
Transcript for "Biography of Amelia C. Cragun," The Journal, 13 June 1941, p. 6

My parents, William Chambers and Claressa Bench, were born in England, joined the Latter Day Saints Church in 1848, emigrated to Utah, crossing the plains in Capt. Doley’s Company [Moses Daley Freight Train], landing in Salt Lake City Sept. 1853.

I was nine years old when we crossed the plains and was so sick with mountain fever most of the time that my recovery was miraculous.  When we were crossing Green River, I fell out of the wagon into the [s]tream and came near drowning my father finally recued me.  They usually tied me to the wagon bows, but this time neglected it when a sudden jolt threw me out among the cattle.  This happened at a time when I was so sick it alarmed them, but my parents were so full of faith and hope, as they had been promised that they and their family should reach the valleys of the mountains in safely.