptable quarters.
We give no names in this instance, as we believe one of them expressed his regret at their conduct and requested that his name should not get into print. Let others take warning and behave themselves. It is always uncomfortable and frequently unsafe to meddle with travelers.