
Transcript for Bird, Harriet Goble, [Reminiscences], in Charlotte B. Booth, and others, The Bird Family History [1961], 121

We arrived in New York early in August. We went up the river Hudson to Albany and then took the train to Buffalo and on to St. Jo's., and by boat to Omaha where we were met by the ox teams sent from Utah. We left Council Bluff on the 17th of August and I, with several others, walked all the way to Weber, as there was no room in the wagons for the healthy ones. We crossed the plains in Warren Snow's company (the last company with ox teams for that season). Part of the way a train of Gentiles joined us, which made our train five miles long. They joined us for safety, which was of mutual benefit as the Indians were very aggressive at that time.

We stayed a day or two at Weber, where we were met by several of the saints sent by Brigham Young with wagons and teams to carry the sick, aged and weary the rest of the way, and very welcome they were. We reached Salt Lake November 2, 1864.