
Transcript for Carling, Isaac V., [Diary], in Elda Mortenson, comp., Isaac V. Carling Family History, vol. 1, 48-55

We commenced our long journey from Council Bluffs, Iowa, to Salt Lake City Wednesday June 30, 1852. We started for Salt Lake Valley and treveled seven miles. Our family consisted of Father, Mother, brother Abraham, sister Kate and myself. We camped at Stringtown the first night.

July 1. All well and in camp; fine weather and good feed.

July 2. Cool and cloudy, with a light shower of rain.

July 3. We started for the upper ferry on the Missouri River. Travelled within seven miles of the ferry and camped.

July 4. Fine weather and am herding cattle in the forenoon; in the afternoon traveled to the ferry.

July 5. Monday. At four o'clock p.m. we started across the river with the first load. Continued until about six o'clock.

July 6. In the morning there came up a very hard storm and after it cleared off they took the other wagons across the river, then we traveled as far as Miller's camp and there we waited for the other part of the company.

July 7. Another heavy shower.

July 8. Organized our company and started for the Elkhorn River. Traveled eight miles.

July 9. Came to the Papyo [Pappea] Creek and stayed in a shower.

July 10. Drove to Elkhorn [Elk Horn] River, crossed over and camped.

July 11. Went from Elkhorn to the Liberty Pole.

July 12. Drove four miles the fore part of the day and saw four graves; in the afternoon to Timber Island.

July 13. On to Shell Creek and took dinner. In the afternoon went six miles farther to a spring.

July 14. Traveled on to the river, within ten miles of Loop Fork, ate dinner; saw three graves.

July 15. Arrived at the Loop [Loup] Fork about ten o'clock in the a.m. In afternoon crossed the ferry.

July 16. Passed Snow's Company and started on our journey again. Went eight miles and camped on the river bank.

July 17. Traveled from the river around the Bluffs and over the small bluff and camped one mile from the river on the East side of the sand hills.

July 18. Sunday. Stopped until in the afternoon, then went on to the last camping ground on the Loop Fork, there camped within twenty-two miles of the Prairie Creek.

Mon. 19. Traveled sixteen miles over the bluffs.

Tues. 20. On over the sand hills and camped on Prairie Creek

Wed. 21. Nooned on Wood River and camped on the Highland Prairie.

Thurs. 22. Went eighteen miles and camped near Grand Island on the river.

Fri. 23. Traveled on ten miles and nooned on the Platt[e] River. In afternoon traveled on six miles beyond Fort Kearney and camped.

Sat. 24. We buried my sister-in-law's (Sarrah Galiher's) child out of the second Company of ten; then traveled on and nooned at Elm Creek. In afternoon went on and forded Buffalo Creek and camped within four miles of the river.

Sun. 25. Went on to the river, and stopped to rest, where we saw a number of buffalo.

Mon. 26. Went eight miles and killed two buffalo.

Tues. 27. Went eight miles and stopped to mend wagons and dry buffalo meat, at what we called Indian Island.

Wed. 28. Worked at setting tire and washing, but no buffalo dried.

Thurs. 29. Traveled nine miles and nooned at Sandy Point and camped on Skunk Creek, six miles East of the crossing.

Fri. 30. Nooned at the big Cold Spring, at the head of the Pawnee Swamp, and camped on Carrion Creek and had a very interesting dance. Brother Mathias Cowley, the father of Apostle Cowley, was standing guard that night, and passing them crying the hours of the night, said "Nine o'clock in advance; all is right; and oh, how I wish I could dance with you tonight."

August 1. Sun. Traveled six miles and came to the first sand hills, and nooned on the bank of the Platte River. Took a new cut-off and saved a distance of two and one-half miles through the sand. Past Curtis' Company and drove on to a small creek and camped.

Mon. Aug. 2. Traveled six and one-half miles and then came to another heavy sand bluff, a distance of two miles heavy sand. Passed over and on. Passed a number of springs and streams, and saw heaps of hail where there was a tremendous hail storm. Passed Goose Creek and camped on Sandy Creek.

Tues. 3. Started in sight of four Companies; went fourteen miles and nooned on the river bank; passed Cedar Bluff in the afternoon went nine miles; camped on the Platte River within one mile of the third sand hill, three-quarters of a mile West of Pond Creek.

Wed. 4. Crossed over the sand hill, and drove about six miles and nooned on the bank of the Platte. In the afternoon passed Watch Creek and camped on the Castle Creek, near Castle Bluff, and left Capt. Wemor of the Fifteenth Company in the rear.

Thurs. 5. Went eight miles and nooned on the river; in the p.m. made seven miles and camped on the river.

Fri. 6. Went eight miles; passed Crab Creek and nooned at Rocky Bluffs. In afternoon passed four dry creeks, and cobble hills and camped at the ancient Bluff Ruins.

Sat. 7. Traveled over eight miles of sandy road and nooned on the river. In the p.m. passed the Eighth, Twelfth, and Thirteenth Companies and camped on the river opposite the Court House Bluff.

Sun. 8. Rested, and had meeting in the afternoon. Had some sickness and one death, Brother William Mason. Second Company passed us.

Mon. 9. Nooned on the river bank and camped opposite the Chimney Rock.

Tues. 10. The Fifteenth Company passed us before sunrise. We nooned at the river then camped at Scott's Bluffs.

Wed. 11. Passed Fourteenth Company and Capt. [John B.] Walker and company. Nooned at Spring Creek and camped on the bank of the Platte River, in sight of Laramie Peak.

Thurs. 12. Passed about two hundred Indians on their way Eastward on a buffalo hunt. We traveled over sandy road and nooned on the river. In the morning we left Browning's ten behind to mend a wagon. We camped on the river that night.

Fri. 13. Raining in the morning very hard, and we went through heavy sand. Nooned on timber. Passed a number of Indians and eighth and twelfth companies. We camped near an Indian village, six miles East of Fort Laramie.

Sat. 14. In the morning some cattle got scattered among two companies.

Sun. 15. Camped four and one-half miles West of Laramie, then lay by until in the afternoon and drove up to the upper Ford, two miles above then crossed over on the South side.

Mon. 16. Left the river and traveled over a very rough and rocky, hilly road; nooned near the Lime Kiln spring. In the p.m. went seven miles to Bitter Cottonwood Creek and camped.

Tues. Aug. 17. Traveled on some more high hilly road and nooned on the river north of Rock Springs. In p.m. went on to Horse Shoe [Horseshoe] Creek and camped.

Wed. 18. Went eight miles and nooned on the Platte River again; then traveled eight miles; passed a number of Indians.

Thurs. 19. Crossed over the Platte River on to the North side again, and went eight miles and nooned near the river. Killed one buffalo found no feed. In the afternoon eight miles and camped on the river. While corralling a wind arose and it got very cloudy, much signs of storm but no rain fell.

Fri. 2 0. Went about twelve miles over a tremendously bad rock road. Struck the river and formed a corral and stopped to rest and sent out some hunters for buffalo. Killed three but none were brought into camp.

Sat. 21. Shoeing cattle and setting tires until noon, then started on and went eight miles through dust, wind and sand, then camped in a grove of trees on the river.

Sun. 22. One buffalo was killed and I shot one which was left. After drying the other meat we traveled on within four miles of Deer Creek, nooned on the south side and camped within two miles of it.

Mon. 23. Went two miles beyond Deer Creek and stopped to set tires and mend wagons. In the evening had a dance.

Tues. 24. Killed one buffalo while in search of coal to do our black-smithing with. In the afternoon burned coal and in the evening spent our time in dancing, which lasted until eleven o'clock with from three to four sets on the green at once.

Wed. 25. Setting tires and killing buffalos. Only three were killed and two were brought into camp. One ox lost.

Thurs. 26. Still labored at the hard work then danced at night until 2 o'clock with four to five sets on the grass at the same time.

Fri. 27. Captain Miller, together with Brother Hyde, left with two tens. Then the sport was over, which left us in a lonesome condition.

Sat. 28. We all took the track and followed after. Left one cow behind. Nooned at a grove on the Platte, p.m. traveled eight m. Camped on the Platte. Good feed.

Sun. 29. Drove within three miles of the ferry and nooned on the river. p.m. Crossed over to the North side again and camped two miles ahead.

Mon. 30. Killed one buffalo but it was too old and poor to use. Traveled nine miles and nooned on the Platte where the road leaves it. In the p.m. traveled twenty-four miles to Spring Creek. Camped late in the evening and no feed.

Tues. 31. In the morning, no cattle. Hunted until noon, then found them. Started on, passed Prospect hill and camped on Sage Spring Creek. Very cold, and windy. Rain and thunder.

Wed. Sept. 1. Passed Greasewood Creek, and the heavy sand and stopped on Sweet Water, near the Saleratus Lake. Gathered our supply of saleratus then traveled one mile past Independence Rock and camped. Air cold and h[e]avey frost.

Thurs. 2. Sun shines hot. Passed the Devil's Gate and Traveling Post and went eight miles and nooned on the banks of the Sweet Water. In the afternoon separated the two remaining tens and traveled along in camp formed a corral of sixteen wagons.

Fri. 3. Traveled over very heavy sand. Nooned on Sweet Water. In p.m. more sand and hard road. In the evening corralled on good feed and met some of the Brethren, coming back to meet the poor, one of which read to us a letter from the Presidency, concerning commencing a settlement on Green River.

Sat. 4. Traveled seven miles and nooned on the stream. In p.m. traveled through between two chains of mountains, crossed the Sweet Water three times and camped on the North side near where the road leaves and turns round another mountain.

Sun. 5. Passed the fourth crossing of the stream. Passed Ice Spring and the sixteen mile Prairie, and camped on the fifth crossing of Sweet Water. Poor feed and cattle scattered in the morning.

Mon. 6. Went six miles to good feed and camped for the day. Night cold and frosty.

Tues. 7. Passed over the "Winding Cable Hills" and three alkali lakes. At noon was caught in a very heavy wind storm and a little rain. In the p.m. passed Swamp Creek and Strawberry Creek and camped on Willow Creek. No feed.

Wed. 8. Started out before daylight to the last crossing on Sweet Water where we lay all day and let the cattle feed.

Thurs. 9. Again took up the line of march across the dividing ridges and through South Pass and camped that night on Pacific Creek.

Fri. 10. Traveled eight miles and nooned on Pacific Creek, among Alkali and sage brush, but no grass. p.m. Traveled till night and camped on a dry creek. Drove our cattle over the hills to water and feed.

Sat. 11. Traveled again and nooned on the sand without water or feed. It was very hot. p.m. Camped on Sandy.

Sun. 12. Team passed again. Struck the main road to seven miles and nooned on Big Cottonwood. In the p.m. went eight miles and camped where the road and Sandy comes together.

Mon. 13. Nooned on Green River at the ford. In p.m. went to where the road leaves the river and camped.

Tues. 14. Passed the big drove of sheep on the hillside. Went seven miles and nooned on the hills. In p.m. we had a very heavy wind storm just as we started. Went on through the dust and wind till we struck Black's Fork and camped where we had hard rain and windstorm.

Wed. Sept. 15. p.m. Started out just after a hard storm and went two miles and stopped for another hard storm. After it was over we started again. Went to Hans [Ham's] Fork, crossed over and camped on Black's Fork. Cold again.

Thurs. 16. Traveled fourteen miles, crossed Black's Fork and camped on the stream.

Fri. 17. Crossed Black's Fork. One birth. One ox lost. Went two miles and camped on stream to let our cattle rest, and to bake.

Sat. 18. Very cold and a little snow. In the evening we met together and had a feast and then had a meeting, which went off very well.

Sun. 19. Again started on. The snow shone white on the mountains but the day was fine and warm. Went twelve miles and nooned at Bridger. p.m. Traveled over top of the mountain and camped.

Mon. 20. Passed Clear Creek and mountain and nooned on Muddy Fork, where we met a nice number of brethren on their way to the states. Went over the hills and camped on the mountain.

Tues. 21. Clear and cool. Passed over one high mountain and met a company going on missions. Passed Sulphur Creek and camped on Bear River.

Wed. 22. Cool and rainy. Traveled nine and one-fourth miles and nooned on Yellow Creek. Went over the Summit and camped at Saints Cave.

Thurs 23. Went fifteen miles and camped under a very high peak of a mountain, at a cold spring.

Fri. 24. Went ten miles and over very bad roads and a high mountain. After this we camped on the Weber River.

Sat. 25. Employed at mending wagons broke the day before.

Sun. 26. Crossed Weber ford and nooned at Pratts. Passed the afternoon camped on a small creek eight miles from the Big Mountain.

Mon. 27. Went ten miles up Canyon Creek, a very rough road and camped on the same, near foot of mountain.

Tues. 28. Climbed the Big Mountain and met Henry Nelson near the summit, and camped at the foot of Little Mountain.

Wed. 29. Went over Little Mountain and camped in the Canyon eight miles from Salt Lake City. and I in company with others went to the City at four o'clock.

Thurs. 30. Stormy and cold. We hitched up and drove down in the City to Brother D. Spencer's and stopped that night. In the morning the mountains were covered with snow and still snowing in the City.