
Transcript for Barker, John Henry Humphrey, Journal, 1859 May-1863 Mar

July 14 Received from the Church Store Rations for 2 weeks for 2 persons. 32 p[ounds] flour, 8 p bacon, 2 p dried apples, 1 p soap, ½ green coffee, 27 pea, 1 p salt, 1 Salualus [saleratus], 2 p sugar. The first Comp of Church trains arrived 62 in number.

29 Our goods weighed 179 p[.] Another Church train arrived.

31 Cap. Millers teams came and took us on board. Moved out about 8 miles.

August 5 Our Company started out for the Valley about 1 o'clock traveled over hilly ground crossed the little and Big Papio [Pappea] and camped. 12 miles. a child buried by the road side.

6 Reached Elk Horn River about noon and camped. 13½ miles picked lots of wild grapes and bathing in the river a small settlement at Elk Horn.

7 Waiting here for Cap Miller[.] Provisions [……] out again.


9 Cap [Horton D.] Haights Train passed us[.] A thunder [storm] at night had to get up and sit with our bedding under an umbrella.

10 Camp started. Passed Cap Haights and camped on Platte River.

11 Camped on the Platte[.] Forded the river for wood.

12 Camped in Schell Creek. Traveled 15 miles.

13 While stoping at noon a storm came on so we camped for the night fording [….] of the river for wood. 14 miles travelled.

14 Crossed Loup Fork Ferry and had to wade the river knee deep. Provisions [……] 14 miles Sandy roads.

15 Stayed for noon on Cherry Creek. 16 miles traveled by the Platte. 95 miles from Florence.


16 Travelled 18 miles raining got wet through.

17 12 miles & camped for the day[.] Waded the Platte for wood held a meeting.

19 20 miles & reached Wood River. Feet began to get done with walking.

20 Laid over half a day to load flour and get fresh coffee[.] Susan [Ann Dermott Barker] sick.

21 Provisions served out[.] Crossed some deep ravines.

22 A woman was buried without a coffin.

24 A long [….] day […..] camped on the Plain Creek Bates train passed us[.] 225 miles from Elk Horn.

25. Orders given that none who can ride walk are to ride. Buried a child[.] Over sand hills travelled 20 miles no firewood. River too deep to cross. Bluffs touched the river. On guard from 12 p to 4 camp guard. 265 m from Florence.


26 On rear guard all day. Travelled 17 miles camped at Pawnee Springs. Jo. Young, C.E. Rich, Am' Lyman passed us in mule teams.

27 On rear guard all day came up with D. Kimballs train[.] Travelled this day 16 miles.

28 Crossed a fork of the river. Roads very sandy. Cap Haights 2 days behind us. Got sugar, bacon, flour. Distance travelled 10 miles.

29 Travelled 16 miles.

30 Camped early on a small creek.

31 camped about 3 oclock


14 Crossed the river Platte above Laramie[.] Been raining 3 days. Passed Chimney rock on Sunday.


2 Been coming up hill 2 days towards the South pass. A strong wind blowing[.] Came through the pass and camped away down on Pacific Springs[.] A snow storm at night and lost half of our cattle.

3 Not being able to find cattle[.] Still camped in the snow.

4 Cattle brough[t] back from Sandy 20 miles ahead after driving all night[.] Cap Haight caught up with us.

--. The longest days travel we have had[.] Took a cut off and gained a day on Haights. Travelled 25 miles without water and camped late at night on Muddy.


12 Nooned at the mouth of Ecco [Echo] Kayon [Canyon] Camped in the Kanyon at night passed some Indian squaws the first large number we have yet seen.

13 Passed through [……] Weber County and camped.

17 arrived in Salt Lake City at 10 o'clock pm. Camped on the Jubilee square[.] 8[th] ward pitched our tent[,] none left in the tent with us but [William] Rogers and wife[.] All the rest gone with friends.