
Transcript for Budge, William, to George Q. Cannon, 3 Aug. 1860, in Brigham Young, Office Files 1832-1878, reel 37, box 27, fd. 9

Camp at Wood River Centre
Johnson's Ranche
August 3/1860

Dear Bro Cannon

I take this favorable oppertunity of informing you of our position and where abouts at the present date

On the day of your departure from Florence, a large portion of the company moved on to "Little Pappea," others were detained through various circumstances. On the road to "L.P." Bro [John] McComie's died wife died, from dropsy in connection with pregnancy, aged 20 years; the brethren procured some lumber, and made a suitable coffin for her, & she was interred at "L.P.," in the evening.

On the following day the remainder of the company joined the camps which remained for the night.

Saturday July 21. The company moved on finely and camped in the afternoon at Elk Horn. Upon our arrival there, all seemed to congratulate each other, and thank our Heavenly Father for the success which had attended their exertions, during today's travel, because—as you are aware—the most of us were "Green Horns" in the business.

Sunday July 22. As to days journey lay over a part of the "Platte" bottom infested with green heads and other insects offensive to cattle the company was detained until 3 P.M. when we commenced to roll & continued our travel until it was dark, & then we pitched our tents 2 miles below Fremont.

Monday July 23. Died this morning of consumption Sis Elsa Madsen Mariager from Jutland Denmark, aged 48 yrs & was buried near the camp. We continued our travels daily, without any occurrence of note, up to Friday evening July 27, when we arrived safely at Genoa, a little tired & weary. Fine weather had attended us up to the present time which blessing was much appreciated by us.

Died in the evening Harriett Martha Sherley, daughter of Thomas Sherley, aged 6 months.

Saturday July 28. The whole company with the exception of the loose cattle, crossed the Ferry today without a single accident which is proof to us that the Divine blessings have attended us on our journeyings; Much credit is due to Bro Nephi for his perseverance, endurance & anxiety for the good & welfare of the company upon this and all other occasions when such counsel, instructions, and & assistance have been needed as is necessary upon such a journey; we feel that the spirit & power of this calling rests upon him, & that he is the right man in the right place; all feel to uphold & sustain him, and speak good of him all the day long. Much praise is also due to Bro [Alvis Houston] Patterson for the interest he manifests in the comfort & safety of the company, like the busy bee as usual—he is ever on the alert, doing while there is anything to be done[.] As the wagons reached the opposite side of the River, they moved 1/2 a mile further to camp.

Sunday July 29. Travelled 15 miles & camped at the "Warm Slough" on the Bank of the "Platte". Wm M Pyper who was on his way to Fort Kearney camped with us this evening.

Monday July 30. The horses and mules belonging to Capt [Robert] Bodily & Bro [John] Stock were missing this morning. We tarried in camp until noon time to allow time for hunting them up, and to make some repairs. An ox belonging to one of the Danish brethren was so very lame that he could not possibly travel further, and the brethren agreed to kill him for camp use, & he was sold at 5 cents pr lb to enable him to buy another to take its place. The brethren found the stray horses &c near to Columbus & returned in time for starting with the camp. While the wagons were rolling out of camp Sis Kathrina Naf died, aged 65 years, from Switzerland[.] Bro Heller's company remained behind to bury her, & overtook us in the evening. Travelled 8 miles and camped on the Bank of the "Platte." Born, upon our arrival in camp, Mary Jane Stokes, daughter of Wm & Mary Ann Stokes, of Capt Bodily's company.

Tuesday July 31. The company rolled out of camp early this morning & travelled 8 or 9 miles, when a tremendous storm of wind, hail & rain set in, that it was impossible for the cattle to travel, & they were scarcely able to stand on their legs; we halted near the "Lone Tree" station until the storm abated & again travelled on until we passed the U.S. Mail Station when a second edition set in more severe than the last one; while it was raging, wagon covers were rent, cattle were unhitched & let loose, & Bro [Joseph Richard] Humphreys wagon was turned bottom side up, & completely disabled; this made the 3rd time of its breaking down. As there was no appearance of the weather becoming fine, we considered it wisdom to camp, making our days travel 15 miles. Born in camp, Nephi son of Ola Olsen & Anna Gaarder of Norway.

Wednesday August 1st. Travelled 20 miles and camped on the banks of the "Platte River". Died in camp, Bothilda Ohlsen of Copenhagen Denmark, aged 68 1/2 years.

Thursday August 2nd. Travelled 14 miles & camped on "Wood River". A large portion of to day was spent in fording the river, which was accomplished—as usual—without an accident.

Friday August 3rd. We started early this morning, and after 6 miles travel, arrived at this place in good time for breakfast. We found Bro Savage's train camped here, intending to roll on tomorrow noon; he had some mules stolen upon his arrival here on Sunday evening by some Pike's Peakers; some of his men followed them & succeeded in bringing them back. Capt Bodily intends supplying Bro Humphreys with another wagon before we leave this place, which we think will be tomorrow, as then several of the brethren getting their wagons fit[t]ed[.] A fine feeling has prevailed in camp since we left Florence & everything moves along as well as I could wish, with but few exceptions. Bro Nephi [Johnson] gives the brethren much praise for the determined perseverance, evinced by them to become efficient in their duties as teamsters &c. & says after a little more experience, he will be able to furnish as good teamsters as can be found in the mountains. So much for our progression.

I have received your note from Bro Sharp, & am now arranging to get the 2 Sisters along; Bros Johnson[,] Patterson, Williams & [John] Eardley with the rest of the brethren join me in love & well wishes to yourself & family hoping you have had a prosperous journey home,

from your Brother in Christ

William Budge