Transcript for Charies Lambert autobiography, reminiscences, and diaries, 1844-1881; circa 1885, Autobiography, circa 1885, 26-28
...I started from Florence July 6th/49 to the val[l]ey with 2 yoke of oxen 4 cows & 3 heifers[.] we started from little Piegon [Pigeon.] I was chosen as Captain [of] ten wagons[.] the bottom for 3 miles was covered with water[.] the bretheren chosen to seek a crossing. concluded to move down the river for 12 miles[.] I did not like this so I went to them and asked them not to moove the boats down the river until Monday as I prefered to cross there[.] one said I was only a damned Englishman and what did I know but they finely consented to let me try[.] I with my Company and they where good with the ax cut down some trees and troughed them out so as to hold the wagons from sliding[.] made a sleigh 18 ft long[.] we was laughed at but when ready run on one of our lightest wagons[.] this was belonging to N[athan]. R. [K]Night[.] I asked Br Henry Woolley to go and fathom the slough we had to cross[.] it was up to near his chin[.] I said drive on and we landed safe to the River by the boats that setled it[.] after our Company had crossed the rest followed our example[.] I was then called uppon to burn some charcoal to take along for the whole Co <200 bbls.> which I did each wagon takeing a good sack[.] Br Allen Taylor was Captain of the 100[.] I had a hard crowd but the best hunters in the company[.] the Co. broke up but mine stuck tho it was said if I could lead them they would be much decerved
we arrived in S.L. City Oct 13th 1849[.] many things transpired on our journey too numerous to mention here but of importance to those concerned[.] (I must mention one circumstance here. I was very spairing in provideing myself with shoes etc so that when we got to near Larimia [Laramie] I was barefoot[.] I had a pair of slippers but they where done for also[.] it was a cold frosty morning[.] I was going out with Wm Bateman one of the Company[.] I said I wished the Lord would send me a pair of shoes[.] soon after I said will what is that why some of the cattle has lost their bells, bell says I[.] it is a pair of shoes and was just my fit[.] when we got into camp they called out what a Liar our Captain is now[.] it a cold morning[.] he can come out with a pair of new shoes but Bateman said one of them belonged to him[.] I told him it would do him good when h[e] got it[.] (I thanked the Lord for the gift)