Transcript for "Arrived from the Plains" Deseret News, 7 September 1859, 212
The Church train, so called, arrived on Thursday last, one day sooner than expected at the date of our last issues; Capt. H. D. Haight and Bishop Kesler, who had charge of the train, brought it through safely and it arrived in good condition, no accident worthy of not occurring during the trip, though they lost about sixty head of cattle, principally or wholly from disease, out of four hundred and forty eight, with which they left Florence. There were not many families with this train, as the wagons were freighted with merchandize, machinery, &c., for Presidents B. Young, H. C. Kimball & D. H. Wells, the Public Works, Prof. Carrington, H. Moon and others, some eight of them being loaded with paper, type, ink and other materials for the DESERET NEWS OFFICE, all of which was received in good condition.
On Friday evening, Mr. J. Harvey arrived from Bridger with the intelligence that Capt. Rowley, with the Handcart company, would arrive near the city, Saturday evening, but would not come in till Monday morning.—About 2 p.m. on Sunday, a messenger arrived from Elder Benson, who went out to their camp in the morning, announcing that the company were so anxious to come in that Capt. Rowley had resolved to accede to their wishes and they would arrive at five o'clock. Immediately every horse and vehicle in the city was seemingly in motion, conveying those who were anxious to witness the egress of the company from the kanyon [canyon], in that direction.—Within a few minutes of the designated time, the company arrived, escorted by two or three bands of music and a vast concourse of citizens of all grades and professions, and passing through the streets lined with anxious spectators, went to Union Square, accompanies by the thousands that joined the escort as they passed along. It was certainly a stirring scene, and such an one as has not been witnessed for some time past by this community, calling forth many expressions from the beholders, mostly of joy, but some of detestation that human beings would endure so much, leave their houses in foreign lands, traverse the seas and cross the desert plains with handcarts, all for their religion. The expressions of derision and scorn from some of those who came here to make a raise out of the 'Mormon difficulties,' came with an ill grace, for where would they, poor souls, have been now had it not been for Mormonism?
Arriving at the Square, the company was addressed by Elder Benson, but we were not near enough to hear much of his short speech; however, one expression saluted our ears distinctly and that was 'Live your religion,' which, if they do, they will never regret their wearisome journey across the plains, nor any sacrifice, so called, that they have made or ever will make for the cause of truth.
The liberality of the Saints was abundantly manifested on the occasion by the amount and variety of the provisions that were provided through the bishops of the several Wards for the way—worn emigrants composing the company, who were thus made welcome to these once, and will be again ere long, peaceful vales; for surely Mormonism, so called, is not dead, as some have supposed, and truth, seemingly crushed to earth, will rise again, altho' it has not, in these days, been overcome.