
Transcript for "History of the Life of Barbara Gowans Bowen," 1-2.

The vessel landed in New York on May 22nd, and from there we continued our trip to Utah. This meant a short trip by rail to Pittsburg and then a long trip by river-boat down the Ohio and the Mississippi, then back up the Missouri to Mormon Grove where they were to remain until the teams came from Utah to get them. While at Mormon Grove many of the Saints died with black cholera. My grandmother [Ann McLeish Gowans] was taken sick with this dread disease and her life was despaired of, but through faith and the administration of the Elders her life was spared.

They crossed the plains in Milo Andrus’ company. Father [Hugh S.] drove a team of oxen; Grandfather [Andrew Gowans] and Mother [Betsy] walked all the way, and Grandmother rode in the wagon to take care of me and two other children who were not old enough to walk. They arrived in Salt Lake hungry and weary, thankful they were at their journey’s end, having traveled by ox team and foot over one thousand miles.