Transcript for Book of the generations of Jacob Gibson, 1849-1881
20 of June Eating our one Bread and so forth afterward, he wanted to charg[e] us for his favioers [favors.] I got one yoke of cattle one yoke of cows[.] Hyerd [hired] a good yoke from Bishop [Edward] Hunter[.] Starting with abt 20 Hundred or in the company of capt Morcon [Stephen Markham] in the ten of capt Garner traveling till past ft Ke[a]rny [,] my team falling in consequence of my ten Leaving the company and traveling faster then we ought[.] I concluded if the ten continued to run ahead I would have to hold up[.] Spoke abt it to no affect[.] finely [finally] I held up the Ballance of the company with friend foster with them whome I had to help over the river as he had Lost his money and other thing[s] that I have not time to mention[.] So for me on the planes to do the best I could or Perish[,] he having a good team and to Spair [spare] if rightly managed[.] I held up untill Elder [Wilford] Woodruff company came along[.] I meant to join Elder Whipples division[.] Bro W. requested me to travel with him or in his division[.] I aggreed to do so but had a hard time as they traveled as much to[o] Slow as the others to[o] fast for me[.] he had a train of Good green cattle and green drivers made Slow work awash and also also. Some[th]ing Broke down all on the road Behind[.] cot [caught] up and past [passed] us and we ware [were] abt 17 weeks When 13 was plenty[.] our provisions ware just out the last morning[.] our Breakfast being all we had[.] we got in to the valley on 14 of October