Transcript for "Correspondence," Deseret News, 22 August 1855, 192
[From Elder Chas Smith, Clerk of 2nd company, to Elder Geo. A. Smith]
LITTLE BLUE, July 5 1855.
Dear Brother:—I write to inform you that Elder Jacob F. Secrist died of the cholera on the 2nd of this month, about twenty miles east of Little Blue. He was taken sick while away from the company hunting horses near the Minehaw, and was left at the Vermillion.
Br. [John] Pugh, who was in his company, hurried on to overtake br. [Seth M.] Blair's company. Br. [Edward] Stevenson kindly obtained a carriage, and sent back to have him brought up to the company. Br. John Mayer and Edmond Ellis went with the carriage, and came up with us about 2 o'clock on Sunday morning.
The cholera appeared to have left him, but he complains of fever in his bowels. We washed and anointed him, and laid our hands upon him in the name of the Lord.
During the day, he continued about the same, and through the night. The next morning, while traveling he got worst; we stopped his wagon on the prairie; brother O. M. [Osmyn Merritt] Duel and myself, with two others, stayed with him until he died, which was at 1 o'clock, p.m.
The elders who were with the company concluded to bring his remains to the Valley with them, if a tin coffin could be obtained. We obtained tin from br. Jackman, in charge of Williams' train, and br. Stevenson made the coffin.
After consulting together, we came to the conclusion that the tin was not sufficiently strong to answer the purpose, so we buried his body on the banks of the Little Blue, where the road first comes close to the bank of the river.
We afterwards had a council composed of N. [Noah] T. Guyman, E. [Erick] G. M. Hogan, O. M. [Osmyn Merritt] Duel, Peter Hanson, and myself. Noah T. Guyman was appointed captain of the company, O. M. Duel was appointed to the charge of br. Secrist's effects.
Yours respectfully in the gospel of Christ.
P.S.—We are getting along tolerably well; the cholera has been amongst us, but generally light and but few deaths.