
Transcript for Autobiographical sketch of David Seely, circa 1885

In the spring of 1847 with the first Emigration He [we] moved Westward on the North side of Platt[e] River in the State of Nebraska with the first Emigrants that ever moved West on that side of Platt[e] River[.] D[avid] seely had the satisfaction of Bringing down the second Buffalo Killed on the trip[.] the move was slow and tedious with ox teams[.] some times one and two Families in a wagon with one years provision together with seed grain and Farming utensils all in the same wagon[.] on the 8th of September on the top of the Wausach [Wasatch] Mountain we beheld Salt Lake Vall[e]y with the great Salt Lake glinting by the suns Rays in the Distance[.] it bespoke at least a rest for the Weary