
Transcript for Catharine E. Mehring Wooley's journal transcribed by J. Cecil Alter and printed in serial in "In the Beginning: Diaries of Mormon Pioneers," Salt Lake Telegram


In the Beginning


We were married May 21st, 1846, in Nauvoo. Crossed the Mississippi river in June, leaving Nauvoo for the unknown west. We traveled as far as Winter Quarters, and there remained until the spring of 1848. Mr. [Samuel A.] Woolley and his brother, Edwin D., having been called to take charge of the store at Winter Quarters during the summer and winter of 1847. Early in May, 1848, we prepared for the journey to the valleys of the Rockies. One hundred wagons were in the company headed by President Brigham Young, who had returned from Great Salt Lake valley to accompany the first division of emigrants of this year.

We were assembled about four miles out of Winter Quarters, ready to start for Elk Horn river, 12 miles distant, as soon as Brigham Young's family arrived. They came into camp about dusk the 26th of May, 1848. Mr. Woolley stood guard this night.

May 27. Fair. Started early this morning and traveled without any accident, only Old Magablie's oxen broke their yoke. Arrived at the Elk Horn about 4 o'clock. All well.

Sunday, 28th. Mr. Woolley went to hunt gooseberries. Sister Billings and Elizabeth Colvert came to see me this afternoon; made arrangements for Elizabeth to go with us to the mountains.

Tuesday, 30th. Arranged the companies for our journey. Fell out of my wagon, was injured some, but able to get around. I was prayed for immediately, and I think that helped me.


Death on the Journey


Wednesday, 31st. Laid by, and did some washing and ironing and fixing up; Mr. Woolley on guard tonight.

Thursday, June 1st. Sister [Martha] Taylor died this morning.

2nd. Buried Sister Taylor. Sister [Louisa] Pratt and I went and called on Heber C. Kimball's camp, after the funeral; found them all well and in good spirits. Ezra T. Benson and Orson Hyde came to see us; said all was well when they left the valley.

3rd. Traveled to the Platte river, 160 wagons in all.

6th. Mrs. [Lucy] Groves fell from her wagon and was run over, breaking her leg.

7th. Traveled all mixed up today, every person a captain, all in a huddle; traveled two abreast; divided into companies from their forties to seventy and ninety.

Thursday (June) 8th. Rain. Staid here (Shell Creek) all day. Fixed clothes and wagons.

9th. Traveled 18 miles. Oliver Duncan got his leg broken; fell out of his wagon . . . Samuel [Woolley] on guard.

Saturday, 10th. Traveled 18 miles; camped for the night at Loupe Fork river. Mr. Woolley and I took a walk, called on some of our friends; Sister [Louisa] Pratt accompanied us on our way back.

Sunday, 11th. Samuel went to meeting. I did some baking. John Warner caught three fish. David Code two; Franklin one, gave it to me. Pleasant this evening, moon shining brightly. We are still at Loupe Fork.

Leaving Loupe Fork Monday, June 12, 1848. Took a ride with Mrs. (Brigham) Young this morning in style; came back and got ready to start. Crossed the Looking Glass creek. Got drenched; fell in the creek. Came on to Beaver creek camp.

13th. Sis and I went after some greens over to the Old Pawnee missionary station, a large building. Got our greens and some gooseberries. Roads tolerably rough. All got over safe, only Brigham Young's wagon upset; no damage done. I feel tired and worn out and I believe all the rest do.


Kimball Reports Indian Skirmish


Thursday, 15th. Samuel on guard. Andrew Garver did a great kindness; brought a waterproof cloak and cap for Samuel so he won't get wet. Raining and very dark tonight. Samuel's partner lazy; went to bed and left S. A. all the work to do. Got a letter from H. C. Kimball today; stated he had some difficulty with Indians since we left them. No lives lost. Mr. Egan and another man were wounded.

16th. Elizabeth went to washing and I to baking. Had to move on account of not forming our line right. Heavy shower; the men got wet tying up the cattle.

17th. H. C. Kimball's company is crossing Loupe Fork river; 24 wagons; Samuel has gone to help. Some of the men are running bullets today for our own protection if need be.

Monday, 19th. Traveled three abreast until noon; after that two abreast. Roads very sandy and hard on the cattle. Mr. Alger lost one of his oxen, dropped dead in the yoke. Did not stop until midnight. Several teams staid behind on account of tired oxen. George, our teamster, was to stand guard, but went to sleep and some of the cattle got loose. Some of the drivers are so lazy the men can hardly keep from scolding.

20th. All the men in our ten were too tired to stand guard. Samuel did it, but it was not his turn.


Our Daily Troubles


Thursday (June) 22, 1848. No wood or water nearer than a mile. Dug wells about five feet deep.

23rd. Camped near Deep Dry creek. Not feeling well. Samuel has toothache again.

24th. Started on our daily troubles. Went 16 miles. Wind very high and dust very thick; hard on cattle as well as the folks; we are all covered with dust. Samuel at trial of a man who went to sleep while on guard.

Sunday, 25th. Came to Platte river again. Did washing and cleaning up wagons as well as ourselves. Did some baking. Samuel and George went to meeting; President Young spoke; told the folks to obey and all would be well with them. Rain tonight; we are thankful for it.

Monday, 26th. I did some baking; Elizabeth did washing and ironing.

27th. Elizabeth finished her ironing; I did some sewing. H. C. Kimball's company came up with us; camped about a half mile above. Unes [Eunice] Billings called to see me, also Mary Ann Sheppard and Mary Kimball; was glad to see them. We took a walk; called on Frank. Neff found them all well. Called at Charles Harpers. Charles Fosters and Mr. Sanders; they were all well. Samuel came over to H. C. Kimball's camp to carry Bub home. Got back a little after dark. I have the toothache tonight.

28th. Samuel was on guard the latter part of the night; went out herding at 3 o'clock.

Friday, June 30th. E. D. [Woolley] stayed behind at noon and went hunting buffalo. Got one, but paid dearly for it. The horses got stubborn coming back; the harness broke. The mare kicked him on the wrist; he thought it was broken; he is not able to work. He gave us some of the meat, but I don't like it. It will do when there is nothing better.

July 1. (At Cold Spring) John Webb shot two buffaloes today. Samuel A. brought one of them to the wagon. It was a sight to see, took four yoke of oxen to drag it into camp. We are overloaded with buffalo meat this evening. Went to see Elizabeth Foster and Mary Sheppard. Sister Pratt went along. At Platte river again. This is the last timber we will see for two hundred miles; no more wood; buffalo chips our only fuel for cooking.

Sunday, 2d. Meeting in the afternoon at 3 o'clock, and again in the evening; Samuel attended both. I was not feeling very will. Mr. Majors told the people to take care of their wagons; I carried it out; wet the wheels. Did my work and am now ready for bed.

3d. Holdrock [Holbrook] broke his axletree, and some other person did the same trick; went to sleep, cattle run around; Samuel, Mr. Harper and [Chauncey] Webb dug a well, but water tasted of copperas. Samuel on guard tonight.

Tuesday, July 4. Nothing to celebrate with, only corndodger and buffalo meat. Made a raise; had noodle soup this evening. All of E. D.'s children had supper with us.

5th. Had pot pie for supper. Sister Mary Woolley gave birth to a daughter; weighed ten and one-half pounds.

Thursday, 6th. This morning Margaret Alley came to E. D.'s to take care of Mary.

8th. Went on to Ash Hollow. Elizabeth washed and I baked bread and got supper. Samuel went across the river for some whip stocks.

Sunday, 9th. Remained in camp. Had meeting at 7 o'clock this evening. Wrote a letter to Elizabeth Hurst; sent it by some folks on the other side of the river from the valley, going back to St. Joseph.

10th. Bluff creek. Samuel dug a well four feet deep; plenty of water. I have the toothache tonight.

11th. Three Indians came into camp from across the river. Three men arrived from the valley this evening bearing good news.


Encounter Many Indians


Wednesday, July 12th. Did not get started very early this morning. There were many wagons to mend. Hard dragging this day. Came to Cable's hill. Aunt Minnie and I walked about two miles; went on top of the bluff to see Chimney Rock. We met 18 wagons from the valley this evening all in good spirits. Twelve miles today camped. Lots of Indians; they are noble looking fellows.

13th. Laid by to wait for H. C. Kimball's company. Samuel and a number of others went back to help them through the sand; all here tonight, camped a quarter of a mile from our camp. I wrote three letters today; one to Elizabeth Hurst, one to Sister Bailey and a third to Maria I. Woolley. Samuel took them to Mr. [Thomas] Bullock to have them sent.

Friday, July 14, 1848 - E. D. had his daughter blessed and named this evening; named her Mary Louise. Samuel and John dug a well but got no water.

Sunday 16th - Laid by this day. H. C. Kimball camped a half mile from us. Divided the companies in smaller groups. H. C. Kimball's in four and Brigham Young's in four. Samuel went over to Charles Foster's to get his boy to drive, as we told George to leave. Meeting at B. Young's this evening.

17th - Arthur Foster came to go with us to the valley. Samuel bought a heifer from George Grant; paid ten dollars for her.

Wednesday, 19th (near Scott's Bluff) - I got some books from Franklin today to read; read four today, have one yet to read.

20th - Brigham Young overtook us; told us we better bait for noon, and wait until his camp came up. The president and his ladies took tea with E. D. Started on ahead. Brigham Young's company went on ahead. Brigham Young's company and Father [Isaac] Morley's company corralled; we camped by ourselves. Prayer meeting in Father Morley's camp this evening.

21st - Samuel took our four yoke of oxen on the heavy loaded wagon across (Platte river); then came back and got our other wagon with three yoke; let Mr. Webb use one yoke; to get his heavy wagon over.


Fort Laramie Described


Saturday, July 22nd - Traveled 15 miles. Today we passed Fort Laramie. I went in to see the old station trading house. There is a high wall around the house. Inside the house there are five small rooms and one large room; blacksmith shop and stable inside the wall at the end of the house. There is a grave in one of the rooms. The new trading house is at the left of the road, but in sight of the old one; has a high wall around. We camped about a half mile from B. Young' s camp.

Sunday, 23rd - We are right in between the bluffs, and they look mighty blue to me. I feel terrible lonesome. Samuel is off fishing; Arthur herding; Elizabeth ironing, and I am baking. Samuel caught fourteen fish; gave E. D. five, Ellen two for their supper . . . Susan Snively, Emily Free and Margaret Alley stopped in to see me this afternoon. I treated them with saleratus beer . . . I took Bub [Samuel Henry Woolley] and went to see Mrs. Bullock; she played the accordion for him; he was much pleased with the music; it was charming . . . Got ready for bed. Prayer meeting in the corral.


Currant Pie and Colic


Tuesday, 25th (After crossing Bitter creek) - H. C. Kimball's company passed us this evening. Lovina Harper has a young son, three days old.

27th (House creek or Heber's spring) - There are a great many wild currants along the road; had some for pies. I don't feel very well. E. D. is nearly dead with colic.

28th - We traveled 15 miles today and the hardest rocks on the cattle we have had, up and down hills all day.

29th - Laid by on account of our oxen's feet being sore. This evening B. Young's company came here. Mr. Young not very well. Aunt Minnie was to see me this evening, and two Miss Giles, Miss Pratt and Miss Taylor.

Sunday, 30th - Got one of our oxen shod and E. D. got three done; we traveled 11 miles; feed poor. One of E. D.'s oxen gave out. Samuel and John went after buffalo meat; got as much as they could carry.

31st - Camped at Laprele river. B. Young's camp here.


Hold Evening Party


August 1, 1848 - Samuel, Bub and I went after gooseberries; found as many as we could eat; got supper, then went to the party.

3d - Hazy [Hosea] Stout lost one of his oxen; died; and Widow Smith lost one. We stayed here (at Crooked Muddy creek) until 4 o'clock to let B. Young's company cross over; tolerable bad to cross. Mother Angell rode with me this afternoon; spent a pleasant time. One of Sister Ashby's girls got run over; fell out of the wagon.

4th - Waited on B. Young's company two hours to get by us . . . Met Frank Dewey with four yoke of oxen to help us to the fording place . . . Camped to fix our wagons and get oxen shod. Franklin D. and James D. took supper with us; broke all my dishes, upset the table.


Songs Before Bedtime


Saturday (August) 5th - Elizabeth washed, and I did the rest of the work; unloaded my wagon and cleaned it up; Samuel got the tires set on our lumber wagon. Sister Powell took dinner with us; also Franklin, Dewey H., James Davidson, Mary and Ann Powell were to see us this evening.

6th - Elizabeth ironed and I baked, and mended the boys' clothes. Samuel and Frank were on the island; got currants; I baked them into pies; the boys took supper with us. James has the toothache; I made a poultice for him to put on his face. Sister was here; spent the evening in singing.

Monday, 7th - Laid by for cattle to rest. James brought his wagon here. E. D. and Samuel loaded it; put eighteen hundred on . . . Mother Angell took supper with us. Then I took a walk with her to the big camp. Came home; had singing, then to bed.


No Pie


Tuesday, 8th - Two of our oxen lost this morning and one of E. D.'s cows. George Grant and Squire Wells found the cow and Samuel got the oxen. James and Arthur got some gooseberries; I picked them off the bushes to make pies in the morning.

9th - Samuel spilled my berries so there are no pies. Cold and cloudy with some rain. One of our oxen sick (alkali springs). No wood, so we have to burn wild sage . . . Samuel and E. D. went three miles to milk the cows.

10th - Traveled 19 miles; could not go any further on account of our oxen. Came to where a number of B. Young's teams were camped.


Busy With Needle


11th - We left our ox and came on to Sweetwater river at the foot of Independence rock.

12th - S. A. and I went on Independence rock; left our names there on the rock; there were a great many names written there. Passed the Devil's Gate; it was a curiosity to see.

14th - Turned off the road to the river; Cahoon's folks and we came here for three or four days to hunt buffaloes. Andrew Cahoon, F. D., James and John and two of Cahoon's drivers went on the hunt. Samuel stayed to take care of the cattle. I did some mending.

15th - Elizabeth washed and ironed. I made a pair of shoes for Bub. The hunters came home this evening; got one buffalo; made a bonnet for Bub.

16th - Samuel and the boys took care of the meat and the rest went hunting; shot three more buffalo; sent a man for a wagon to bring them to camp; he got lost but came in at 3 a. m.

17th - The men did not get home until afternoon; shot another buffalo; all busy with the meat. Made an apron for myself.

18th - I made a dress for Bub and mended Arthur's pants. H. C. Kimball's company passed today.

19th - Churned this morning. Traveled 12 miles.

Sunday, August 20, 1848. Traveled about two miles. Stopped for Arthur to go home for some clothes. His brother came to the road, brought a letter from Brother John M. Woolley in the valley which gave us cheering news. Charles Harper came to see us from H. C. Kimball's company. E. D. and wife, Samuel and I went to their camp in the buggy; they were two miles back; had a pleasant ride; went to meeting, then came back.

21st. Put up for the night at Sweetwater river. Elizabeth washed a few things for Bub and I baked some, as it was only 2 o'clock when we camped. H. C. Kimball camped on the right of us. Porter Rockwell camped a half-mile below on purpose for a buffalo hunt; shot three this afternoon and one antelope.

22nd. There is neither grass, wood nor water (in the past 16 miles). Churned this evening. E. D.'s girl ran off this morning and has not returned. All right this evening, except Julia Baldwin running away.


Mince Pies for Dinner


Wednesday, 23rd. Horace Whitney's child died last night, and E. D.'s girl not back this morning, so I let them have Elizabeth and will try to do my own work.

24th. E. D.'s sow had three pigs, but they are all dead; wolves got one of them.

25th. One of E. D.'s oxen died. Six miles today. Camped three-quarters of a mile below B. Young's camp.

Sunday, 27th. Porter Rockwell gave me a piece of buffalo meat. I baked some mince pies. Brother Smoot took dinner with us. Maria Angell called to see me. S. A., E. D. and Mr. Canada [Kennedy] went out hunting. I did some baking, but was hardly able to do it. Sister Rachel Emma came to stay all night with me. The wolves are howling around our wagon; it almost makes one think we are in the wilderness!

29th. I did some baking this afternoon; the hunters back, got two antelope; we had a hind quarter and a fore quarter, Charley Harper one quarter, Canada one and E. D. Woolley the balance. Bub-Samuel Henry-was 11 months old this morning.

30th. Elizabeth washed for me; I am not well. Samuel and E. D. went to meet their brother, John M. Woolley, from the valley. Met him about two miles out. We were all glad to see him. Albert Dewey and Lyman Ensign came with him, brought good news.

31st. Fixed our wagons and changed the loading. John brought one yoke of oxen for us and one for E. D., so that makes up our loss.


Indians Friendly After War


Friday, September 1, 1848. Cold and raining. Traveled 12 miles from Sweetwater to Paradise springs (Pacific springs). B. Young a mile back on account of hail and rain.

2nd. Rain and cold. Half our cattle gone. S. A. and John and some of the boys followed them; they had gone ten miles ahead; a 20-mile walk. They concluded not to go on today as it was 24 miles to a good camping place. There were 14 of the Snake Indians here; they were all friendly; they have been at war with the Crow tribe.

Sunday, 3rd. Traveled 24 miles to Little Sandy river.

4th. Traveled eight miles to Big Sandy at 12:30. Had dinner; did some baking and a little washing, until sunset; then got supper, made a pot pie, then to bed.

5th. Traveled 17 miles to Big Sandy again; it is a delightful camping place. All well, except E. D. has mountain fever.


Traded for Moccasins


Wednesday, September 6th. Traveled to Green river ford by noon; had dinner after we got across the river; it is ten rods wide and a swift current; and tolerably deep; some of the wagons got wet inside; not much damage done. Traveled five miles this afternoon, which is where the road leaves the river; 15 miles this day. All's well.

7th. Traveled 15 miles to Black's Fork river. It was nearly sundown when we camped. Water is muddy. Some timber; not much grass near camp.

8th. Traveled 18 miles still on Black's Fork for the third time. All's well this evening.

9th. Traveled 15 miles to Fort Bridger. Crossed Black's [Fork] Four four times. Water is clear and cold here. Hard on cattle's feet, so many stones in the river bed. Camped near where we crossed. Some Indians and traders here. We traded some buffalo meat for a pair of moccasins. All's well.

Sunday, 10th. Did not travel today. Cattle are tired; thought best to lay by. Did some baking and some washing and ironing. Mended some stockings. Got supper. Mary sent me a currant pudding; it was first rate. Samuel did some trading; got a pair of moccasins for me and two pairs for Bub. Franklin and I traded; mine were too heavy and his not heavy enough. Got my work done and to bed.


Rain, Snow and Cold


Monday, September 11th. Traveled 16 miles . . . copperas and soda springs.

12th. Traveled 16 miles to Bear river. Cold and rain this evening. Amos Neff and wife and John Dilworth camped here also; they came from the valley, are going east. They took supper with us. I wrote two letters to send by them, one to my father, the other to Harriet Larinda. Not very well tonight.

13th. Traveled 14 1/4 miles to Cache Cave rock at the head of Echo creek. Did some cooking for John; then to bed.

14th. Snow and rain this morning. John started for the valley; we did not get started until 11 o'clock, on account of John's ox; he took sick and died today at 10 o'clock. Camped for the night on Echo creek. Had a shower of cold rain before we camped.

Friday, September 15th. Traveled nine miles for the day to Canyon creek; roads bad, so many mud holes and creeks to cross. There are nine Indians at our camp this evening; appear to be friendly. Samuel not well this evening.

16th. Did some washing and baking. B. Young's company passed today; stopped here for noon. Mr. and Mrs. Young and Mrs. Cobb took dinner with us. I made some tea for the girls. Samuel and the boys went after hops and service berries. Sister Garns [Margaret Garn] died today; they intend taking her to the valley for burial.

Sunday, 17th. Traveled nine miles; formed in a corral. Crossed the Weber about noon. Uncle John Young took supper with us this evening. Brother and Sister Webb spent the evening. I did some ironing and S. A. browned some coffee. All's well.

Monday, September 18, 1848. One of James' oxen was lost; waited until he found him. Traveled slowly today for the roads were bad and the company large. We traveled about 13 miles and camped on the side of Canyon creek. Passed Harvey Pierce on the side of the road; he had broken his wagon; has to stay until help comes from the valley. E. D. is a half mile behind us. A man by the name of Hendricks moved in between us, so we were ahead with the cows. Crossed Canyon creek five times, and all bad crossings. Mr. Ellsworth passed us in the night, going on to B. Young's camp.


Arrival at the Fort


Tuesday, 19th. Fair. Got ready to start, but waited for E. D.'s wagons; they came along about 9 o'clock. We then started for the second Rocky mountains to get over them, but Edwin broke his wagon, so we camped at the foot of the mountain. The roads are rough and uneven. B. Young's company two miles ahead. All's well this evening.

Twentieth. Fair. Some of our cattle are lost this morning; found them all except one. Samuel followed him and brought him back. E. D. went on across the mountain. James stayed with us.

Thursday, 21st. This morning we had a shower of rain. Got up at 5 o'clock to get an early start to go to the valley. Crossed the mountain and traveled about five miles until noon. Overtook E. D. had dinner, then started for the valley. Got to the fort at 3 o'clock, and camped near John Woolley's. All hands' took supper with them this evening. Found them all well and in good spirits; only their little boy is not very well. Went over to see Aunt Eliza Dilworth; found her well. Went back to John's again and spent the evening there, then went to our wagons and got ready for bed.

Friday 22nd. Changeable. Salt Lake valley. Got up and had breakfast; did a little washing for Bub; then Maria. Mary and I went up to the corral, found the folks all well. Went to Ensigns. Spent a few hours and took supper there. Then started for home. Called on Mr. Smoot and Mr. Pierce; Mary stayed there; Maria and I went to Jacob Weiler's and from there home to John's place. Samuel and I spent the evening there. All's well.

23rd. Went to John's until the rain was over. Did some baking. I cleaned my wagon; Maria and John took supper with us. All's well.

Sunday, 24th. Samuel went to meeting. I did my chores then went up to John's. Got some beans and beets; went home and cooked them for supper. John, Maria, and James ate with us. Bub not very well this evening.


Settled Down on Homestead


Monday, September 25. Packed up my things. Samuel got the oxen and took our wagon up to John's ; set the boxes off the wheels and put up our tent back of their house. Our lot joins John's on the west, being Third East and Fourth South streets. We are fixed up quite comfortable with two wagon boxes and a tent.

26th. Samuel gone to hunt cattle and I fixing up my wagon boxes and tent. Mrs. Hunter. Mrs. Taylor and Susan Wann took dinner with us.

27th. Got Susan Gusting to do my washing; paid her 37 cents. I did some baking, got supper, and to bed.

Thursday, 28th. Samuel started for the canyon after saw logs, to be gone three days; I tended to my ironing and did a little sewing. Maria Dewey came and stayed all night with me.

29th. Went to Mrs. Riter's to see about my bonnet; Maria stayed all night again.

30th. Did some baking; took one pie and some pudding in to Maria; did some scouring and a little sewing. Samuel came home today.

Sunday, October 1. Samuel went to herd and I got ready for meeting, but Samuel did not get back until after meeting time, so I could not go, no one to leave Bub with. I took off my best clothes and stayed home. Then the two Misses Neff and Miss Dilworth came and spent the evening; had some hot sling and pie.

Monday, October 2, 1848. Samuel went to the canyon again. I did my washing, then went to Aunt Eliza's to get Maria to stay all night with me. Maria Dewey, Mary Woolley and Mary Ensign took supper with me.

3rd. Aired my things and cleaned the boxes. Maria Weiler came to see me. Brought me three cukes. I gave her a skein of thread for them. Folded the clothes and went to hunt the cow; did not find her. Samuel got home this evening. Albert Dewey came in and talked until 11 o'clock. We ate a muskmelon.

4th. Rain. Samuel went to hunt his cow and found her in the stray pen.

Friday, 6th. The soldiers had their feast today. B. Young spoke a little while in the morning. S. A. was on the stand. Went to Mr. Riser's to see about making some shoes. I did some of my mending.

Saturday, 7th. Did some baking, then cleaned my wagon boxes, caught two mice in my boxes; they ate some cloth and brown muslin. Samuel is helping John with his corn.

Sunday, 8th. Samuel got dressed and went back to meeting . . . had dinner then went back to meeting . . . Franklin came and made a bargain to herd our cows.

9th. Samuel went to see about his lot, then went and helped John with his corn. I did my washing.

10th. Samuel, John and James went to haul corn fodder for Riser; got $3 per load; hauled three loads ... I went to Gibson's store; got a pound of chocolate and he charged 37 1-2 cents for it; he had agreed in Winter Quarters to let me have it at 20 cents.


Apology Lowers No Prices


Wednesday, 11th. Samuel helped John with his corn; made a hay rack. They worked until midnight.

12th. Samuel went after a load of hay for Riser; gets $2 a load. I did some sewing. Lovina Harper came to get material for a jacket she is making for Samuel; is to get 50 cents for it.

13th. Sister Train worked for me this morning. Samuel went to Riser's to make a shed and unload his hay.

Sunday, 15th. We both went to meeting. Maria Dilworth took care of Bub. We had a first rate meeting. Andrew Cahoon apologized for selling goods too high; but did not better it any. President Young spoke; told the people what he wanted them to do, and how they were to live. Samuel stayed to seventies meeting. Albert and Maria Dewey spent the evening with us.