
Transcript for Carson, Elvira Egbert, Memoirs 1901

They [ Elvira, her husband, and family ] left Garden Grove for Great Salt Lake Valley in 1851 and traveled in Capt. Walton’s Company as also did her father’s family.

Several incidents of the trip to the tops of the mountains are worth mentioning. One, a stampede of the animals where a woman was killed, trampled to death by the oxen and wagons. Grandmother [Elvira] stated that they had been advised to stay with their wagons while they were stampeding and not try to jump out, and this woman, in fright, had attempted to free herself from the wagon and met death as a result.

Another interesting circumstance was when, near Utah, they had run out of flour. A prayer of her heart was that her children would not cry for something to eat; on the day in question, when they camped for the night, she spread down a sheet and shook a cracker sack free of crumbs, and told her three children that that was their supper. They crawled around and gathered up every crumb, and went to bed without a whimper. When morning came, she was able to borrow a pan of flour, which along with milk they had, she was able to make it last until they arrived in the valley Sept. 25, 1851.