Transcript for "Correspondence from the Plains (R. F. Nelsen to Brigham Young, 6 Aug. 1859)," Deseret News, 24 August 1859, 197
FORT LARAMIE, Aug. 6, '59.
Enclosed you will receive the report sheet of the European Independent Company, which I have forwarded from the first convenient point.
We are traveling at a slow rate, owing to the largeness of the company and the lameness of our cattle, which arises from the fouls or foot evil. This will necessarily cause our provisions to run short, but I hope we will be able to arrive near by before we need supplies. I will travel as fast as possible to obviate this difficulty, but should we need assistance, I will inform you by letter or express.
Our accidents have been but slight and few, with but one exception, which was a stampede of ten teams, resulting in the death of one man instantaneously and breaking the leg of one and wounding five others; but I am happy in stating that the injured are recovering. We have no other sickness in camp.
Praying the Lord to bless you I remain yours,