
Transcript for Barnes, William, Autobiographical Sketch [ca.1890], [2]

. . . we took Steam Boat at New Orleans for St Louis were I stayed about five days[.] whe [we] then left St Louis for (C)ansas [Kansas] to join the Emigration Company who were about to start across the rockey [Rocky] Mountains to Salt Lake a distance of one thousand Miles to travel with ox teams

it took us about two weeks to get our teams and waggons ready[.] it was the first time that I had ever seen oxen [h]itch up to waggons to travel a journey with and when I learned I had to drive two yoke of oxen ch [hitched] to a waggon I had very little faith of being an expert driver but after a few days practice in driving Cattle I found that Cattle was not so bad to manidge as I imag[i]ned they were[.] so I began to get B[u]ll [wacker]

arrived in Salt Lake City in October.