
Transcript for Christen C. Lee, autobiographical sketch, 16-17

I took 60 pounds [of freight] for Br. Marcus and 150 for L. Dastrup and 150 for H. Christensen and he himself came with my wagon.  I took a little boy, 6 hears [years] old.  His father had died and his mother had five children.  I told her I would feed and clothe him as my own and bring him to Salt Lake City.  She said I could keep him as long as I wanted to.  I now made ready for the journey.  I bought provisions for all of us that I was to take.  I sold my cow for $45 and bought a pair of small oxen for $51.  I bade all of the saints farewell and bore my testimony to them and gave the council to them that was given to me from the ones that were placed over me.  I had taken much pleasure in building up and teaching the Saints the true gospel since I was put in as their leader on the 3rd of Aug. 1856, and most of them have listened to the council given but a few have gone the way of the world.

In getting ready to go, everything has now cost me $362.54.  We left Omaha the 29th of June 1857 and came to Florence.  Here we were organized.  Cowley was to be our captain and we were divided into 3 companies.  I was captain for the 3rd.

We started the 6th of July.  We had very little grass for our oxen until we came to Green River.  We didn’t have any trouble with the Indians over the plains.

One wagon left us 300 miles from Florence, and another 7 miles from Laramie, and the third one the other side of Devil’s Gate.

We came to Salt Lake City the 13th of Sep.  All is well.