Transcript for Benjamin Brown, Testimonies for the Truth: A Record of Manifestations of the Power of God, Miraculous and Providential, Witnessed in the Travels and Experience of Benjamin Brown, High Priest in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Pastor of the London, Reading, Kent and Essex Conferences (Liverpool: S. W. Richards, 1853), 27
When the time arrived, the Saints moved out promiscuously, and, after crossing the Elk Horn river, they were organised into two large divisions called Brigham and Heber’s companies. These were subdivided into smaller companies of hundreds, fifties, and tens, and in this way the Saints proceeded across the plains.
The particulars of this wonderful Exodus are already in many forms before the public, therefore, it is only necessary to say that we travelled as above until we came to the last crossing of the Sweet Water river, where we waited for assistance from the Pioneers and brethren already in the Valley, by whose help we crossed the back bone of North America—the dividing ridge between the waters flowing to the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and after passing through several canyons and over two large mountains, we were safely brought into the Valley.