Transcript for Christiansen, Ane (Annie) Kirstine, Reminiscences, in Pioneer Women of Faith and Fortitude, 4 vols. ([Salt Lake City]: International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers, 1998), 1:578-79
We left the railroad terminus, at Benton, Wyoming, September 1, 1868. We walked all the way. Those who were able, were obliged to do that, so the sick and others too weak to walk might ride. The great exertion given to walking, coupled with the great anxiety over a sick mother and sister, held my attention. So I remember little of interest along the way.
A few days from Salt Lake City, our dear sister, Birthe, a beautiful girl of fourteen, died and was buried by the wayside, after a very crude and hasty preparation. She was wrapped in a sheet, placed in a rough box, and with the simplest of ceremonies, consigned to mother earth.
Friday, September 25, 1868, we arrived in Salt Lake City, and were driven into the old Tithing yard, where the Hotel Utah now stands.