
Transcript for Child, Warren G., [Journal], in Chronicles of Courage, 8 vols., 1990-1997, comp. Lesson Committee, (Salt Lake City: International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers, 1997), Vol. 8, p. 290

Monday, June 27, we commenced loading our wagons, all being accomplished. Our damaged wagons were all repaired. On the 5th of July we started our homeward journey, making about six to ten miles per day as our wagons were heavy laden. The passengers or emigrants, with a few exceptions, were compelled to walk, making a line some two miles in length when all were in traveling order. We arrived in Salt Lake City on the 16th of September 1864 having a comparatively pleasant journey, if there is any pleasure in a journey of this kind, which I must confess there was.

I think the Latter-day Saints could make Hell pleasant should the world get their wish and that should be our destiny. We would crowd out the devils and make a heaven of it. I do not know but that this is the way the world is to be cleansed. Althogether we had a prosperous journey with but few deaths amongst the passengers.