
Transcript for Charles A. Harper diary, 1847 April-August

Left my home in winter quarters April 7th 1847 in a wagon with Norton Jacob belonging to H. C. Kimballs division and journeyed about 7 miles where we encamped for the night{.} the next day we heard that P. P. Pratt had arrived from England

left our encampment the 9th about 2 oclock in the afternoon and traveled about ten miles towards the Elk Horn{.} camped that night on the open prairie and next morning resumed our journey and got to the Horn about sunset

the next day Sunday we all crosed over on a raft and camped on the other side

Monday morning the 12th the twelve all left to go back to Winter quarters and we resumed our journey across to the Platt{e} and then followed the bottom about 15 miles from where we staid Sunday night and camped on the bank of the Platt{e} to wait for the return of the twelve. Held a meeting in the evening and decided that Bros. {Thomas} Grover, {Henry} Sherwood & {Stephen} Markham should take charge till the twelve come back{.} Br Markham gave some good advice relative to our duty in guarding the camp and observing our prayers{.} had some music and dancing{.} Brother Markham placed out a guard around the camp and then called upon the Bretheren to tend to their prayers in their several messes{.} I joined in prayers with Markhams mess and then retired to our wagon to bed. N{orton}. Jacob returned with the twelve to winter quarters{.} The weather during this time had been cold and the spring is backward{.} there is some slight appearance of grass.

13th the camp comenced making some repairs on the wagons cutting and welding tires and making axletrees{.} I commenced making 2 axletrees for H C K{imball} wagon{.} had quite a lengthy lecture from Markham in the evening about obeying council, about the first principle of the Gospel, what we came to this world to perform what we had prepared our selves to do while in the world of spirits; showing that it was our choice to come in this dispensation and had the choice of our lineage and the whole summed together was not very edifying to the camp{.} attended prayers and then went to bed

14th was passed in the same way as the day preceding{.} in the evening Markham cal{l}ed the camp together and placed out the guard

15th finished up the repairs of the wagons{.} the twelve got back about 2 oclock{.} where {Were} cal{l}ed together in the evening by B Young and received some instructions relative to our future organization{.} Br Jacob and I attended Prayer in our wagon.

16th were called together by By order of Brigham{.} after a few introductory remarks opened by prayer and then proceded to organize by hundreds fifties and tens{.} a guard of fifty were chosen to guard the camp by turns{.} Brother Kimbal made some remarks in relation to our journey and gave us some good advice{.} Bro N K Whitney also made a remark{.} gave some good advice about obeying council and saade {said} he felt to Bless us by all the authority he possessed before he left us{.} Br Nobles also expressed his good feeling towards us{.} We left here about noon and traveled a short distance and camped for the night{.} placed our horses and mules and cattle in a good grove of timber with plenty of rushes, an extra guard was called out for the purpose of guarding the same

17th traveled a short distance and camped about noon{.} I started out to look for a piece of timber to make a houn {sic}, found a good ashe {ash} and made and put it in H.C. Kimballs wagon

18th Sunday did not travel{.} was a cold disagreeable day so that we could have no meeting, in the evening we received some more instruction about our traveling and the order of the camp{.} the bugle was to sound at 6 oclock in the morning when every person was to rise attend prayers and prepare to start{.} the bugle was to sound again in the evening at half past eight when every man was to repair to his wagon and attend prayers and retire to bed

19th traveled about 23 miles{.} at noon the messes got back from W{inter} quarters

20th went on about 15 mi{les} and camped{.} caught a fine mess of fish enough for the whole camp

21st at noon got in sight of the Pawnee villiage{.} many of them flock around to gaze at us{.} went a few miles further and camped for night{.} placed out a guard of 50 men in consequence of the Indian chief being dissatisfied because we did not make them more presents{.} had a fine shower in the afternoon and in the night cleared off cold{.} I stood guard the last watch{.} we were undisturbed

22 the morning is clear and cold{.} we resumed our journey at the usual hour{.} crossed two brisk running streams during the day cal{l}ed Looking glass & and Beaver Creek and arrived at night at the missionary station of the Pawnees which has been deserted near a year by the missionaries where we found plenty of corn fodder and hay for our teams which had been put up by some of the Brethers {Brothers} last summer

23 This is a beautiful morning{.} some of our men have gone on horse back to seek out a fording on the Platt{.} we left our place of encampment about noon and traveled about 5 miles to the place that Miller forded the Loup fork of the Platt{e} and found it to be a very dificult place of crossing on account of the quicksand and the swiftness of the stream{.} we crossed over 4 of the wagons without much loading in them and that with difficulty{.} it was now night and we formed our ring for the night on the bank of the stream{.} just above us lay the rema{ins} of the Pawnee villiage from whence they were driven last summer by the Sioux{.} I went to the ruins together with many of the Brethern to get wood to cook our suppers{.} we surveyed the ground where the city once stood{.} the houses or wigwams where nearly all burnt{.} they had the appear{ance} of having binn {been} large and commodious{.} I was in one that had escaped the fire{.} it was suported by post set in the ground in the form of a cone with a hole in the center of the roof for the smoke to escape{.} it was 50 feet across the center at the base

24 the morning was clear and beautiful{.} we commence taking some of our things over in a boat that we had along but found it to be too slow a process so they come to the conclusion to put on team enough to take the wagons over without unloading{.} we tried the plan and found it worked well and all got over in a short time without any accident{.} we then went on a few miles and camped south of the bank of the Loup fork

25 Sunday did not travel{.} the wether is beautiful{.} I washed out my dirty clothes in the evening{.} we were called together and had a hiymn {hymn} sung and H{eber} C{hase} K{imball} opened with prayer{.} some of the brthern expressed their feelings that they felt well in regard to our journeying and mission{.} Brigham followed and said he felt well and that he {k}new we were doing right and that we were led by the spirit of God and that if we continued faithful we wou{ld} be healthy and be able to perform our mission which things caused us to lift up our hearts in thanks to our heavenly Father and rejoice{.} while the meeting was going on we saw a large wolf walking deliberately across the prarie near our camp{.} Brigham proposed to have a few on horses give it chase{.} but on a second thought he asked wether it was best to chase the wolf for sport or continue our meeting to which the breth{ren} said continue the meeting which was done and Brigham continued his remarks{.} he recommended that every 5 wagons have 2 cooks for the whole to save labour and provisions{.} he also explained and showed the true principle of many things in that when a man was cal{l}ed to lead this people by the spirit he would try to break every yoke showing that the law of Christ as a law of liberty whereas the gentile laws and usages teach to bind the yoke of oppression{.} they selected some men for hunting then placed out the guard and retired{.} Just before day we heard t{w}o report of two rifles and the report came to Col Markham that there were some Indians seen and the guard had shot at them and they had fled{.} the bugle was sounded and nearly every man instant{ly} was up and on hand but we saw no more of the sed {said} men{.} This morning I saw for the first time t{w}o antilopes on the other side of the Platt{e.} some of the men saw them the morning before{.} The night before we crossed the Platt{e} one of Brighams horses jumped into a hole and hung himself by his rope{.} This morning our ten consul{ted} the matter over of having two cooks and concluded it was best to follow Brighams request{.} I was elected head cook & Andrew S Gibbons for assistant{.} our company consisted of nine men as follows {cap} Norton Jacob & Col Markham{,} George Wood{ward}  who drives the cannon wagon, Lewis Barney & S. Markham{,} Andrew S Gibbons & George Mills, Joseph Hancock & John Norton{.} after breakfast we resumed our journey and traveled about ten miles and stoped at noon to bait our teams{.} we have had no rain and the earth is parched and dry and there is scarcely any grass to feed our teams{.} we then traveled until about an hour before sundown when we arrived at Gravel Crick where we camped and our horses were turned out to grase {graze.} abo{ut}  dusk two of our horses where {were} seen going off at full speed{.} some on horseback run after them but were unable to overtake them{.} we came to the conclusion that the Indians were on them

27 The morning clear and cold{.} four of the brethrn start back on hunt of the lost horses and we resumed our journey by striking across towards the Platt{e.} the country we passed through was dry sandy and barren{.} we halted about 1 oclock to refresh our teams{.} some of the brethern shot an Antilope and a hare during the day{.} we then travel{ed} on till we came to a beaut{iful}  stream of water where we camped for the night{.} we had a slight shower of rain{.} our brethren returned from the horse hunt without them{.} said they saw 15 Indians who tried to rob them of their horses but they drawed their pistols and the Indians desisted but fired on them as our Brethern retreated{.} about sunset a Rifle was accidentally discharged in a wagon and the ball struck the leg of a fine mare belong{ing}  to Lewis Barney which broke the bone and rendered her entire{ly} useless{.} thus we have lost t{w}o horses within a few days by nothing but carelessness{.} this day we traveled about 16 miles

28th the weather clear and cool arrived at the Platt{e} about 2 oclock opposite grand Island{.} refreshed our teams and the traveled a few miles further and camped {18 miles} for the night

29th started at sunrise on account of getting feed for the teams{.} traveled till about 7 oclock where we stoped to feed and take breakfast{.} after which we resumed our journey{.} traveled about 18 miles and camped for the night{.} we crossed during the day Wood river

30th the morning beautiful{.} about noon the wind began to blow cold from the north{.} this night we camped in the open pra{rie}  without wood or water

31st May 1st very cold and windy all day{.} we started before breakfast and traveled a few miles to wood & water wh{ere}  we cooked breakfast{.} after which we resumed our journey{.} we now came in sight of a herd of Bufaloe{.} our hunters started after them and obtained 5 old ones and several calves{.} we camped on a slough this night

2nd this morning very cold{.} froze quite a cake of ice{.} this day we spent in taking care of our meat till nearly night when we started on adont {about} 2 miles to a beautiful spot where we camped

3rd the weather is still cold{.} did not travel{.} some of the Brethern went on a scouting party and discovered a war party of Pawnees{.} they had burnt the prairie for miles which made the feed scarce

4th we traveled a few miles when we met a trader from Ft Lara{mie} {.} his company was on the other side of the river{.} they had seen us and he waded across to us{.} we sent letters back to our friend{.} 3 of our men rode over with him to examine the river and enquire the road{.} when they returned we had a council and decided to continue on this side of the Platt{e} for the present as we wished to establish a road independent of the gentile road for the accommodation of our families who should follow after{.} we then started on a few miles to good place for water and tolerable feed where we camped

5th the wether moderate south wind

6th a slight shower of rain about daybreak after which it cleared off warm till in the afternoon when it began to blow cold from the west{.} during this day we were never out of sight of large herds of Bufaloe besides numbers of Elk & antilopes

7th the morning is cold{.} the wind from the north{.} Brother Erastus Snow received a severe reprimand from Brigham for not attending to his duty when it was his turn to drive the cows and for trying to excuse himself{.} Snow said he was able to roll off any plea that could be brought against him and if he could not roll it off he would should{er} it{.} Brigham told him he would scold him or any other man when he pl{e}ased and he would put it on him so he could not roll it off told him{.} he was a lazy ma{n} and had neglected his duty and called on the people for a vote wether Snow was to blame to which they said he was and then Brigham told him to hold his tongue say no more about it and tend to his busin{ess} {.} during this day we traveled about 19 miles in which time we beheld nothing but one continual string of Bufaloe{.} the day was cold and at night as usual we camped of{f} the bank of the Platt{e}

8th the morning is cool{.} we traveled 11 miles during which time we behold thousands of Bufaloe on both sides of the river

9th the weather is still cool we moved on about 3 miles where we stoped to rest for the Sabath{.} had a meeting in the afternoon Bros O Pratt{,} A Lyman{,} Woodruff & Benson spoke{.} expresed their good feelings and said they thought the spirit of the Lord was with us{.} Erastus Snow also spoke said he repented of what had taken place on the morning of the 7th and asked the Brethern to forgive him

10th the morning cool{.} crosed 2 small streams during the day

11th still cool

12th {opposite fork north the.} wether about the same came about 22 miles the last 2 days

13th very cold{.} crosed a large stream where the bluff came to the river

14th very cold morning

15th still cold with some rain

16 sunday{.} did not travel the day cold

17th & 18th the wether moderate{.} traveled about 26 miles

19th slight shower of rain during the day

20 cold and cloudy{.} traveled about 15 3/4 miles{.} This day at noon we arrived oppos{ite} the spot where the oregon road comes over to the north fork where there is a small grove of Ash called ash Hollow

21st a beautiful day{.} towards evening we were met by an Indian & his Squaw of the Sioux tribe{.} they belonged to hunting party in the neighborhood{.} traveled 15 1/2 miles{.} saw some cedar on the bluffs on both sides of the river{.} the country presenting a barren appearance{.} camped on the bank of the river near some high cliffs{.}

23rd Sunday did not travel the day warm{.} Brother Fairbanks got bit with a rattlesnake which made him very sick but he recovered{.} he had with some of the other Brethern been teasing a snake to make it mad and it was not half an hour before he was bit by another snake of the same species{.} we had meeting in the afternoon{.} Brigham spoke to us said he felt well as regards the move{ments} of this camp{.} that a good Spirit prevailed amongst us{.} that we had obeyed every council he had given us{.} that we had done all in our power{.} that his peace with God was like a river{.} that he had never felt better in his life than he did on this journey and he felt to bless us in the name of the Lord{.} encouraged us to go forth in our work that we might increase in know{ledge} and understanding{.} He also told us that there were many principles to be taught us that could not be done on the Praries but in a house for that purpose and in a stake of Zion and said that all who were faithful should obtain those blessings and be perfectfully satisfied{.} Several of the bretheren spoke and also expressed their good feelings{.} in the evening we had a gust of wind and rain which continued blowing all night very cold

24th the morning cold with occasionally some specks of snow{.} we again resumed our journey the day was blustery and cold in the afternnon {distance 16 3 4 miles.} a party of 35 Sioux Indians crosed the river to our camp to visit us{.} they were very friendly and camped near us and were around our camp again in the morning{.} Some of the Brethern traded with them for Poneys, Robes, mockasins and soforth

25 was a warm fine day{.} traveled 12 miles

26th warm{.} trave{led} 12 1/2 {.} passed during the day the Peak called Chimney Rock in the south side of the River{.} Br {Orson} Pratt calculated the height to be 250 feet & {12 1/2 miles}

27th fine through the day{.} in the evening thunder storm{.} distance traveled 12 1/2 miles

28th damp{.} drisly{.} traveled 11 1/2 miles

29th wet & drisly{.} the camp was caled together about 10 oclock when Brigham addressed us and said it was no use to pursue our journey any further with the spirit that was in this camp at the present{.} there was fidling & dancing, playing cards loud laughter and discord on every hand and said if we did not stop and turn to the Lord we were a ruined people{.} he talked to us some length of time{.} told us we were surrounded by evil spiri{t} {.} that we did not know what we were abou{t} and that he was determined to know who were willing to forsake their evil ways and turn to the Lord by making a covenant and those that were not will{ing} might withdraw{.} said that those that persisted in taking their makers name in vain should be cursed and dwindle away to nothing{.} he asked the brethren if they were willing to make the covenant{,} to which they all agreed to{.} he first caled to his brethern the Twelve to come forward and hold up their hands and covenant with him{,} then the high Priests{,} then the Seventies{,} then the Elders{,} and then those that did not belong to any Quorum{.} there was 18 high Priests{,} 80 Seventies{,} 8 elders{.} Brigham recommend{ed} that we have a fast and prayer meeting the next day which would be Sunday and that we would not pursue our journ{ey} and felt to bless us and prayed that we would be faithful in osbserving our covenants{.} We then continued our travel about 8 3/4 miles and camped to spend the Sabath

30th Sabath{.} had a prayer meeting in the morning and in the afternoon the sacrament was administered by the Bishops{.} there was some little rain in the afternoon

31st the weather fine{.} traveled 16 1/2 miles this day{.} I shot a Badger

June 1st fine day{.} traveled 12 miles and camped opposite Fort Laramie

2nd fine wether{.} done some repairing for H C Kimball{.} We commenced crossing the river on a boat{.} got all over but 17{.} had some rain in the afternoon and evening{.} next morning the 4th finished crossing and took Breakfast on the south side of the Platt{e.} took a walk to the Fort and then resumed our journey{.} we were joined here by three families of the Brethern that had come from Peubelo {Pueblo} where they had wintered{.} distance traveled 8 1/2 miles{.} had a light shower in the evening

5th traveled 17 miles{.} camped at noon at what is called the warm spring{.} passed in the evening a small company of Oregon emigra{nts}  and camped about a 1/2 mile ahead of them on the banks of a beau{tiful}  stream where we intended to spend the Sabbath{.} had a slight shower of rain in the afternoon and some sprin{kling}  during the night

6th Sunday{.} cloudy & mist{.} fast day prayer meeting at 8 oclock{.} shower about noon after which we journeyed on about 5 miles

7th wether fine{.} went 7 3/4 miles to a small creek where we baited{.} traveled 5 1/2 to horse creek close to a large spring where we camped for the night{.} had a shower of rain in the evening

8th morning clear and coo{l} {.} traveled 6 3/4 miles to a small creek where we baited passed water betwe{en} then went on to Big Timber Creek where we camped 8 3/4 miles

9th clear & cool{.} Traveled 11 miles to a small spring where we baited then went on 8 3/4 to river & running stream {cal{l}ed alapier} {A La Prele} as large as Big Timber Creek to where we camped

10th clear & cool{.} went on 8 3/4 to another large swift stream where we stoped to bait then went on 9 miles to another large Creek {brigham called it deep creek} where we camped on the Platt{e} Bottom

11th clear & warm{.} traveled up the river 17 miles cross 2 streams in the afternoon

12th warm and clear{.} traveled 7 miles to where there was a fording but as the river was up we went on 4 miles to another place where we camped for Sunday had prayer metting {meeting} in the morning at 9 after which Heber & Brigham gave us good advice and were followed by Orson Pratt{.} yesterday some of our company that had come in ahead of us were engaged in crossing a company of Emigrants consisting of 22 wagons for $33.00 to be paid in flour & Bacon{.} flour at $2.50 for hundred #{.} the we{a}ther to day has been warm{.} the next t{w}o days was spent in getting across the river which we found difficu crossing{.} we swam some wagons but crossed the most on a raft and took our goods over in the leather boat. We also crossed some of the oregon emegrants in the same way

on Wednesday morning the 16th a company of us went down the river a few miles to get timber to make 2 large canoes to lash together to make a ferry boat{.} we obtained them{.} dug them out so we loaded them on wagons and brought them to camp{.} the next two days was spent in finishing the boat and crossing emigrants{.} We made the boat for the purpose of ferrying our people over when they came up{.} eight {9} of our good men were left there and one indifferent one throwed in which made 10{.} their names were {Thomas} Grover, {John S.} Higby, {Edmund L.} El{l}sworth, Stewart, {Appleton Milo} Harmon, {Francis M.} Pomeroy, Johnson & {James} Davenport{.} {{William A.} Empey} & Erick Glines stayed contrary to council and on his own responsibility

On Saturday morning we again resumed our journey and traveled 21 1/2 miles{.} The company left at the ferry were to wait till our company came up and then come on with them to us and in the mean time ferry all the emigrants they could get to

20 Sunday had no good place to stop so we traveled on 20 miles

21st again resumed our journey{.} got to the sweetwater about noon distance 7 1/2 miles{.} baited our teams and then passed by Independence Rock and then crossed the sweetwater and followed up the south side of the river and camped near the Devils Pass{.} so caled being a casin in the mountains of about 200 feet perpendicular rocks{.} I climbed over the mountains and found several basins of water in the top{.} I drank out of one and found the water cool and pleasant{.} distance traveled 15 1/4 miles

22nd still continue up the sweetwater over a sandy road{.} distance traveled 20 miles{.} during the day Lorenzo {Dow} Young broke an axletree and at night by request of Brigham I put another in so we were not detained from traveling as usual in the morning

23rd traveled 17 miles

24th 17 3/4 miles{.} the wether warm and the road for some distance back sandy{.} after the Camp stoped John Holman accidentally shot a valuable horse for Br Brigham{.} he was driving the horse up towards the camp and poked the muzzle of the gun to the horse when the cock caught his clothes and instantly discharged the ball entering his flank{.} the horse died in a few hours

25th fine morning{.} cross the Sweetwater and traveled up the north bank{.} in the afternoon we left the sweetwater and commen{ced}  making quite an ascent{.} the wether was much colder and we found snow in several places{.} camped at night by a beautiful stream of water{.} good feed but the night was cold and froze ice in the buckets of water{.} distance traveled 20 1/4 mi

26th traveled 18 3/4 miles{.} crosed the 3 branches of the Sweetwater and at night camped on its banks

27th Sunday journeyed on{.} crossed the dividing ridge between the waters of the Atlantic & Pacific and camped at night at a small spring which soon sunk into the sand{.} distance traveled 15 1/4

28th crossed the Little Sandy and camped at night on its banks{.} Mr Bridger and some of his men stoped with us on their way to ft John and they gave us some information about the country{.} distance traveled 15 1/4 miles{.} the wether has been warm

29th crossed the Big Sandy and baite{d}  at noon on its banks then traveled on till dark when we again camped on the Bank of the B Sandy{.} distance traveled 23 3/4 miles

30th arrived at Green river about noon{.} distance 8 miles{.} the wether has been warm and the country sandy{.} In the afternoon S Brannan came to us accompanied by two men for guides{.} he was expecting to meet us in order to find where the Church was and to find out our future Location{.} The company he took, around by sea were near Francisco bay and in good health

July 1st & 2nd warm wether{.} engage{d} in making rafts and getting our wagons over{.} a great number of the men have been taken sick within a few days{.} the symptoms are violent pain in the head and limbs but generally does not last long till they gradua{lly} recover

3rd {cool.} got all the wagons & teams over safe and went on down the river {3 miles} where we camped

4th Sunday did not travel{.} the disease spoken of still continued in the camp but not fatal{.} they have nearly all had it{.} I went in company with several of the brethren back to the ferry to help 5 of our men across that were going to meet the families and when we got there we met some of our soldier boys returning from the army at Pueb{lo.} they left the rest of the detachment at the Platt{e} ferry{.} we got our men over the river and then returned to camp

5th resumed our journey and camped at night on Hams fork of Black Fork of Green River{.} distance 20 miles{.} the day warm{.} the road dusty

2 6th crosed Hams Fork of Black Fork then crossed Black Fork twice and camped on the west side of the stream{.} distance 18 1/4 miles{.} warm & dusty

7 arrived at Bridgers Fort and camped on an Island form{ed} by Black Fork{.} distance 17 3/4 miles

8th did not travel in the evening{.} Andrew Gibbons was tried before the twelve for an assault on the person of George Mills from which charge he was honourably acquitted

9th resumed our journey{.} halted at a small stream 6 1/4 miles then went on to muddy creek and cam{ped.} distance 6 3/4 miles

10th traveled 18 miles and camped on a small stream{.}

11th Sunday did not travel{.} found a Spring of mineral tar about 3 miles off{.} In the evening felt some symptoms of the mountain Fever{.} pased a very restless night{.} next morning journeyed on till noon 9 3/4 miles{.} stoped to bait{.} was then baptized for my health by A.S. Gibbons and confirm{ed} by a number of the brethren from which ministration I received some relief this day

12th Brigham was attacted with the same complaint and he & Heber with a few of the wagons stoped and the rest of the camp went on 6 3/4

the next day 13th They held a council and decided to send on about 20 wagons to seek out a road while the sick recovered which was done

the balance of us remaining at the last named place till 15th about noon when Brigham & Heber with the other teams came up{.} Brigham had got better and we all started on together{.} camped near a first rate spring in a narrow valley with high rocky bluffs on the right{.} distance 4 1/2 miles

Monday night 12th I pased in great pain with the fever but next day I began to recover my health

16th traveled down through a narrow defile in the mountains and camped in sight of Webers Fork of Bear River{.} distance 16 1/4 miles{.} the day cool and pleasant traveling

17th the day warm went on 2 1/2 miles when we stoped on account of Br Brighams health as he has got worse and could not travel

18th Sunday held prayer meeting and partook of the sacrament and counseled together{.} we concluded to send on most of the wagons in the morning and the rest remain with Brigha{m} till he recovered so he could travel

19th according to arrangement the most of the wagons resumed our journey down the Weber a few miles then crossed the stream and took up a small valley by a route cal{l}ed Reeds Cut off{.} this was done in order to avoid the Kenyen {Canyon} of Weber River{.} camped at night on a fine stream called {east} Kenyen {Canyon} creek{.} distance 13 3/4 miles

20th traveled up the crick 7 1/4 {.} crosed the creek 11 times{.} the we{a}ther through the day in these valleys is hot{.} at night frost and not uncom{mon} to freeze a bucke{t} of water over

21st continued our journey up the mountains{.} crosed over one ridge into another valley{.} went down some distance then crossed over another ridge in to another valley{.} journeyed down some distance and then camped

22nd came up to the other camp that went before then all journeyed together{.} made our road through the thicket and came into the valley of the Salt Lake…

{Edited version of diary also published in The Diary of Charles Alfred Harper (1971), 15-31.}