Transcript for Campbell, Robert, to Brigham Young, 21 Aug. 1854, in Brigham Young, Office Files 1832-1878, reel 32, box 23, fd. 11
Dear Bro: Brigham
As I have heard thro Bro: Thomas that it was desirable for Co[']s [companies] to send their Reports a head I have taken the liberty to do so.
We have started late, & the season being so very dry many wagons have given way causing us grievous delays. Having no Forge nor Blacksmith along, we have not been able to cut the tires & weld them, but have taken them off,—banded the fellows, & set them again which answers very well & thus we have tightened up many wheels that were chirping like new boots.
Our cattle being fat, the feed & roads so good, now we are on the level Platte bottom we expect to make every hour count from this to the valley. and should we by the favor of our Heavenly Father be able with faithfulness & diligence to preserve our cattle during the storms & snows in the mountains, if we do get our fingers & toes pinched a little with cold, we home will feel the sweeter when we get into the valley.
Br Works is in the Co & I may say, is in my tent, (for he is more there than anywhere else) he is very serviceable to the camp, and does honor his name. tho' at much expense to his corpulency. I could have wished his friends at Salt Lake to have seen him there, as he walked thro the cities of England.
Bro[']s Snow, Spencer, & the mail Co passed us a week ago near the Big Blue
Bro: Empy & the last Co are only a few days behind us.
Hoping soon to be with you, & with prayerful regard for you & Zions interests I remain
Rob: Campbell