Sometime in May 1855 Thomas Coulborn and James Cace [Pace] Mormon Missionarys came to see her [Julia Hampton] and Family at Jacksonville having been requested to do so by Brigham Young and if we were still in the faith and desired to gather with the Saints to assist us in so doing[.] She gladly acceped of the invitation[.] all that were over Eight Years old were rebebtised [rebaptized] and confirmed under the hands of Thomas Coulborn and James Cace [Pace] and on the 10th day of June 1855[.] She and Family started for Salt Lake City Utah Territory[.] arived at Mormon Grove near Atchison Kansas some time in July and on July 28th Started acorst the Plains in what was known as the Church Train[.] Isaac Aldred [Allred] Ceptin [Captain] and James Pace asistant[.] after a long and weary journey of over a thousand miles in ox teams Sickness and scarcety of provisions She and family arrived in Salt Lake City all alive and well on the Second day of November 1855[.] the day following She and her sons Nephi and Brigham Young caled upon Pres. Young and was kindly received