
Transcript for Charles B. Hancock reminiscences and diary, 1884-1889

History of the Utah Indians as I learned from a Spanyard [Spaniard] in California July 1st, 1847. about May 1847 While in Los angel[e]s Cal. There Came a large Camp of Indians from the east and Pitched their tents near the river of Los angels[.] I had the Curiosity to go to their Camp and take a look at them[.] I had heard by some Spanyards [Spaniards] that they were a hostile Sett of Braves that enhabited the mountains and was en dread by all other tribes and even the People of California and northen mexico much feard them and dreaded their visits as they made their means and living by Robbing and Steeling[,] taking Captives of Children from other tribes and Selling for Slaves and if they Could not trade to Suit they would take by forse [force] horses and Cattel and drive them from the country[.] I saw from their looks and their behavior that they ware as Boaldoggs [bull dogs] for the many Scars Showd that they had endured many hard Struggels for victory[.] This Indian force Ware the Utahs[.] their War Chief Was Jim Walker known as king of the mountains, a thousand Dollars Reward offered for his head in California

His Brother Arofime was a Piece [peace] Chief and Honerable in his Position, They did not stay long in Callifornia but made their way out by way of the Cowene trail near Sanbernardino [San Bernardino.] They took many Horses and Cattel with them. Allthough the mountain was vary Steep trail narrow and Spanyards in hot Persuit yet through their Stratigem and bravado they made good their retreat[.] This trail was guarded by the mormon Battallion [Battalion] Some two months but they did not Come back as usual for a niew [new] Supply.

the Oald Spanyard informed me that he had traveled much in the mountains going up the Rioghilia [Rio Gila] to Santafee [Santa Fe] and then taking a trail North and west Crossing the head wattirs [waters] of the Collorado [Colorado] over a mountain down a Canyon to a lake of freshwatter and there was a river Called Spaniskfork [Spanish Fork] and on further North as the trail lid [led] to Origon [Oregon] there was a large lake vary Salt watter and in going Southwest toward Sanbernardiano [San Bernardino] there was Rivers and lakes and one Small Saltlake [salt lake.] These valleys[,] Lakes[,] Rivers and mountains these utahs Claimed as theirs[.] The Country used to be well Suplied with Buffalo[,] Elk[,] moose[,] Deer and other game[.] But not many years ago the Big Snow and hard winter killed them and there was but little game now and fish for their Support[.] The utahs ware a roaming tribe allways at war. The Shoshonies [Shoshones] on the North and utahs have many hard fights[.] I told him we ware Soldiers and Soon would be discharged from Service and wanted to go East to Our friends and asked which way we had better go[.] he said go now North to Sacramento there we would find a road Going East to the States[.] he said it would be only half as far to go accrost the Deseretts [Deserts] this way but we Could not Cross the Sands this time of the year[.] We bought 2 mules of him[.] He offerd to go and Piolet [pilot] us through for Pay if we would a gree [agree] to find him company to git back and we wait untill 1 Oct before Starting.

We took the Northen trail and Some S[e]ven hundred miles wandering in the mountains found us at Sacramento and the road leading East as had been Stated by the Spanyard

Part of Our Company Stayed and took Jobs of Digging for Captain Sutter which Oncoverd the gold for Discovery[.] those of us who Could took the road for the East Passing over the California mountains[.] When on top of them We met Captain James Brown an escort going to California[.] He informed us that the Pioneers had arived in a valley in the mountains Called Salt Lake valley Because of a Large Salt Lake in it and had Concluded to Settel there[.] They got in there on the 24th day of July It being the day we Started from Los angels to go in Search of our friends[.] More of Our Company returned to Sacramento and a fiew Continued on the Eastern Journey

Passing by the Donner lake we Saw the ruins of his party of 1846[.] Our road Lay Down the Truckey [Truckee] River up the Humboldt and to Fort Hall then, on Snake river[.] Then we left the road going South Some two hundred miles without any road By way of milad [Malad] river[,] Bearriver [Bear River,] Ogden and Webber [Weber] Rivers, found a Settlement of the mormons as had been Stated by Capt Brown Near Salt Lake