Transcript for "Correspondence: Captain A. O. Smoot's Company," Deseret News, 2 July 1856, 136
45 Miles west Fort Kearney, May 29, 1856
Since leaving Laramie, we have made fair progress and the camp has enjoyed the best of health.
At the crossing of the South Fork we met the first Californian emigration, and since then we have passed trains almost hourly. Yesterday we met about 2000 head of cattle, and every company has a large herd. We have also passed several government trains freighted with corn for General Harney's command.
We have seen no buffalos on the road, and have killed but very little game of any kind. From appearances the emigration on the north side of the Platte far exceeds that on the south.
We have not seen any Indians since we left the vicinity of Fort Laramie.
May 30.—We have found the road to-day literally filled with emigrant trains, so much so as to crowd us much of the time out of the track. The rumor is that the Mormon emigration is tremendous; 5000 are said to be fitting up at Omaha city, and as many more at other points.GEO. A. SMITH.
By later advices Capt. Smoot and company were at Big Blue on the 4th June. [ED.