Transcript for Carroll, Willard, [Reminiscences], 2-3, in Daughters of Utah Pioneers Kane County Company, "Histories of Early Pioneers of Orderville and Kane County, Utah," comp. Hattie Esplin
To resume, we travelled North Platt[e] with out much excitement, seeing many antilope, some bears and one buffalo, had one severe wind storm which ripped our wagon covers—we had to wait eight weeks for our imagrants and being from the nearest-bye town our train had to wait till last, loading with over 800 souls, 740 of which were Scandinavions. We had one stampede and one mutiny. The teamsters of Capt. John Gillispie rebelled at one time but were soon reconciled. Myself and B.A. Norris with two young men were called to wait for some delayed baggage and did not catch the train till we got to the sweet water. There was a gang of horse thieves and we had to guard our horses every night, half the night each. The train reached Salt Lake City in time for the October Conference 1868. Those of us who lived east of Salt Lake City and had imagrants who desired to go there were permitted to do so—I being one of that number. I had for passengers William Bancroft and wife Mary and son William, an old lady whose name I do not remember and also a man whose name I do not know, the aged ones rode all the way.