
Transcript for Brown, John, and A. M. Harmon to Brigham Young, 12 Oct. 1853, in Brigham Young, Office Files 1832-1878, reel 32, box 22, fd. 21

Echo Kenion [Canyon] 10 miles from Webber [Weber] River

October 12 th 1853[,] 7 oclock A.M.
Prest. B. Young and Council

Dear Breathren

We write to inform you that we have arrived at this point under quite as comfortable circumstances as could be expected. Since we last wrote to you we have received the assistance of about 4000 lbs. flour and Shall require about 800 more to make us aney whare near comfortable. We have received 7 pair of oxen and hope to receive more to assist us over the mountains. We antisapate—Reaching the City about monday the 17th if all goes well.

Hopeing you all quite well. We remain yours in our Redeemers Cause,

John Brown
A. M. Harmon
G.S.L. City