Transcript for Charles Smith reminiscences and diary, 1842 March-1905 June, 18-21, 332
after procuring other nessacaries for the journey i started for horn river where we were organized into one of the companies[.] brother Isaac Higbee being captain of hundred and brother Ira Spalding [Spaulding] captain of ten[.] we started from the Horn river on tuesday the sixth of June 1848[.] the same day we arrived at platte river 12 miles ere we staid the next day to wait for brother H[eber] C Kimball, he arrivd late in the afternoon of the next day[.] we then proceeded a few miles and campd for the night
the next day we also travld about 12 miles and so on until
Sunday we campd on the platte held meeting twice and then proceeded on monday morning[.] this week we had no interuption except a very heavy storm of rain on friday<thur> and Satarday <friday> here s we over took all the camps
on Staurday [Saturday] we had all the help we needed to assist us in fording loupfork [Loupe Fork]
on sunday we rested had meeting and a very pleasant time
on monday morning we proceeded being the 19th of June[.] we also traveld this week without interuption and rested on sunday,
on monday we travld again and so on without scarely any interuption until we arrivd at chimney rock[.] here we overtook the camps again[.] also some teams had arrivd from the valley to assist in emigrating. here we rested over sunday 16 of July
the next day forded the platte river[.] while we were busy engaged in fording this river their came on a heavy storm which rendered it very disagreable
on the next day we traveld to Scots bluffs[.] there was no feed ere for our cattle
the next day we went to horse creek and campd[.] plenty of feed here[.] we staid [stayed] half a day and then went on a few miles and so on until sunday
on monday we reached fort John situate on the Larimie [Laramie] fork of platt[e] river[.] i had this was 24 of July 1848[.] tire set-ers. we also staid [stayed] half a day[.] we then travl[e]d 12 miles to the wharm [Warm] springs[.] there was no feed ere,
we started at day light the next morning and arrived at bitter creek about noon, there was but little feed ere
the next day mov[e]d about two miles up the creek[.] ere we made tar[.] we staid ere until the 29th[.] we then travld about 8 miles,
being scant of feed we travld next day being sunda[y] to a small kreek [creek] 2¼ miles beyond horse shoe [Horseshoe] creek
31st we went to A Labondic La. bontei [La Bonte] river ere we staid untill
the next day[.] we travld ten miles and campd on a small creek
2nd of August went to A La prele river and staid until
the 4th we went this day to Fourche Boise river ere i had one of my cattle shed that had got feet sore
on the 5th we arrived at deerkreek [Deer Creek]
on the 6th went 9 miles up the main platte river from fort John[.] to this place is accross the black hills somewhere over one hundred miles being almost entirely barren except plenty of choke cherry bushes which caused the death of a good many cattle,
on the 7th came up the platte about 15 miles ere we staid three days,
on the 8th killd a buffalo
on the 9th killd a buffalo
on the 11th forded platte river went two miles beyond the ford and camp'd
12th went to mineral spring and lake and campd for fuel[,] wild sage and chipal
13th being sunday this being a paisonous [poisonous] place we thought it best not to stop[.] we went on to the willow spring
14th came to Grease wood creek
15 came to independence rock[.] on this day one of my cattle gave out and it was with much difficulty that i managed to reach into camp[.] gatherd our saleratus this day
the next morning 16 i went on the top of independence rock, in the afternoon we travl's to the devils Gate and camp about 4 miles beyond it,
we stayd ere over the 17th ere i set three tire
18 travld about 11 miles ere we staid until the
20th travld about 8 miles
21st went about 10 miles[.] camp on the river
22nd went 8 miles
23rd started to go 16 miles but one of my oxen giving out again[.] we staid at 12 miles
24th went to the river 4 miles ere we staid until the next day
25th. movd on again[.] in ascending a very steep hill we were met by some brethren from brother kimballs camp going back with cattle to assist the companies up as a good many had lost their cattle entirely[.] my team being very weak a young man let me have a yoke of cattle to assist me into camp, this days journey was only about five miles, i staid here until
monday the 20th of August we then went up the river 5 miles
30th went about 12 mil[e]s[.] road very dangerous to waggons, camped on a branch of sweetwater
31st went to Sweetwater 7 miles and campd[.] whilst ere we had liked to have been burnt up[.] we took some coals into the waggon at night and went to bed[.] sometime in the night the wind arose and blew the coals about which set several things on fire[.] nearly burnt my pants all away[.] the smell of the smoke awoke me[.] i got up in alarm and put the fire out[.] we staid ere until
sunday the 3red which day we left for the pacific creek and springs
the next day went to little sandy
the next day to big sandy
the next day down big sandy 17 miles
the next day to Green river
the next day down Green river 5 miles
the next day to blacks fork 15 miles
the next day being sunday we travled 5 miles to hams fork to over take brother kimballs camp[.] in the after noon we had a good meeting, this was the tenth of Septr
on monday the elev[e]nth went 18 miles
12th went whin [within] 2 m[iles] of fort bridger
the next day 13 went 1 mile beyond bridger,
14th went to muddy creek
15 went to a spring 12 miles
16th went to bear river
17th being sunday we traveld again to overtake brother kimballs camp about ten miles distant[.] We overtook them about noon, in the after noon we had a meeting,
18th went to echo creek
19th went to weber river
20 up a kanyon [canyon] 4 miles
21st went to kanyon creek
22nd went over the big mountain
23rd went into the last kanyon
24th arrived at the great Salt Lake City