
Transcript for "Autobiography of Ole Harmon Olsen", DUP Pioneer History Collection, Page 8.

I was born at Aasengaden No. 12, Christiania, Norway, Saturday, May 8, 1847. . . .

The journey to Utah: Leaving Norway Tuesday, May 28, 1868, at five o’clock on the good ship Odder, I said farewell to home and native land. At Liverpool I embarked on the big sail-ship John Bright. In all there were seven hundred and thirty emigrants, LDS representatives from Scandinavia, Wales, Ireland, England. We arrived in New York July 114, 1868. From New York I rode by rail to Fort Laramie, Wyoming. From Laramie I journeyed with Captain John Murdock’s Mule Train to Salt Lake City, walking most of the way. We arrived in Salt Lake City August 19, 1868.