Transcript for "Arrived from the Plains," Deseret News, 25 September 1861, 172
On Sunday evening, Captain S. [Samuel] A. Woolley arrived with his company of immigrants, mostly, if not entirely, composed of persons of Scandinavian birth. There were some seventy wagons in the train. The number of persons we have not ascertained, but the wagons that passed our office after leaving the public square, were generally well filled with women and children, and with each team there were two or three men, all looking well and hearty. Among their implements we saw a goodly number of shovels and spades, which they unquestionably know how to use.
Late on Monday evening, Captain J. [Joseph] W. Young's company arrived, the last of the Church trains, as they have been called, in contradiction to the companies who were able to purchase their own teams and outfit on the frontiers.
There were in Capt. Young's company, some eighty or ninety wagons, including those of President Young, which were freighted with machinery, merchandize, etc., consequently there were not as many immigrants as in some of the other companies that have crossed the plains, in proportion to the number of teams.