
Transcript for Brown, Richard Daniels, Jr., [Autobiography], in Archie Leon Brown, 141 Years of Mormon Heritage: Rawsons, Browns, Angells-Pioneers [1973], 82-83

On arriving at the Frontier I hired out as a teamster to drive oxen, a new vocation for me, in what is called an Independent Train. I hired to a man, who had six teams, for $20.00 per month. I was employed about three weeks herding then we started to cross the plains about the first of July 1864. My first days driving found me with a broken tongue, but as time passed on I got better acquainted with my occupation of driving and got along very nicely for about one month until the man that hired me could not agree with the Captain and concluded to turn back and wanted me to go with him, but I would not do it and was left at the mercy of the rest of the train to carry me through, for I had no money, having paid all that was due me before I started, which was spent for clothes to wear.

I agreed with the company to herd for them from 3 o'clock in the morning till they broke camp and during the noon hour and also from the time they camped in the evening until 10 o'clock at night which left me but five hours rest at night. This work I did for my board. We got along very well until the teams began to die off because of the alkali. This brought contention in the camp and some had to deposit their goods in the ground because there was not enough teams to haul them and their families. The company split up and each took their own course and I was left alone on the plains in an Indian territory who had declared war against the white man and often news would reach us of Indians making raids on ranches and people that were traveling.

Knowing there was a ranch about 40 or 50 miles back which we had passed, and having all day before me, I concluded to go back there and seek a place to stay until I had a chance to do better. I ran and walked all day and just about dusk I arrived at the place. I asked for permission to stay and said I would work for my board and lodging until I had an opportunity to continue my journey. They were surprised to see me alone in such a wild country, but they took me in and treated me well for about three weeks, and while working for them one day I saw a large train of emigrants coming and as they came closer I recognized a young man who had crossed the ocean in the same ship with me, and he told me that my father and mother and family were in the train. You can imagine the surprise and happiness I experienced, for I had passed through many hardships, both on land and sea, and had many severe trials on two occasions I had faced death and had walked on the plains with sore feet, bleeding and hungry also and almost naked at times, but the Lord was with me and in my darkest hour when I was in despair He came to my aid, and now, knowing that I was so near to my loved ones made my heart leap for joy. The young man took me where they were camped, and Oh! what joy I had, as well as they, in meeting again with my parents—words cannot tell for I had never been away from home before starting on this journey, so I made arrangements with the man who took me in and started on my journey with my parents they rest of the way. We arrived in Salt Lake City on the 19th day of September 1864, being met by my brother William and arriving one day ahead of the train, and we then made our abode with my sister Elizabeth.