Transcript for Clegg, Jonathan, [Report], 18 May 1897, in "Worthy of the Name: The Life and Times of Jonathan Clegg and His Wife Ellen Walmsley Clegg."
May 18, 1897
Report from Jonathan Clegg, Heeber [Heber] City, Provo Valley, Wasatch County, Utah State, America
I, Jonathan Clegg, came from Lancashire England, Preston. I was born february 16, 1816. I was baptized Sep 1837. I came to Utah in 1856. I came in Elder Edward Martin's Hand cart company. We, my wife [Ellen Walmsley] and son and daughter William and Alice, drew one. I daunt (don't) know weither you will consider us pioneers or not. I came in the last company that crossed the plains that season. We suffered verrey much. I daunt know weither you will consider us as pioneers or not. It is thought by manny people that we were worthy of the name. The circumstance of us is verrey low. We are in our 82 years and not able to dou much work. I ham the oldest member from England at present. . . . I remain yours, J. Clegg