
Transcript for Augustus Farnham letter to Brigham Young, 25 August 1849


Camp of Israel, Aug. 25 1849



As Captain of Ten, I write you the situation of my company. We are all well, and in good Health, and spirits, the weather has been exceeding hot and still continues, our teams are in as good a condition as could be expected under the circumstances. we are all well loaded and if assistance could be rendered us at Fort Bridger it would be a great relief. I think 30 Hundred would help us[.] Bro Babbit assured us that we could have assistance if we needed it. The names of those under my charge are, Simeon Carter, Orlando Carter, A[lfred] B Benson, H Demphy, O[sius]., Killburn, I [Jared] Starr, Joel Harvy, S Hutchins, know what is necessary for us, better than we do, and we will do as you require. We are progressing on and hope ere long to see you in peace enjoying the Blessings your heart desires—


Yours in the Covenant
A. Farnham[,] Captain
James Lewis[,] Clerk
in Captain S. Richards Company


Aug 26. To day nine Teams have left the camp. From my company Joel Harvey and S. Hutchins not feeling satisfied with the camp, aside from the above named the others were Gentiles, and were not willing to follow the counsel of the Camp.