
Transcript for Butler, William, Journal, in Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Collection, 1828-1963, reel 11, item 3

We started from Iowa City with the hand cart companies. we travelled through Jackson County some apostatizing by the way.—a distance of three hundred miles till we came to Council Bluffs. here we stayed ten days, waiting for the companies to organize and proceed further on their journey. I had a silver watch that I had got in a trade for a gold watch that I brought from the valley.—I gave this silver watch for a Cow that gave us milk while crossing the plains. I was appointed to drive thirty head of Milch Cows and Beef Cattle. I drove them and went on foot.—When I come to streams I pack from an hundred and fifty to two hundred women and children across the streams, and then haul the handcarts over, and afterwards would have to gather the stock together, my clothes at the same time being wet. and in this condition would start on again with the stock,—while on the plains, there was a man killed by lightening and we had to travel knee deep in water in consequence of the very heavy rains produced by the thunderstorm.—as we came to Fort Laramie my shoes gave out[.] I got them new at the Bluff.—I got another pair here and they gave out when I got into the valley. and through the constant travel on foot that I was subject to.—We lost on our journey seven men and one woman. and some children

When we got to Echo Kanyon [Canyon], there came another heavy thunderstorm. litghtening and heavy rains[.] knight coming on and the people very weary travelling. our Captain persisted in continuing our journey over a divide, which made it very hard to ascend and descend a distance of six miles, and all in the dark—and no light only as the lightening flashed[.] the <rain> pouring down in torrents all the time.—I had been taken sick the day before which made me very weak and unable to follow the train and drive the stock. my wife Emma had to take and drive the stock for me.—I was left behind to travel or die.—after a while I rose on my feet and lifted my voice with uplifted hands in token of the priesthood, and said these words.—having been commissioned by the King of Kings.—I command this spirit to let loose his grasp, from this very moment, and depart from my tabernacle, in the name of the messiah[.] from this very moment the pain left me and I was able to resume my journey, it being very dark, insomuch that I could not see the road. I fell down a great many times over all manner of rocks, steep places and holes, after awhile I came to an Italian with his little girl. I tried to get him to come along with his hand cart, but not understanding his language, nor he mine, so he did not follow me.—he died during the night, and they fetched him into camp in the morning.—soon after leaving the Italian I came across a young english girl by the name of Clark.. who was alone and had lost her way—she was crying and in great trouble.—I went to her, and fetched her into Camp,—the gratitude of the girl and her parents and relatives. was unbounded towards one. for what I had done.—she considered that I had saved her life and next day we gathered up the dead and buried them. and I gained strength gradually.—we then travelled allong till we met with president Young and company. at the head of emigration Kanyon [Canyon].—he felt very bad for the sufferings of the people

We travelled into Salt Lake City, about the last of September in the fall of fifty six. We were meet on our way going into the city by a woman wife of John Pannel Wright. from south willow creek.—she used her influence to induce my wife to leave me and go home with her. her Man was three days waiting in the City to take my wife home with him