
Transcript for Cobb, Augusta Adams, to Charlotte Ives Cobb, 28 June 1855, in Theodore Schroeder Collection

Little Blue, June 28th. 1855.

My Dear Lotty;

I am now within 31 miles of Fort Karney [Kearny], a good piece of the road gone over, my health is good as I can posably expect, haveing been a good deal prostrated with diareah and billious complaints while waiting at Atchison for the Company to start, which was several weeks many sickened and <some> died, among whom was poor Br Gregory, The water is very bad there....I am comeing along with Br [Kleber] Worl[e]ys family very comfortably....

PS Capt [John] Henly [Hindley] is our Cheif Captain[.] we number 46 waggons[.] when we arrive at Karney we shall wait for the other Company to come up the Texas and [illegible text] Company are on the way....

[Attached slip of paper:]
have safely arrived at Fort Karney
all in good health and Spirets[.] God bless you
Br Mc Millen [Willard G. McMullen] is the Capt of our ten
a very good Man

We expect to be in Salt Lake by the first of Sept if the Lord will.