Transcript for Council Point Emigrating Company journal, 1851 November-1852 September
Pottawatamie County IOWA
From the time of their organization until their arrival.
Into the
In the summer of 1852
Friday November 28th 1851. Council Point Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Was visited this evening by one of the Twelve Apostles Ezra T. Benson, and his assistant Elder Thomas McKensie. Elder Ezra T. Benson is one of the deligates that was appointed by the Authorities of the Church in company with President Orson Hide [Hyde] and Elder Jedekiah [Jedediah] M. Grant as Agents for the Emigrating Fund, to see to the gathering of the poor and superintend the Emigration the coming season and exert themselves in pushing the Saints unto the Valley. The Saints assembled in the Council House and was called to order by President John Tidwell. After the meeting had been opened by prayer Elder Thomas McKensie arose and read from the ‘Frontier Guardian’ the following,
1851, November
To all the Saints in Pottawat[t]amie,
Beloved, Brethren: We send unto you our beloved brethren, Ezra T. Benson and Jedekiah [Jedediah] M. Grant, for the special purpose of counselling and assisting you to come to this place, and we desire you to give heed unto their counsel in all things and come to this place with them next season; and fail not. Come all ye officers of the Church, and all ye officers in the State or county. There is no more time for Saints to hesitate what course they will pursue. We have been calling to the Saints in Pottawatamie ever since we left them to come away; but there has continually been an opposing spirit, whispering, as it were—stay another year, and get better fit-out, untill many who had means to come conveniently have nothing left to come with, even as a former Prophet said, “if a man will not gather when he has the chance, he will be afflicted with the Devil.” His property will go to waste, his family fall by sickness, and destruction and misery will be on his path; even so has it been with some of you, and soon will it be with more of you, if you do not hearken to this call and come away. What are you waiting for? Have you any excuse for not coming. No! you have all of you, unitedly, a far better chance than we had when we started as Pioneers to find this place; you have better teams and more of them. You have as good food and more of it; you have as much natural strength as we have had to come; our women and children have walked here, and been blessed in walking here, and barefoot too, only as they could occasionally get a skin from the Indians to make a moccasin, and can you not do the same? You can. And we say again, come home! And if you can get one good wagon and team to five families, and five teams to 100 souls; or no teams at all, more than cows and calves to your handcarts, you can come here with greater comfort and safety[.] when the Pioneers come here they had nothing to come to: while you will have every thing; and here is the place for all the Saints to get their fitout for Zion, even from all nations, therefore we say again, Arise and Come home. Elder Hide [Hyde] will return to your place with Brs. Benson and Grant, and act in his calling as usual; but you must not depend too much on him, for he has his private affairs to settle and prepare to bring on his family, and come with you; and we have sent Brs. Benson and Grant to bless you, and counsel you and relieve Br. Hide. Therefore we wish you to evacuate Pottawatamie, and the States, and next fall be with us all you saints of the Most High, and it shall be well with you if you will keep all the commandments. Oh ye Saints give not your heritage to reproach, neither sell your improvements in Pottawatamie to strangers for nothing. No! rather sell your improvements for their value or give them into the hands of those you shall be counseled to for the benifit of the poor Saints who are coming after as a concecration for the benifit of the poor. It is a day of sacrafice and those who are ready to sacrafice and do their duty, and come home they may save being burned. How long will the Saints in St. Loues [Louis] remain where they are? Arise and come with the Saints of Pottawatamie and you shall be blessed.
Brigham Young
Heber C. Kimball
Willard Richards.
After which Ezra T. Benson arose and exorted us, on the necessity of us as a people emigrating from these Pottawat[t]amie lands in mass to the Valley of the great Salt Lake so that we might escape the scourge and judgments that is about to come upon this nation for the rejection of the gospel and went on to show that this call for the Saints to come home has been the greatest ever since the Church has been in existance, that if we wanted to be blessed we must give heed to this call to come home, he said those that neglected the same would not attend unto this counsel of the servants of the Lord might expect to suffer loss and perhaps have to lay their bones down here, and we was to see to the fiting up of our wagons, and those that could not get wagons was to get hand carts, and those that could not get hand carts was to get wheelbarrows or a cow to carry a pack upon and so make their way unto the Valley. Then he went on to state the advantageous circumstances of the Salt Lake Valley that it was good soil, good houses, good water, and plenty of timber &c &cThen Elder Benson nominated our worthy and much esteemed President Elder John Tidwell to be the Captain of Council Point Emigrating Company. Carried Unanimous. Moved by William Parks that Brs: John M[orris]. King and Thomas Robins be his Counsellors[.] Carried Unanimous. Then it was moved by Captain John Tidwell that the brethren meet in the Council House at six Oclock tomorrow evening to take down the names of all those that intended to unite themselves into a company and also to obtain a knowledge of the strength of the same, Carried Unanimous. Then the congregation was dismissed.
November 29th. According to appointment the Saints meet this evening at six o’clock. Captain John Tidwell opened the meeting by prayer. Then it was moved by Captain Tidwell, Seconded by Orran D. Farlin that George Bowering act as Clerk Potem untill further arrangements were made[.] Carried Unanimous. Then we proceeded to take down the names and strength of the people and what we did not get down this evening we get on the 1st of December the Clerk going to the houses of the people for the purpose of receiving names.
The following is a copy of said list.
1 John Tidwell, 8 in family, 2 wagons, 7 oxen, 4 cows, 8 sheep, 6 hogs, Went on to Salt Lake
2 John M[orris]. King, 6 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 4 cows, 1 hog, Went on to Salt Lake
3 Thomas Robins, 8 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 2 cows, 4 hogs, 9 young stock, Went on to Salt Lake
4 George Bowering, 1 in family, Went on to Salt Lake with Telemichus Rogers
5 Telemichus Rogers, 4 in family, 1 wagon, 1 horse, 4 oxen, Went on
6 Daniel Shearer, 2 in family, 1 wagon, 1 cow, 6 hogs, Reported that he went on
7 David [Barclay] Adams, 6 in family, 1 wagon, 1 cow, 6 hogs, 8 young stock, Went on
8 Alex Ingram, 2 in family, 2 cows, Went on
9 John Andrews, 5 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 5 cows, 1 hog, 1 young stock, Reported that he went on
10 Thomas McKee, 6 in family, 1 wagon, 2 oxen, 1 cow, 3 hogs, Stayed back
11 Thomas Knowls, 3 in family, 5 cows, 1 hog, 2 young stock, Went on
12 Orren D. [Orrin Day] Farlin, 3 in family 1 wagon, 2 oxen, 4 cows, Went on
13 Samuel J. Raymond, 2 in familly, Went on
14 James Mckee, 3 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 1 cow, 4 hogs, 2 young stock, Stayed back
15 Johnathan Mckee, 4 in family, 3 cows, 3 sheep, 40 young stock, Went on
16 Hugh Mckee, 3 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 2 cows, 5 hogs, 8 young stock, Went on
17 Jeremiah Leavett [Leavitt], 7 in family, 4 oxen, 1 cow, 1 hog, 3 young stock, Went on
18 Charles Lapworth, 2 in family, 2 oxen, 2 cows, 3 hogs, Went on
19 William Watts, 1 in family, 1 wagon, 2 oxen, 1 cow, 4 young stock, Went on
20 Charles Merrel, 9 in family, 1 horse, 1 cow, 2 young stock, Reported that he went on
21 William Mckee, 4 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 2 cows, Went on
22 James Mathews, 2 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 1 cow, Went on
23 Joel W. Welden, 2 in family, 2 horses, 6 oxen, 2 cows, 2 hogs, Went on
24 Henry Rodgers, 1 in family, Went on
25 Rocksene [Roxana] Huntsman, 3 in family, 2 cows, Went on Went with Farlin
26 Elizabeth Smith, 1 in family, Unknown
27 Edward Pool, 4 in family, 1 wagon, 2 horses, 4 oxen, 1 cow, 1 hog, Went on
28 Eleiser [Samuel Eleazer] King Senr, 4 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 3 cows, Went on
29 Eleiser King Junr, 5 in family, 1 wagon, 1 horse, 8 oxen, 4 cows, Dropped from the company And again accepted in the company
30 Enoch Crowel, 2 in family, 1 wagon, 2 oxen, 2 cows, 1 hog, Came on in a later company
31 Franklin J. Daves [Davis], 6 in family, 2 oxen, 1 cow, 5 sheep, 11 young stock, Went on
32 John Yates, 5 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 2 cows, 4 hogs, 4 young stock, Went on
33 Ann Rodgers, 2 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 2 cows, 4 hogs, 9 young stock, Removed to Kanesville
34 J[efferson]. T. McCallough, 3 in family, 2 cows, Went on
35 John W. Vance, 5 in family, 2 cows, Went on
36 John Roberts, 2 in family, 1 cow, 2 hogs, 1 young stock, Stayed at Council Point
37 Mary Hall, 1 in family, Removed to Kanesville
38 Susanna Preece, 5 in family, 1 cow, 1 hog, 2 young stock, Went on
39 Andrew Whitlock, 10 in family, 1 wagon, 2 horses, 6 oxen, 2 cows, 1 sheep, 10 hogs, 3 young stock, Went on
40 Sally Rodgers, 2 in family, 1 cow, Went on
41 William Parks, 6 in family, 2 cows, 1 hog, Himself went into the states, his family went on
42 William Clark, 3 in family, 1 horse, 5 cows, 2 hogs, 3 young stock, Went on
43 Mary Skinner, 2 in family, 1 cow, 3 hogs, Again accepted in the list. Dropped, April 13, 1852.
44 Jane Ross, 4 in family, 1 hog, 2 young stock, United to Wm. Clark
45 Jane Mason, 2 in family, Went on in another company some few days before us
46 John Wright, 4 in family, 1 horse, 2 oxen, 3 cows, 4 hogs, 2 young stock, Went on
47 Pelena Booth, 3 in family, Would have come but was counciled to remain because of sickness
48 Ann Wilkshire, 6 in family, 1 cow, 4 young stock, Went on
49 Sarah B. Allen, 3 in family, 1 wagon, 2 oxen, 2 cows, Went on
50 Lydia Coulson, 4 in family, Went on in a company before we started.
51 Joseph S. Clark, 4 in family, 1 wagon, 4 horses, 4 cows, 2 hogs page 15, 8 young stock, Backed out. See page 7[.] Feb. 15th. 1852
52 James Watton, 3 in family, 1 wagon, 1 cow, 2 hogs, 3 young stock, Went on
53 Mary Southwick, 3 in family, 1 cow, 1 young stock, Unknown
54 Henry Garfield, 2 in family, 2 oxen, 1 hog, 1 young stock, Went on
55 John Enniss, 4 in family, 3 oxen, 3 cows, 4 hogs, 4 young stock, Went on
56 John Johnson, 1 in family, Went on
57 Thomas Hutchins, 3 in family, 1 wagon, 2 oxen, 2 cows, Himself died but the rest the of family went on
58 Thomas Hepworth, 3 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, Went on
59 John Hepworth, 2 in family, Went on Thomas (58) and John (59) Hepworth together sharing wagon and oxen
60 Adolphas Young, Went on
December 3rd. At six o’clock P.M. the company meet to talk over matters and to see if any arrangements could be made to get timber to make wagons, but as yet could not come to a decision.
December 17th At six o’clock in the evening the company again came together to consult matters and came the conclusion that a company of brethren go off and get some timber at a distance.
They afterward went but did not succeed according to expectation.
1852 February 3rd At six o’clock p. m. the company again meet to talk over their feelings and how near they were prepared for emigrating. In the first place was talked over the necesity of appointing a clerk for the company untill they arrived safe in the Salt Lake Valley and it was finally moved by Captian John Tidwell and seconded by Franklin J. Daves [Davis] that George Bowering be Clerk for the company[.] Carried Unanimous. Several brethren said they were making [Headw..] as fast as they could to get away. one said that he had all ready with the exception of puting a bottom into his powder horn. Captain [Tidwell] gave a short address with good and wholesome counsel about getting away as early as the first of May next, and he moved that we should meet once every two weeks to consult together and also moved that some writing paper be found to prepare a book for the company. Carried.
February 17th The company again assembled, to talk over their feelings. In the first place Captain John Tidwell arose and spoke on the disposition that there were in some to back out from covenants they have made, and said that Joseph S. Clark came to him and his counsellors, and told them that he thought he could not go to the Salt Lake Valley this year and that we were not to think hard of him for so doing. The fact of the thing we find by conversation him and his family, that they are a great deal tainted with the Doctrines of Charles Thompson, who has entitled himself Barack Ale and Beemy who is carrying on his operations in St. Loues [Louis]. Counseller John M. King. Then arose and bare testimony that what Captain Tidwell had said was true, for he came to us boys and told us as has been afore said, Counseller Thomas Rob[b]ins, Also arose and spoke of many things good for the company if observed, and also said that we as a people had unitedly covennanted together to move all away by our united efforts, and if we can take the one half of the poor that we have in this branch I believe that we shall then do more than any other branch in the county and we know the boys that is obeying counsel and that deserves to be helped. Again as near as the time has come, we may yet be hurried off, in consequence of appression. And again if the boys will back up the course that Brothers Tidwell and Daves has began, to get wagons by forming themselves into a company will be to advantage &c Captain Tidwell again arose and said you all know the circumstance that we are in and any of you that can come and assist in making wagons come and be on hand. Again would it be just for us to take big heavy boxes full of clothing that perhaps in value is worth more than the clothing and teams of those they may want to haul them, and at the same time we have had a pretty hard times in getting teams and wagons and we want those of the poor that expects to be took away by others to go and make bargains with some and if they have a surplus of clothing to part with some of that for the hauling of the rest[.] Brother Benson counseled not to take any big heavy boxes unless they paid down the dimes for the hauling of the same &c And again it is reported that we shall have a very large emigration this season, than has been before since the Mormons has been here. there is 2000 Saints waiting in St. Loues [Louis] to come on to Salt Lake Valley, besides an immence quantity of people coming on for California and Oregon through which cattle and provisions are to bring high prices. We want all to bring a correct account next time we meet how far they can help themselves and assist in helping others and who wants assistance and how much they want assistance.
March 2nd. The company again met, and the following is the account the members gave of themselves. Those that say they go independent are these: John Tidwell, John M. King, Thomas Robins, Telemachus Rodgers, Daniel Shearer, Alex Ingram, John Andrews, Thomas McKee, Thomas Knowls, Orren D. Farlin, Samuel J. Raymond, James McKee, Jonathan McKee, Hugh McKee, Jeremiah Leivett [Leavitt], Charles Lapworth, William McKee, James Mathew, [blank space] Welden, Henry Rodgers, Edward Pool, [Samuel] Eleizer King Senr, Eleizer King Junr, Enoch Crowel, Franklin J. Daves [Davis], John Yates, J. T. McCallough [Jefferson T. McCullough], John [W.] Vance, Andrew Whitlock, William Clark, John Wright, Sarah B. Allen, Lydia Coulson, Henry Garfield; The next are those that stand in need of part assistance Mary Skinner, James Watton; And the last is those that want helping in the whole, George Bowering, Charles Merrel, Roxena [Roxana] Huntsman, Susanna Preece, Sally Rodgers, William Parks, Jane Mason, Pelena Booth, Ann Wilkshire, Mary Southwick. Again since our list were made the following individuals has got on hand new wagons. Charles Lapworth 1, [blank space] Welden 1, Franklin J Daves [Davis] 1, J[efferson] T McCallough [McCullough]1, and Andrew Whitlock 1. And those where prospects are of geting wagons these. Thomas Knowles 1, Jeremiah Leivett [Leavitt] 1, Charles Merrell 1, William Clark 1, Henry Garfield 1, which will add 10 unto the number, but in consequence of Joseph S Clark backing out, who owned one, and Ann Rodgers going to another place. who owned another we are two wagons less than is down on the list. Making the amount of wagons that the camps is likely to have 32. Captain John Tidwell then addressed the company at some length. He said, It is coming close to the time for us to be going away and it is necessary for us to prepare our things as much as we can and all the wagons as fast as they are finished[.] I should like them to be prepared ready to a moment if required, for we are bound to go, and let nothing have any influence over our minds that may come along, and if there is anything that comes along that comes crossed grained unto counsel do not trouble yourselves about the same. I have my eye on a good many of the movements that is going on in our midst and I am watching them. there is nobody to try, nor any body else to counsel the people in this place in the Emigrating opperations but myself, and my two Counselors. Therefore let every one mind their own business and go right ahead in the same. Those that are placed at the head see that they are reverenced as long as that counsel does right, and out of that Counsel one as just as much right to counsel as another. Although some may not get sleep neither by Day nor by night devising scheems how they may gain power and whose work is in darkness because they are out of place, and there is a working that will have to come out some of these Days. I want to see this branch from here and it is better to get from here as soon as we can and let none of these things trouble us. And when you are tired of the Counsellors that is placed over you put them away. I do not intend to give the ground I occupy to any one illegally. I want to let every one know that I do not want others to go and tell; or counsel any that if they do not do so and so that they will be left behind &c Moved by Samuel J Raymond[.] Seconded by James McKee that Bro John Tidwell and John M. King and Thomas Robins be upheld by our faith and prayers. Bro Tidwell as President at the branch and also as Captain of the emigrating company. Bro’s King and Robins as his Counsellors in the same[.] Carried Unanimous. Captain Tidwell again arose and said, I see that you are not tired of us—we do all the good that we can. And I am well satisfied with the feelings of some in this place. Counsellor John M. King then arose and said, While he had been siting there, had been reflecting that we, were all poor, in temperal things and on the other hand that we were all rich in the gospel, some say it looks dark and that they will stay another year to be better prepared and if they by so doing do not find themselves in a snap I am not here. Captain Tidwell again said, That all was to take care of their corn for he had no doubt but that it will fetch a good price. and also those of you that have not paid up your tithing Do it forthwith and so have that thing all square. Moved and Carried that Captain Tidwell go up to the Conference held at Bensons Tabernacle on Saturday and Sunday the 6th and 7th inst. represent the condition of this company and also receive such counsel and instructions for us as the Conference may see fit to give.
On the 5th inst. David Adams said that he thought he should also be able to emigrate on his own means.
March 16th. The meeting tonight were postponded in consequence of the severity of the weather.
March 30th. The company again met and talked over their affairs as they had no particular business on hand. In the Midst of what was said Captain John Tidwell said I went and represented the Branch at the Emigration Conference, and that I gave nothing but a good report and the instructions of Conference amounted to this that they were to do all in our power to help ourselves and our poor away, &c &c It was finally Proved by Captain Tidwell that the members of the Emigrating company at early candlelight on monday evening next April 5th to ascertain a correct state and condition of the people who could help themselves and help others and who Each wants help. Carried Unanimously
April 5. According to appointment the Company met this evening and the following is some items of the business. After [it] had been opened in the us[u]al way, Captain John Tidwell arose and said the The time is fast drawing near that our wagons should be ready and seeing after our poor, when I talk of the poor it is those that is unable to help themselves away without aid for to come to the point we are all poor...and it is our salvation to know how we are going to the Mountains....we want everyone to act in his place, and also we want to know how many can help the poor, and who they can help. it is not my desire that one Individual should stay it is in the heart of the brethren to do well, therefore let us be anxious to do our best to assist away the poor. but do not strain and undertake to do more than you can, and so have cause to fall back....for I want to see you all go. The Clerk then call[ed] over the names on the list and each answered to their name what they would do. John Tidwell. I do not know as yet what I can do, but I shall do all in my power when I get things in a shape I will then tell you what I can do. I don’t think that I can take any one for my wife is sickly and will not able to do much except it be to take a little luggage for some one, for I have my tools and other thing to carry. John M. King. I am made up and shall have eight in our wagon. Thomas Robins. I am in a right shape, I take my Mother who through misfortunes since she has been in this Country is on my hands. and has been on for the last two years, and besides keeping her I have paid my tithing and she I consider is as much Church property as any one else. George Bowering. Made arrangements. Telemachus Rogers. I take one and do as much as I can other ways. Daniel Shearer. I can’t give any encouragement. I have no team, and I think that of sell my wagon and go as a pasenger. Davis Adams. I do not know that I can haul my own provisions as yet. Alex. Ingram. Suposed that he can go. John Andrews. I do not feel that I can take myself, if I can sell my things I can go. Thomas McKee. I do not know how it will go with yet. I have only got a small team. Thomas Knowls. It will be as much as I can do to fit up a wagon. Oren D[ay]. Farlin[.] I have concluded to take three Roxana Huntsman and her two children. Samuel J. Raymond. I shall go. James McKee. Supposed that he can go. Jonathan. I will try to be in the crowd with the rest, and I can not promise to take any more but my family. Hugh McKee. If I can take any I will. Jeremiah Leivett [Leavitt]. I mean to go myself and family. Charles Lapworth. I think of going myself if I can, it looks dark. if I can help any I will. I have corn to sell and if it should fetch 50 cents a bushel. I shall then have a tite pinch to go. William Watts. I would have a pretty good push if I am able to help myself away. Charles Merrell. Requires help to take away his family. William McKee. I calculate to go. James Mathews. Can help myself. Rachel Welden, Supposed to go. Henry Rogers. I can go myself. Edward Pool. I can go and have relations to help that is coming up here, and perhaps I can take one child besides. Eleazer King Senr. I can help myself and family. I can’t tell whether I can help any other or not. Eleazer King Junr. I can take way myself and family[.] Enoch Crowel. I intend to get out some way, my team is small[.] I have got one yoke of calves[.] Franklin J. Davies. I shall go. John Yates[.] I have seven or eight in family to take. J. T. McCallough [McCullough]. It is uncertain to myself. John Vance[.] Unknown. John Roberts. Unknown. Mary Hall. Unknown. Andrew Whitlock. I expect to starte whether I go or not. I am not able to take any more than my own family. Sally Rodgers. She has made her arrangements for going. William Clark. I intend to go and have six in family. John Wright. He means to go, and does not know as yet what he can as to assist others. Sarah B. Allen. I expect to join teams but will want some provisions. Lydia Coulson. Unknown. James Walton. He will go. Mary Southwick. In expectation of going. Henry Garfield. Supposed to go. John Enniss. He will go. John Johnson attached himself to the Company: and also Thomas Hutchins. he has three in family 1 wagon 2 oxen and 2 cows. he intends to go and can take one woman that is able and willing to assist in cooking. Charles Merrell. Susanna Preece. William Parks. Mary Skinner. Jane Mason. Pelena Booth. Ann Wilkshire and their families, still remain unprovided for. While the Brethren and Sisters were giving in their reports, there were several remarks made by different individuals[.] one remark was made by Andrew Whit[lock] about some of those belonging to him being on the poor list which he did not like, and sooner than they should go in that way he would work untill his hands were sorer than they are at this time for they are now sore with work &c Counsellor John M. King arose and said .....I do not want anyone to think that any one that goes to the Valley with, are on the poor list. I take them as my own family....I am acquainted with the road over the plains....I’m willing always to do according to the strength of my team.....And i[t] is a mans right in the first place to take care of his own family. the Lord requires this at his hands, and provide the best he can for them. after I have done this, I am willing to do my share to assist others[.] I could travel with a pack on my back but my family I am not going to subject to that. we have got a heavy load.....I hate to start from here, and have to leave one soul that wishes to go, behind.. Counsellor Thomas Robins, Then arose and said on the head of some saying that they did not know but that they should have to stay here and raise corn &c He said it was mean in individuals runing down traid and not only made it bad for themselves but for all which lives around them, and those that is so mean as to sell their corn for twenty cents should stop here and raise it, then sell it for twenty cents and then go to hell and parch it...... We can meet together and rejoice though our circumstances may not be so favourable.....I can not say in my own heart to go away and leave one family behind...take away the salt, from our midst or, Saints and what shall we be good for. and the country will feel the smart when we are gone...And I hurge upon you to take away the poor, for it tis high time for all to be out of Babylon....I feel thankful more than ever that the time has come so near for the saints to go out from here...our teams are young and is not able to bear much, or the fetugue of older and strong ones. I feel thankful to the generallity of the brothers in for what they can do. Captain Tidwell. Also arose and said. We came here to do the best we can. In the first place, let me be free and act for myself[.] this we all should Do when we are together[.] it is a volintery move. we are know [now] in, and when we came here to night, it is for every one to work according to their own feelings and means....When we come here I want to take the lead of these meetings myself, and if any one need a whiping I will do it...let us act upright and on generous principles...let every man be meek and humble and when he does so the [] will shine in his bosom....I wish to morrow to go to Conference. and give in the report such as it is; if we go away [illegible] And leave the poor of the branch we may expect darkness to overtake us, and every bit that I can do to help I will do, someone may take exceptions from this, but I am disposed to ask for myself, and do all in my power and want assistance for my wife, and if I cannot take any in the wagon and haul them, I will take luggage and they [] know when it comes to the point, take up with such as you can get, for you cannot expect to go upon flowery beds of ease. I do not believe in setting stakes for any to go by....I do not intend to dispose of what little I have to spare for little or nothing. listen to the counsel that we should have corn at 50 cents a bushel as a general thing to sell out and let us get all we can for our means, it is not wisdom to fool away our not let anyone feel discouraged to think that they will not get to the valley, hold on to your corn the Imigration will soon be here, for when the Lord promises through his servants he will not run back, we are tried and proven and at the very last will be something turn out that we do not see at the present. I want to report you as favourable as I can. I want it to go out that those who want help to dispose of their heavy box[e]s and be preparing, and part with all that is useless. I desire to do good. &c Brethren and Sisters let us all be on hand to do all we can. I will try and report you satisfactory.....And now Brethren and Sisters, The peace and blessing of god rest upon you all Amen. The following are those who have suscribed to the assisting: Ezra T. Benson one of the Apostles to the Salt lake Valley. Enoch Crowel 50 cts[.] Daniel Shearer 75 cts in whip lathes. John Tidwell 50 cts[.] Charles Lapworth 50 cts. Lyden Coulson 9 pair of gloves[.] Henry Rodgers $1.00[.] Edson King 50 cts[.] Telemachus Rogers $2.00 in blacksmithing or store pay. Orren D. Farlin 57 cts groceries. Jeremiah Leivett 50 cts in Corn or potatoes[.] Franklin J. Daves [Davis] $1.00 in corn or potatoes. Eleazer King Junr. 50 [cts.] in corn. David Adams 50 cts[.] Andrew Whitlock 50 cts. Proved that we adjourn untill a week to morrow night, carried, Unanimous.
April 11th Sunday. This morning while the Saints were assembled to worship the instruction which was given on the principle of gathering and amongst the rest. given the following were said by Captain John Tidwell. Which he learned at the General Conference......If we give heed unto the commandments given us respecting the gathering we can all be gathered....and the time to set for us to be away from here, by the 10th of May and at the most not be later than the 15th of June, and if the grass be up let us endeavour and be off by the 1st of May..... and we have got to begin from this very time to organize ourselves, that we may be on hand in making arrangements, and the means that are expected has not come....teams, and wagons are scarce. therefore do not crowd things into them that is useless and let us make our calculations to round up our shoulders, and all that do not desire to stay here let them be like clay in the hand of the potter, and know [now] go to work, and not expect to crowd upon any one above their strength....Again let us be willing to gather up all and go along in the first place. do as much as you can for your own and then do as much as you can for others, and in so doing we shall see brighter prospects. And I have one thing more to say, it is this, on Tuesday last at the Conference there was a move made, That we as much as any has any desire to back out if they undertook to use any false argument or influence to work to the disadvantage of the Emigration they should be drop[p]ed from the Church &c The moved that all those that were depending upon others to get away should meet in the Council House tomorrow evening an hour before sun down to see what could be done for them. Carried Unanimous.
April 12th According to appointment the Captain his Counsellors, and those that were depending on assistance met to examine into their circumstances. The Captain arose and said, in the first place we want to find out the number of each family and their ages, and what means they have to help themselves to the Valley with, so that we may devise ways and means for each to go[.] in order to accomplish this thing all must act upon a pure principle, there is no proviso in any instructions given for any to those that want to go are the individuals that we want to look after and the amount of freight for each person to take will be according to their circumstances, and as need may require, those things we are going to desire in righteousness &c &c[.] Charles Merrell, said, I lack wagon and provisions[.] under the present circumstances I think I could take my wife and baby and if I had a wagon I should be abler than I am at the present to take the whole family. we are 10 in family. William Park. I have two cows, and perhaps a little provisions, and also my children is destitute of clothing. I feel prefectly pliable[.] we are 6 in family[.] my oldest child 13 and youngest 5 years old. Mary Skinner. I have 2 heffers[.] I want to go and take 4 or 5 hundred [pounds], and if I cannot get in a wagon I must stay here[.] I have some provisions. I have nothing but clothing and provisions to take and I want both clothing and shoes before I go away and have 2 in family. I[n] fact through the processing Sister Skinner manifested a Spirit of contention and confusion, and was finally told by the Captain That she had got to govern and rule herself, and also had to change her feelings before we want [blank space] to say any thing more to you[.] Jane Mason. I have not got much to boast of. and what I have is in your hands, I am willing to do and to take what you say. we are 2 in family[.] my boy is 10 years old. Pelena Booth. I have nothing but my 2 boys, I have neither Cow nor provisions[.] Ann Wilkshire. I have not much. I have 3 steers and one at the Lake[.] my cow is not fit to go to the Valley. and I want both clothing and provisions. Mary Southwick. My prospects are the same as they were. I have 2 cows, and can arrange for provisions. I have in family myself and 2 little boys. James Watton. I lack both provisions and clothing and have not wherewith to obtain them. During the reports were given several remarks were made by the Captain. such as these that we shall be under the necesity of deviding families in different wagons, and in this we are not desireous to injure or hurt the feelings of any for we shall all be in the same crowd. Again, All that do go that is healthy we shall expect them to attend to cooking and washing and so forth. And after all the reports were given in the Captain again arose and said, We do not expect to stay here to arrange matters, but we will look the thing over and arrange for the best, we all want to go, and be delth [dealt] with justly and I want all the brethren and sisters to act on honourable and righteous principles. and I want always to see a spirit manifest to do right, Counsellor John M. King then arose and spoke upon the principles of those that depends upon others for assistance to put up with difficulties and submitt to ill conveniences and it will be necesary to have a great deal of patience and the spirit of God while traveling. &c &c[.] We are all required to meet here to morrow evening at sun down.
April 13th The Company again met this evening. The Captain arose and made a few remarks about the meeting yesterday evening, he also spoke about the behavour of Mary Skinner while at the meeting and of her being on the complaining list for some time, and also of her saying that when she got to the Valley that she intended to lay charges against some of the brethren of this branch which is known by all would be false, and it is well known that she has somewhat partook of an apostatizing influence, and he told her with those feelings in her heart fellowship her and asked the assembly if there were any that would take her in their wagon to the Valley. The assembly answered in many cries of no, no. Then it was Moved by Counsellor Thomas Robins, That Mary Skinner be droped from the Emigration list. Seconded by Enoch Crowel and carried Unanimous. The Captain said, Now it is fairly understood that Mary Skinner is droped from the Emigration list, she had just as good be dropped from the Church as from the Emigration. The arrangements of the poor is now a point at hand, and I must take a part and others must do the same. Orren D. Farlin and Telemachus Rogers has agreed to do their part in assisting some away, and if others do not come out and do likewise, we must try and make some arrangements. now there is an opening made by Thomas Hutchins and some one ought to fill that place, and as soon as a place is open some one ought to fill it, for there is only so many wagons, and we ought to divide as well as we could and if there is any one that can take any of the widows to assist them, do, so. After a few remarks by some others the Captain said there is no occasion for us to stay together any longer this evening as himself and Counsellors had not had time to make out the report. Moved by Eleazer King Senr[,] Seconded by David Adams, that the company meet here this day week in the evening. Carried Unanimous.April 20th. This evening according to the general appointment the company again met. Counsellor Thomas Robins arose to introduce the business of said meeting, He said, We have met this evening to arrange matters for the good of this people, and we have to put up with troubles, and also a portion of your troubles too, and to make the matter short if we can be the means in the hand of God in stimulating you to go to the Mountains of Israel we shall be satisfied, &c &c Captain John Tidwell then arose and made some very appropreate remarks, and then called upon Counsellor John M. King to read over a list of supposition they had in counsel formed stating who was to take this and that unable person which thing the people were to consider upon between now and the next time of meeting. And the arrangement caused some two or three kick and bring forth a spirit of contention and disorder. Mary Skinner arose and made acknowledgements that she had said things which was not right and prayed for forgiveness. Franklin J. Daves, Moved that the acknowledgements of Mary Skinner be accepted. Seconded by Orren D. Farlin and Carried Unanimous. Then it was Moved by F. J. Daves [Davis]. Seconded, by Counsellor Thomas Robins that Mary Skinner again have her name attached to the Emigration Company. Carried Unanimous. Telemachus Rogers then arose and made some few remarks. He said, he did not think that the Council could have took a wiser plan, and he went on to say that he felt to uphold our Captain and his Counsellors for he believed that their desire was for the good of this people and he make a Move that we sustain John Tidwell as our Captain and John M. King and Thomas Robins as his Counsellors[.] Seconded, by Orren D. Farlin. Captain Tidwell then made a few remarks[.] He said, in this branch there is a portion that is willing to do right and there is others that is eternally fault finding complaining and barking like a dog, and while I occupy the place that I know [now] do I feel to stand to my ground and give way to anyone, now I have said what I have and all those that feel to sustain me in my place, make it manifest by the show of the right hand, Carried. You who are willing to sustain John M. King make it manifest in the same way. Carried. Those in favour of Thomas Robins manifest in the same way[.] Carried. Captain Tidwell said the next time we meet we will organize into tens, and he also moved that we from this time forth meet once every week. Carried Unanimous.April 25th Sunday, This morning and yesterday evening there were three steam boats landed at the landing at this point loaded with freight and about 4 or 5 hundred of passengers all Californians except thirty or forthy [forty] Mormons[.] the Calilfornians brough[t] with them corn and oats for feed for their horses and cattle, this they did because it had been reported in the States that these things were expensive here, and at this time corn is sold for 20 cent a bushel and oat only 35 cents at this place. when the californians found this out they were disapointed and some would not pay the freight for which corn they brought because they could get it cheaper. The Authorities of this branch of the church converted the Council house into a ware-house to stow goods in for the Merchants and Californians and the money which will be paid for the storeage are to be used for the benift [benefit] of the branch, and the few saints that came up the river were took into our houses untill they could find places to go to.April 27th Tuesday. This evening the company met in Bro. Tidwell’s work shop. After the meeting had been opened in the usual way, Captain John Tidwell made some remarks on the necessity of organizing the company into tens so that each may know how and who they are to travel with and so that each may have the opportunity of counseling together for their own benifit, so that there may be good order: and all these Captains to be subject to the present organization, and the Clerk may read over ten names of the List the male portion, and so organize for the present[.] Again, there is a large number in the branch that requires assistance to get away, and to be a benifit of the same we have took the move we did in respects to filling the school-house with storeage so that we may obtain some means for that purpose and those of you that are willing to bear us out in the same, make it manifest by the show of the right hand. Carried Unanimous. If there is anyone feels not to go this season we should like to know it, and you can chuse whether you will organize the tens according as they stand on the List or other ways. Moved by Telemachus Rogers, Seconded by Jeremiah Leivett, That we organize the tens as they stand on the List[.] Carried Unanimous. Moved by David Adams Seconded by John Andrews, That Telemachus Rogers be Captain of the first company of tens. Carried Unanimous. Moved by Thomas Knowls, Seconded by Charles Lapworth, That Jonathan McKee be Captain over the second company of tens. Carried Unanimous. Moved by Franklin J. Daves. Seconded Eleazer King Senr. That Enoch Crowel be Captain of the third company of tens. and Moved by James Watton, Seconded by John Enniss that Andrew Whitlock be Captain over the fourth Company of tens[.] Carried Unanimous. And thus the organization stands.
John Tidwell.
His Counsellors.
John M. King
Thomas Robins
Company, Clerk
George Bowering
First Ten Captain, Telemachus Roger John Tidwell
John M. King
Thomas Robins
George Bowering
Daniel Shearer
David Adams
Alex Ingram
John Andrews
Thomas McKee
Second Ten Captain Jonathan McKee
Thomas Knowls
Orren D. Farlin
Samuel J. Raymond
James McKee
Hugh McKee
Jeremiah Leivett
Charles Lapworth
William Watts
Charles Merrel
Third Ten Captain Enoch Crowel
William McKee
James Mathews
Henry Rogers
Eleazer King Senr
Eleazer King Junr
Franklin J. Daves
Edward Pool
John Yates
T. J. McCallough [McCullough]
Fourth Ten Captain Andrew Whitlock
John Vance
John Roberts
William Clark
John Wright
James Watton
Henry Garfield
John Enniss
John Johnson
Thomas Hutchins
Captain John Tidwell then arose and said, You can now organize and counsil with yourselves as you like and you can make changes to suit yourselves and in the Midst of your doings do not forget the poor. and the school-house and some timber in it I think would be well to use for the benifit of the branch and finally it was moved by Captain John Tidwell, Seconded Telemachus Rogers, That we sell the school-house and use the timber therein for the benifit for the poor[.] Carried Unanimous. Moved and Carried that we adjourn untill this day week.
May 4th. The Emigrations company again met this evening, but not any business done. Captain John Tidwell arose and made some remarks on the preveledge that any family might have in attaching themselves to the company if they had any desire so to do[.] Thomas Hepworth arose and said that himself and his brother John and their families desired to unite themselves to the company. Then it was moved, Seconded and carried Unanimous that they be accepted into the company. Captain Tidwell, Again endeavoured to impress upon the minds of the Captains of tens and the people the necessity of taking up the poor and he also spoke of The great blessings those would be entitled unto [..] that took up the poor. &c &c&c[.] Counsellor John M. King. Spoke upon the principle of gathering[.] his remarks were of a noble and excellent nature....After which there were business introduced in the meeting which did not partain to the emigration on which there vehement speeches made by some in high Authority in the branch which manifested a spirit of Contention and confusion. this Captain Tidwell had some difficulty in subdueing...Then the meeting was dismissed in us[u]al way.
May 11th. Teusday evening the company again met. but no business of any kind done. For the last week or so we have been full of Californians and other emigrants which has made considerable stir around and caused provisions to raise[.] Flower is now standing at sixteen dollars per barrell or eight dollar per hundred, corn is only from 30 to 35 cents per bushel and other things in proportion. Grass is springing up very nicely but at present the ferries is so crowded so that we have to wait some little untill the crowd of Californians have passed over.
May 18th Tuesday evening. The company met as usal and after it had been opened by prayer Captain John Tidwell arose and said. That we want to hear from the Captain of Tens, to know how far each company is able to take the poor. suffice it to say that we want to remove them all, and we want all to put forth a willing mind and hand to help. I can’t get the content of my mind to go away and leave any of the poor behind. &c Let us hear from the Captains that we may know what they have accomplished. Captain Telemachus Rogers. Then arose and said, I believe that our Team still have the mind to do all they can and extend their influence to carry all they can[.] I calculate for us to get together and see what steps we can take in getting a public Tent &c Captain Jonathan McKee Abstant. Captain Enoch Crowel said We have not made any new arrangements. Captain Andrew Whitlock. I have made some arrangements, and there does not any know that they can help any but themselves. Captain Tidwell. Again arose and made some few remarks on counsel[.] he said when we profess to observe counsel we should mind how far we do so..Again there can be some provision to take the poor if they can get an home [to] sleep in, there must be some mean provided to help them and we should like all to extend their hand to take in one if not any more and if any can find themselves a place let them do it and so far as any can take themselves they have done a good deed. if the poor is removed and we do not exert ourselves to take them we cannot expect the [hou...] of the same, but we want to know as quick as possible what we have to do, and I should like for each Captain to make their appointments to me[.] their company to make all necessary arrangements, and let us all be united and do all in our power. Counsellor Thomas Robins arose and made some approbriate remarks. Captain Rogers said, I should like our Ten to meet together & make our arrangements about moveing and geting a tent for the time is now at the door to be away and I want to see everyone in our ten intend to take any to look them up and report it on Thursday evening and it is my opinion that we shall extend some means in helping the poor and the place of meeting will be in Bro: Tidwells shop next Thursday evening an hour before sun down. Counsellor John M. King made some remarks and urged all to exert themselves to get ready &c Captain Tidwell, said the time that we set for all to be ready is Thursday week we want you all to be ready and on the wheels. Captain Whitlock said that he desired his Ten to meet on Thursday at the same time and place. Moved by David Adams Seconded by Captain Rodgers that we accept Adolphus Young into our company[.] Carried Unanimous. Moved and Carried that we adjourn untill this day week.
May 25th The company met this evening. Captain Tidwell called upon the Captains of Tens That were present to make known how far they made arrangements for the poor and for moving away since we last met. Captain Rogers, Arose and said, as far as I have seen our Ten they have made no different arrangements, and the rest, you have mostly seen and are desirous to go on[.] I have not time to look round myself, but I want every one to go on, and I urge you to get a company Tent. &c Captain Tidwell said that he believed There were some arrangements made for some one or two more of the poor but yet there still remained without a place. but, he wants all to go. &c After which some two or three more spoke hurying the necesity to be off from hear soon after which ten said that they would be read[y] for moving of[f] next Monday. Then it was moved by Captain Rogers[.] Second[ed] by J. V. McCallough that some one see Elder E. T. Benson to inform him of our intentions so that we might [k]now his mind about the same and also that one go to the Ferry to see what arrangement could be made for the company[.] Carried Unanimous. Then we dismissed.
Lydea [Lydia] Coulson took her team and left this Council Point. and ourself heard that she did this contrary to the advise and wish of the Captain of the company.
May 30. Sunday. Captain Tidwell said to say at meeting, That we are all going to roll out right ahead and we want every one make themselves ready to get set across the river by next Saturda
The last few days Wagons has sprung up in the Camp all in full rig for crossing the Plains like mushrooms.
F[riday] June 3. This evening the company again met and after considerable talk it was finally moved and carried that the property that the brethren left unsold was to be left in the hands of Thomas and James McKee, who is going to remain here, untill the property is put in the hands of a committe[e] which is to be appointed by the authorities for that purpose. It was also moved by Telemachus Rogers and Seconded by James Watton that we sustasin John Tidwell as our captain. And it was Moved and carried that we begin to move out to morrow.
June 4 Today ten teams rolled out of from here on their way to the upper ferry.
June 5. This morning Eleazer King Junr was droped from the Emigrating company for refusing to help any of the poor, and for contention with the power that be. After this had been done he came to the authorities and made satisfaction and agreed to take one hundred weight of freight of luggage for the poor. To day Capt. John Tidwell moved away for the Camp ground near the ferry. Also today Captain John Tidwell moved out with his teams.
June 7th. To day several more teams put out from this Council Point and among them was Bro. Telemachus Roger’s two teams, and in one of them we ourself moved out and inconsequence of some heavy showers of rain and the bad roads there were some trouble in traveling and one of our wagons was overturned but no damage done and we had to camp about three miles the other side of Kanesville.—The weather was very cold, &.
June 8th. This morning we again hitched up our teams and traveled the distance of five miles through the Bluff to our Company[.] ourself went ahead of the teams and found all the Saints in the Camp in good spirits and good health and by the time we had been in camp an hour or two Elder Ezra T. Benson came an reorganized us into a company called the
Fift[h] Company.
John Tidwell Captain of Fifty
1 Captain of 1st Ten,
Thomas Robins, 8 in family, 2 wagons, 4 oxen, 6 cows, 2 horses, 1 man fit for duty, Dropped from the Captains ship of disobedience
2 John Tidwell, 10 in family, 2 wagons, 7 oxen, 5 cows, 8 sheep, 2 men fit for duty
3 Telemachus Rogers, 9 in family, 2 wagons, 6 oxen, 4 cows, 3 horses, 1 man fit for duty, Appoint Captain in the place of T. Robins.
4 [E. Crowel]
5 David Adams, 11 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 2 cows, 1 man fit for duty
6 Richard Lowe, 3 in family, 1 wagon, 2 horses, 1 man fit for duty
7 John Trout, 2 wagons, Backed out
8 Stephensen, M. Trout, 1 wagon, Backed out
9 Henry Howland, 7 in family, 2 wagons, 6 oxen, 2 cows, 2 horses, 2 men fit for duty
10 John Heldredge,[blank space] in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 6 cows, 2 men fit for duty
11 David Ross, 8 in family, 1 wagon, 7 oxen, 2 cows, 2 men fit for duty
12 A. [Abraham] D. [Dodge] Boyington [Boynton], 6 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 3 cows, 1 man fit for duty
Amount—62 in families, 13 wagons, 42 oxen, 30 cows, 8 sheep, 9 horses, 13 men fit for duty—Amount
1 Captain of 2nd Ten John M. King, 8 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 4 cows, 2 sheep, 2 men fit for duty
2 James Mathews, 3 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 4 cows, 1 man fit for duty
3 John Gilespie, 2 in family, 1 wagon, 2 oxen, 4 cows, 1 man fit for duty
4 Eleazer King Senr., 4 in family, 1 wagon, 6 oxen, 2 cows, 1 man fit for duty
5 Eleazer King Junr., 6 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 4 cows, 1 horse, 1 man fit for duty
6 James Henderson, 1 wagon, Backed out
7 Joshua Gillat, 6 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 2 cows, 1 man fit for duty
8 Robert Forester, 3 in family, 1 wagon, 3 oxen, 4 cows, 1 man fit for duty
9 George Howley, 3 in family, 1 wagon, 5 oxen, 1 cow, 2 man fit for duty
10 Absolam Yates, 4 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 2 cows, 1 man fit for duty
11 John Merry, 6 in family, 1 wagon, 2 oxen, 4 cows, 1 man fit for duty
12 Robert McKell, 4 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 4 cows, 2 men fit for duty
Amount------49 in families, 11 wagons, 42 oxen, 35 cows, 2 sheep, 1 horse, 14 men fit for duty
1 Captain of 3rd Ten, Adolphus Young, 8 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 3 cows, 1 man fit for duty
2 William Clark, 5 in family, 1 wagon, 2 oxen, 2 cows, 1 man fit for duty
3 John W. Vance, 7 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 2 cows, 1 man fit for duty
4 Charles Lapworth, 3 in family, 1 wagon, 2 oxen, 4 cows, 1 man fit for duty
5 William Watts, 3 in family, 1 wagon, 2 oxen, 4 cows, 1 man fit for duty
6 Franklin J. Daves [Davis], 7 in family, 2 wagons, 6 oxen, 6 cows, 1 man fit for duty
7 T. J. McCallough [McCullough], 4 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 2 cows, 1 man fit for duty
8 George Foster, 11 in family, 2 wagons, 4 oxen, 4 cows, 13 sheep, 1 horse, 1 man fit for duty
9 W. B. Cousworth [Causworth], 8 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 4 cows, 3 men fit for duty
10 James Portus, 3 in family, 1 wagon, 5 oxen, 1 cow, 1 man fit for duty
Amount------59 in families, 12 wagons, 37 oxen, 32 cows, 13 sheep, 1 horse, 12 men fit for duty
1 Captain of 4th Ten, Andrew Whitlock, 10 in family, 2 wagons, 6 oxen, 4 cows, 2 sheep, 1 horse, 2 men fit for duty
2 John Enness [Ennis], 8 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 6 cows, 2 men fit for duty
3 John Yates, 4 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 4 cows, 1 man fit for duty
4 Edward Peel [Pool], 5 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 4 cows, 2 men fit for duty
5 John Wright, 5 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 4 cows, 1 man fit for duty
6 Martin Cole, 6 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 4 cows, 1 man fit for duty
7 Stephen Wood, 6 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 1 man fit for duty
8 Henry Kebbell, 7 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 4 cows, 2 men fit for duty
9 Isaac Geusford [Gaisford], 6 in family, 1 wagon, 6 oxen, 2 cows, 4 men fit for duty
10 Thomas Hepworth, 6 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 2 cows, 2 men fit for duty
Amount------63 in families, 11 wagons, 44 oxen, 34 cows, 1 horse, 18 men fit for duty
1 Captain of fifth Ten, Henry Garfield, 6 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 4 cows, 1 man fit for duty
2 Orrin D. Farlin, 5 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 2 cows, 1 man fit for duty
3 Jonathan McKee, 6 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 4 cows, 2 men fit for duty
4 Jeremiah Leivett [Leavitt], 8 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 2 cows, 1 man fit for duty
5 David Nelson, 8 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 2 cows, 2 men fit for duty
6 Harrison Peck, 7 in family, 1 wagon, 2 oxen, 1 cow, 1 man fit for duty
7 William Westwood, 15 in family, 3 wagons, 10 oxen, 2 cows, 3 horses, 3 men fit for duty
8 Richard Golitely [Golightly], 7 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 2 cows, 3 men fit for duty
9 Henry Green, 10 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 4 cows, 2 men fit for duty
10 Hugh McKee, 4 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 2 cows, 2 men fit for duty
11 William McKee, 10 in family, 2 wagons, 8 oxen, 8 cows, 2 men fit for duty
Amount------86 in families, 14 wagons, 52 oxen, 33 cows, 3 horses, 20 men fit for duty-----Amount
62 in families, 13 wagons, 42 oxen, 30 cows, 8 sheep, 9 horses, 13 fit for duty,
Amount of first Ten
49 in families, 11 wagons, 42 oxen, 35 cows, 2 sheep, 1 horse, 14 fit for duty,
Amount of Second Ten
69 in families, 12 wagons, 37 oxen, 32 cows, 13 sheep, 12 men fit for duty,
Amount of Third Ten
63 in families, 11 wagons, 44 oxen, 34 cows, 2 sheep, 1 horse, 18 men fit for duty,
Amount of Fourth Ten
86 in families, 14 wagons, 52 oxen, 33 cows, 3 horses, 20 men fit for duty,
Amount of Fifth Ten
Total 319 in families, 61 wagons, 217 oxen, 154 cows, 25 sheep, 14 horses, 77 men fit for duty,
George Bowering, Clerk
These Several officers were nominated by Elder Ezra T. Benson and carried Unanimous. After which some useful instructions were given to the several officers which if observed will prove beneficial to the whole company. Then was read over by Elder Ezra T. Benson the rules to be observed by the company.
First. Prayers to be observed night and morning.
Second. Meeting to be held on the Sabbath.
Third. No swearing to be allowed.
Fourth. Every one to be prepared to tie up their cattle.
Fift[h]. A Guard to be kept every night and the word cried every half hour.
Sixth. Horses put into the correll for safty every night.
Seventh. No cattle to be put in the correll, but to be kept outside and a guard kept round them.
Eighth. No man permitted to leave the Camp without the consent of the Captain.
Nineth. Every man to have a good gun and ammunition.
Tenth. No gun to be put in the wagon with a cap on to avoid accident, and put a piece of leather over the tube.
Eleventh. Treat your animals with the utmost kindness.
And Twelvth. A Captain of fifty to be appointed.
Then we had a little more instructions from Elder Benson and dismissed. In the evening we were again called together by the sound of the bugle to receive some instructions from the Captain of fifty which will be benificial if observed. And let it be known to all who see this that Telemachus Rogers, Jonathan McKee and Enoch Crowel was not put out of office in their tens inconsequence of transgression but because of being abstant at the time of reorganization.
June 9th The weather very cold but fine with a strong N wind the first part of the day. And we still remain in camp. And at evening after sundown the company were called together by the sound of the bugle and had some instructions from Captain John Tidwell about each ten suppl[y]ing them with a few extry axletrees fellows and spokes so that we might be prepared if any accident . He also spoke on the selecting of the tens and said that he had so arranged it as to devide a portion of our Council Point people in each ten by which means we are more liable to have union in our midst and those of you who are present if you be satisfied with this arrangement make it manifest by the show of the right hand. Clear vote.
June 10,th. This morning we were again called together and each company of ten was called out to themselves and each was given the privilege of changing with each others in other tens to suit themselves so that each man might know his ten that he might be in. In the evening the first company of ten moved near unto the ferry to be ready to be put over the river first thing in the morning.
June 11th. This morning immediately after breakfast the company hitched up their teams and went down to the ferry but we could not go over inconsequence of the wind been high[.] it blew from the S.W. So we turned back about half a mile to camp untill the wind went down. Near upon eleven oclock a m we were joined by the second company of ten who also had come to the ferry. In the evening Captain Yound [Young] also came up with the third ten.
June 12th Saturday. At sun rise this morning Captain Robins and his Ten hitched up their teams, and went to the Ferry and in a short time began to cross the river, and while we were crossing Captain King came up with his ten and was on hand, and so on unto the fifth. After the first and second tens had crossed the river we again hitched up teams and went through the Bluffs about three quarters of a mile beyond Winter-quarters, and camped in a small valley w[h]ere there were good water and grass, but fire-fuel is scarce. The weather fine but the heat oppressive.
June 13th. Sunday. Early this morning, the third ten under Captain Young came rolling into Camp and also part of the Fourth Ten with them. In the evening the camp was called together for meeting[.] After Prayer we had two very approbriate addresses from Captain’s Tidwell and Robins. Today some one or two were engaged in fixing six spokes in one of the fore wheels on the wagon of Bro. David Adams which had been broke on the road by his young and unruly cattle turning round. Also yesterday Bro. Telemachus Rogers had one of his swindle trees broke by his horse jumping over a small run of water at the bottom of a hill where it was a rather bad crossing.
June 14th Monday. Early this morning some more of the Fourth Ten came rolling into Camp. And this morning Bro. Telemachus Rogers left the Camp and returned to Kanesville after coming out with his family this far, he has returned according to the Counsel of Ezra T. Benson to work in the behalf of getting the poor over the planes and for the general benifit of the Church, he says that he expects to over take us again about half way has [as] he comes through with Ezra T. Benson. And our hearnest prayer is that health, Strength and the peace and blessing of Israels God may be with him in all his opperations and labour that he takes in hand and also that the same may rest upon his family untill they again meet, and then we hope that they may enjoy all the blessing that heaven can bestow upon mortal man. In the afternoon ourself and three others went back to the Ferry and found three wagons of our company and the teams with only the women with them the men being on the other side, the three that was with us went to work and hitched up their teams and brought them to Camp, the wind being so high that the remainder has not been able to cross the river as yet[.] two of the wagons were Captain Whitlocks and one is Bro. John Wrights, and he has lost his two cows[.] he got them put across the river and left them in the hands of a boy, and from him they got away and took over the river and has not been seen since. In the evening the wind abated and some eight wagons of Fifth Ten got across, Captains Tidwell and Robins also got their sheep across and brought them to Camp. The weather has been very warm and the sun bright for the last two days.
June 15th Teusday. This morning the remainder of the Company crossed the river & came up to the camping ground but why we did not cross all the wagons on saturday was inconsequence of Bro: Clark the Ferryman devoting one of the boats entirely to the removal of Californians, and again about an hour before sundown the boat hands were quite Tipsey[.] the pleasures of the dram shop was more powerful than the salvation we Mormons. but the last day or two the wind has been unfavorable for crossing. When the last wagons of the company arrived they reported that as they were traveling between Kane[s]ville and the Ferry, they had a small misfortune in one of the ladies in the crowd having the ill luck to fall out of the wagon and the wheel of the same running over her leg and bruising it which has caused her to be lame ever since but she continues to get better daily. About noon as the company were making preparations for moving to an higher and land for camping purposes, we were visited by a slight thunder storm which terminated in heavy rain all the afternoon. And also at the same time our camp was visited by the monster Death which took possession of W[illia]m Henry Howland through that foul and dreaded desease Cholrea [cholera], after laying eighteen hours. And to put the cap stone on the story this was followed with the fatal accident that terminated the existance in this life of aged Sister _____ Reynolds ["Leonard" written in pencil above the name "Reynolds"]. The cause and nature of the accident was as following. all hand[s] were about ready to start to the new camping ground, some three of the Captains of Tens with their companies had moved on[.] The corpse of our friend was placed in the Wagon and with it was our deceased Sister. just as the teamster of Br GL had steped on to the wagon and took hold of the reins he spoke to the horses, away they flew at a rapid rate up and down hills & they took a circle back towards the river untill they smashed the wagon at a gully and Oh Horror the old lady was thrown out by their stopage and the wheels ran over her breast[.] she just spoke after and said I am a dead woman lay hands upon me and expired, for a few moments the by standers were paralized but to their credit be it spoken on went a few of the brethren on foot like Indian runners[.] At the same time Captain Whitlock mounted his noble steed and in an instant joined in pursuite of the runaways. at last by the teamster speaking to the horses they stoped. they brought the horses back and left three or four to guard the two corpses and the property[.] they remain with them until evening when another wagon was sent for the property. and a grave was dug and the two was laid side by side in the same[.] the woman was on the left hand side of the man near unto Winter quarters. Now let us turn and see what is going on in the Camp through these things[.] we were thrown somewhat in confusion but this was soon over come and all hands commenced to roll out in the midst of mud and heavy rain to the new ground selected for the purpose of Camping for the evening. The fift[h] ten and one or two more wagons went about half a mile farther, unto Beeby’s Company. We did not form into correll but stood jumbled up any how. It continued to rain for some time after we had come into camp.
June 16th Wednesday. Some men were dispatched back for the broken wagon and brought it into camp[.] Soon after the first ten rolled out and took with them the broken wagon and formed into correll about three miles beyond Winter quarters, and the other four Tens followed in rotation and all five Tens made a large Correll[.] some hands went to work to repair the broken wagon. In the afternoon Captain got the Captain of the guard to write a letter to Elder Ezra T. Benson to inform him how things had went with us since we were organized. The following is a copy of the letter.
Wednesday June 16. 1852
President Benson
Dear Brother
We deem it our duty to acquaint you with the testament we experienced from the Mangeers of the Upper Ferry[.] on Friday afternoon the first ten was dispatched from the Camping ground where we were organized and in accordance with Bro: Clark request the whole company moved to the Ferry on Saturday. the weather was in every respects favourable for crossing but you can guess the extent of our mortification when we discovered that one of the boats were devoted entirely to the removal of Californians and about an hour before sun-set the boat hands were mostly quite tipsey[.] the attractions of the Saloon was far more powerful than the salvation of we Pilgrims, but to end this part of the story it was Teusday forenoon untill all our Company were safely landed this side of the Missouri[.] Bro John Wright of Council Point lost one yoke of Cows in crossing[.] they were in yoke. In as short a time as possible after our party had all reached the Camping ground. Preparations were made for removal to higher and better land for Camping purposes but a slight thunder storm and the Death of Henry Howland by the dreaded desease Cholrea together with the fatal accident that terminated the existence in this world of our aged Sister Reynold[s] from ill. The cause and nature of the accident was as follows[.] all were about ready to start to the New Camping ground[.] some three of the following of Tens with their companies had moved on, the corpse of our friend was placed in the wagon together with the deceased Sister, just as the teamster of Mr. H. had steped onto the wagon when away went the horses at a fearful rapid rate, on, on, on, they went helter skelter up hill and down dale, for a moment or two the bystanders were Paralized but to their credit be it spoken, on went a few of the brethren on foot like some well trained Indian runners[,] meantime Captain Whitlock mounted his horse and in a moment joined in pursuit of the runaways[.] the Brethren were just about heading the horses when Oh Horror the Old Lady was thrown out and the wheels passed right over her body and in a few minutes she expired. shortly afterwards the horses stopped of their own accord with no other mischeif than the smashing of a wheel. by the Death of Mr. H. we have lost our Blacksmith and if you could spare our old Companion Bro. T. Rogers to attend to the important duties of blacksmithing we should feel obliged, at present our Company are all in good health and spirits[.] accept our best wishes and fervent prayers for your prosperity.
Signed James D. Ross, Captain of Guard.
Just before dark the company was called together and the Rules to be adopted was read over, and suitable instructions was then given by Captain Tidwell on the same.
June 17th Thursday. This morning the air thick and foggy but in an hour or two cleared of[f] & was fine and hot. At noon we hitched up teams and went a few miles and correlled just beyond the Six-mile grove w[h]ere there was plenty of grass and little water of an inferior kind. As we were traveling William McKee’s two wagons was at the last end of the train, and the first of the wagons was drove by a colored man, and the other drove by McKee himself and was about half a mile behind the rest inconsequence of the cattle breaking loose. three Indians came up to the one the colored man was with and wanted him to let them have some thing and when they found that he would not give them any thing they put for the one behind; the colored man seeing this also put for the other and it is supposed that if it had not been for him they would have rob[b]ed McKee.
June 18th Friday. About eight o’clock am. the company again made a start. Captain Garfield took the Tens with the Fift[h] ten. All the wagons had not been on the road far before Bro: John Wright had the missfortune to break the tongue of his wagon as he was coming down an hill by turning to sudden when near another wagon. When we had moved about two miles we were headed by a Slew that we had to go over[.] Captain Garfield went round about the slew and would not venture over but his men tryed it and got safe over and when he saw this he turned about and tried to go over in another place and was stuck fast and his wagon had to be drawn back and then he had to go the same way the others went; for a while the train was thrown in a little Disorder. After we got clear of this hindrance we went a few yards and then stoped for dinner[.] in the afternoon we travelled to the Pappea and camped on the hill the East side of the same. The Pappea is a creek ten feet wide and high banks[,] plenty of grass[,] Wood, and good water. About nine o’clock pm. Mrs Mary Ann Andrews Late of greavestone, Norfork [Norfolk] England, who came out this season with her son[,] Died of Diarrhea after laying about thirty hours and was buried on the hill the East side the Pappea.
June 19th This morning at nine o’clock the Company began to cross a narrow bridge over the Pappea[.] the bridge was only just wide enough for a wagon to go over. Captain Whitlock with the Fourth ten lead the way and the whole company got over the bridge in two hours and a half. Then we traveled nine miles and came to Elk horn: it is about nine rods wide and three feet deep. Plenty of grass wood and water for [illegible] being purposes, The Fourth and Fift[h] tens got over this evening
June 20th Sunday. This morning the First, Second and Third tens got safe over the river and the greater part swam their cattle and the others had them took over by the boat. The charge was one dollar a wagon and two bits for a yoke of cattle, then we moved a short distance and formed in correll. In the afternoon the Company was called together for meeting. It was opened by the Brass band that we have in our midst playing a lively tune, then an hymn was sung and played. Prayer by Captain John M. King. After which the Captain of the guard Elder James D. Ross was called upon to address the Assembly. he gave a most able and impulsive discourse upon the principles of gathering showing that we are know [now] in the act of helping to fulfil prophecy that was spoken by prophets of old &c &c[.] He was followed by Captain Tidwell who made some remarks on the same subject and also said that we have had some hindrances by the missfortunes and other things that transpired in our midst and in conclusion said we have made some few arrangements respecting the order of things and the following things are to be done. A trumpet will be blown first in the morning to arise from bed and unloose the cattle for herding[.] at the same time the herdmen to be ready to go with them. The second time it is blown is for prayers, the third time it is blown is for the herdmen to bring up the cattle and all hand is to yoke up and prepare moving. And the fourth time it is blown is for the camp to start their journey. John Heldredge then arose and said that he proposed that we rouse our Captain an horse either by subscription or some other means[.] Eleazer King Junr said he might ride his horse if he had a mind[.] it was young, and had never been rode with a saddle yet but it was at his service. It was then moved and carried that we accept this offer. Then the Captain of the guard read over some by laws which Captain Tidwell had requested him to draw out for the regulating of the guard and herdsmen[.] they read as follows.
First. Every Man to be ready for duty when called upon unless he is sick and not able to take his post.
Second. Carpenters and Blacksmiths to be released from duty when they have been at work for the benifit of the company.
Third. Any man no matter what [h]is station or calling if found asleep or otherwise neglecting his duty for the first offence he will be required to perform double duty, for the second offence in addit[i]on to double duty he will be required to perform one half day herding and for the third offence a fine of one dollar shall be demanded, and every aditional offence the fine to be doubled.
Fourth. The money produced by the fines imposed upon the delinquents to be paid into the Perpetual Emigration fund for the benifit of the poor
First. The same number of men to be employed for herding the cattle during the day as are on guard during the night.
Second. Any of the herdsmen found guilty of indolence to the neglect and danger of loosing the cattle the same Penalties to be imposed upon the delinquents herdsmen as those placed upon the attending guard. Moved by Captain King that we accept these bye laws[.] Second by Captain Whitlock and Carried Unanimous[.] And then the meeting dismissed. Immediately after the meeting five individuals went down to the water and was Baptized under the hands of Captain John Tidwell in the Elk horn[.] their names are as follows, Martha Diana Howland Aged 28, George Goddard Aged 11, Eliza Goddard Aged 10, Joseph Goddard Aged 9 and Emma Broomhead Aged 13.
June 21st Monday. Between twelve and one oclock this morning we were visited by an heavy thunderstorm[.] The rain fell in turrents for a short time. This morning about half a dozen of Indeans [Indians] came into the camp and about 9 o’clock a.m. we again started out to travel and went some distancs [distance] beyond Liberty Pole. The weather rather cool[.] plenty of Timber grass and water. And this evening Lewis Reno Vance, Born January 29[,] 1793 was baptized and confirmed under the hands of Captain John Tidwell.June 22nd. This morning and the previous night we have had some heavy rain which has hindered us some in travelling. At noon we hitch up teams and traveled some few miles and encamped were there were neither wood nor water but plenty of grass. The weather continued dull during the day but at night we had more rain.
June 23rd Wednesday. A fine morning but rather cloudy and cold at an early hour we [hi]tched up and traveled a few miles untill we came to the R R and T roads w[h]ere they join the river[.] at this point there is a branch of the river running round an Island and hear we stoped for dinner. In the afternoon we traveled some few miles and camped near the river were there is plenty of Timber and grass for camping purposes.
June 24th Thursday. This morning we traveled near two miles and came to Shell Creek which is twelve feet wide and two feet deep and to all appearance is a fine place for camping purposes. afterwards we traveled five and three quarters of miles and stayed for dinner near Small Lake south side the road. In the afternoon we traveled about seven miles and camped near the Long Lake South side the road, Plenty of grass and water but no wood.
June 25. Friday. At an early hour this morning we put out and traveled between six and seven miles. Stayed for dinner near the Lake South side the road. This is a pretty camping place. We saw about two miles an head of us a few wagons which we found to beat the Ferry. About an hour after we started again we arrived at the Loup Fork[.] immediately after we arrived it was supposed that A. D. Boyinton’s wife had the small pox, and on this suspision was sent the out side the camp. And the wagons that were near was found to be Captain Beeby’s Ten, and another with six brethren from Salt Lake Valley on a Mission to Europe[.] their Captain was Thomas Margretts Late of London. At dusk in the evening the Camp was called together by the sound of the bugle. When Captain John Tidwell informed the company that he had been to see what arrangements could be made with the Ferryman about puting the company over the river. he told us that the Ferryman charged two dollar a wagon but if the company would pay one dollar a wagon all round he would put us over and we can swim the cattle. It was carried that we pay one dollar all round. Then there was considerable said about A. D. Boyinton going out of the crowd in consequence of his wife having the Small pox. the mind of some was for him to leave the Camp and others for him to remain with us but remaining at some distance in the rear. It was finally moved by Bro: Charles Miller That we covenent to stand by each other unto death under all circumstances. Seconded by Bro: Henry Green and Carried Unanimous. Then Bro Charles Miller volenteered to go and do for Bro: Boyintons family during the sickness if required. Then Captain Beeby said, he wished to unite with this company when it was moved and carried Unanimous that he do according unto his desire. After this buisness was over Captain Tidwell gave the company permission to amuse themselves as they pleased[.] The Six Brethren from the Salt Lake Valley was also in our midst. The amusement commenced with the Salt Lake Boys singing a song[.] the brass band that is with us were present and gave us some delicious and melodious music followed up with dancing song singing and it concluded by some remarks from Captain Margretts about the prospects at Salt Lake. The things which he said was both cheering and encouraging to the Humble Saint, but calculated to discourage and blithe the expectations of the half hearted. And they closed with one of the songs of Zion.
June 26. Saturday. This morning very rainy but in a few hours it cleared off. Between five and six a.m. Ann the wife [Ann Richmond Davis] of Franklin J. Daves [Davis] departed this life by the grasp of that foul and dreaded desease Cholrea after laying only a few hours[.] Aged [blank space] [46] years And was buried about eighty rods East of the Loup Fork Ferry. Today our company crossed the Ferry. The ferryman were rather saucy and wanted put over the river at the same time he was ferrying us over some Californians but our Captain would not suffer it[.] this he wanted to do because he could get more pay. About six oclock p m after the company had got in correll we had a slight thunderstorm and heavy rain for a few minutes. The Seventh Company of Mormons has just arrived at the Ferry.
June 27th This morning we went between six and seven miles and camped near unto a Lake and Timber which place we [k]now no name for[.] Therefore we will name it Tidwells camping place and a few rods North of the camp is two graves with head boards stating that the individuals buried is T. N. Cox died May 30th and A Lyon died May 31st 1852 Lake of New Harmony. In the evening at dark we held meeting when the brethren had the previlege of speaking their feeling. several spoke and what was said was calculated to cheer the hearts of all
June 28. Monday. [This] [mo]rning we went a few miles and stayed for dinner some muddy water. [there we] call the place Muddy water[.] this place is about ten miles from [Loup] Fork and fifteen miles from where the road leaves the Loup fork River. While we were here we buried Lewis Reno Vance who died this morning just as we were leaving camp of Diarrhoea [diarrhea] after laying about a week[.] Aged 59 years. He was buried the South side the road. Immediately after we arrived into camp this evening we were visited by a very Heavy Thunder storm accompanied with rain. Beebies Company of Ten was camped near unto us tonight.
June 29th Teusday. Early this morning Beeby’s Company went off without ever offering to unite themselves with us after they had solicited for to be in our company and a moved made in favour of the same. in consequence of been scared of the Cholrea and Small Pox. This morning the Sixth company under Captain Wood past us and camped just beyond us[.] they numbered about sixty three wagons. At noon we again commenced to travel and past three graves two the south side the road and one the north[.] The discription of one of the South was M. E. Steen Died Jun 8, 1852[.] Aged 5 years[.] The other an infant. That on the North was I. Turner who has been in the Church 15 years and was a worthy Deacon Late of Apple Creek[.] Morgan Cy Vro died May 30, 1852, Aged 54 years. Ourself and one Richard Lowe walked on before company and Immediately after the company had over taken us we were informed that there had been a Stampead in the first ten caused by Widow [Rachal] Weldens horses running away but no damage done except the breaking a ox yoke belonging to Father James Watton. Soon after ourself had been informed of this runaway scrape, The whole company was thrown into cheerfulness by the arrival of our old Friend and brother Telemachus Rogers who came riding up. he was received in our midst with acclamation of friendship, and cheers[.] yea all faces seemed to manifest joy on the occassion[.] he came through in two days after he was liberated. And we can confidently say that he has the good feel of the whole crowd. And of none more so than of ourself and our prayer is that the richest blessings of heaven [may be] his and also that of his family, for we have full confidence that he [is the] [m]an of God, and one that rejoices continually in doing good to all around hi[m.] [blank space] we believe that ourself have experienced this as much as any other being [li]ving on the earth, yea we know him to be a good friend to the friendless and forsaken, and we can consistently say as far as ourself is concerned that he has been the means in the hand of the Great God of cheering and healing up the wounds of a broken heart even of a spirit that has been crushed from very childhood caused by the scoffs and snears that has been heaped upon both by friends and other inconsequence of our informaties. And for these kindnesses we can only say that our heart overflows with love and gratitude to him, in thus having compassion upon us and it does not stop here. no it does not for he has undertook to take us to Salt Lake Valley and thus far he has been like a father and his good Lady our much beloved Sister has been as a mother unto us. For these blessings we pray God the Eternal Father to continually bless them with the blessings of earth and heaven which we ask in the Name of Jesus of Nazaraeth Even so, Amen. This evening as soon as we came to a stand [blank space] there was a difficulty arose in our midst by Thomas Robins Captain of the First Ten disobeying the orders of the Captain of Fifty in refusing to correll in the place that he should have done. and he said many things which plainly showed that he did not regard the authority that is over him, and it is determinated in holding a meeting on the same. Captain Tidwell made some remarks on the same and said that Captain Robins had been grumbling and complaining for some time and know [now] he comes out openly manifests that he disreguards authority. Captain Robins made some remarks to justify himself but they had no effect up [on] the crowd. It was finally moved by the Captain of the Guard James D. Ross, Seconded by James Watton, that Captain Robins be droped from his office and another appointed in his place. Carried Unanimous. Captain Robins then made a few more remarks and amongst the rest said that he had intended to resign his Captainship. Moved by David Adams, Seconded by John Enness [Ennis] that Telemachus Rogers be appointed Captain of the First Ten. Carried Unanimous then we dismissed.
June 30th. This morning we started soon after 3 o’clock and first thing we went through the [Ra]vene on the Bluffs and traveled over a considerable sandy [land] for a little distance and then the road got somewhat better[.] [we]nt about ten miles and stayed for dinner[.] in the afternoon we went about six miles and camped for the night near a river but no wood this side of it[.] To night we had in our Camp an horse wagon with three men[.] one was Elder Johnson late from a mission in England.
July 1st Thursday. To day we traveled somewhere about twenty miles over sandy roads hills and mud holes and camped were there were neither wood nor water. At sundown there was a meeting held to deside matters respecting a bull that had be[en] bought by Benjamin Tallows [Dallow] for the good of the camp[.] it was bought last Sunday in consequence of the company desiring him to do so and this meeting is to deside how he is to be paid again. He said he was willing to be paid in the way and manner the company desired. Moved by Charles M. Miller[.] Seconded by David Ross. That each man who owns [illegible] [c]ows give him ten cents an head whether he required the use of the Bull or not and if any misfortune befalls said Bull in consequence of the using him that the company refund the ballance of the money to said Benjamin Dallow for the pay of the bull[.] Carried Unanimous. Moved by David Ross[.] Seconded by Orrin D. Farlin that James D. Ross the Captain of the Guard get the names of all those who owns cows and the number of the cows, and what each man pays. Carried Unanimous[.] The following is a copy of said list.
1 John Tidwell, 5 cows, 50 cents
2 Telemachus Rogers, 2 cows, 20 cents
3 Thomas Robins, 6 cows, 20 cents
4 David Adams, 2 cows, 20 cents
5 M Dinna [Martha Diana Case] Howland, 2 cows, 20 cents
6 James [Watto]n, 2 cows, 20 cents
7 Thomas Hepworth, 2 cows, 20 cents
8 John
9 John M[orris] Tring [King], 3 cows, 30 cents
10 James Mathews, 2 cows, 20 cents
11 Eleazer King Senr, 2 cows, 20 cents
12 Eleazer King Junr, 3 cows
13 Rachal Welden, 2 cows
14 Robert Forester, 1 cow, 10 cents
15 Elizabeth Taylor, 2 cows, 20 cents
16 Joshua Gillat [Gillette], 2 cows, 20 cents
17 Robert McKell, 4 cows, 40 cents
18 Haslam [Absalom] Yates, 2 cows, 20 cents
19 George Howley, 1 cow, 10 cents
20 John Murray, 4 cows, 25 cents
21 Adolphie [Adolphus] Young, 3 cows
22 John W. Vance, 2 cows, 20 cents
23 T. J. [Jefferson T.] McCallough [McCullough], 2 cows, 20 cents
24 Franklin J. Daves [Davis], 4 cows
25 Charles Lapworth, 4 cows, 40 cents
26 William Clark, 2 cows, 20 cents
27 James Portas, 1 cow, 10 cents
28 William Watts, 4 cows, 40 cents
29 George Foster, 4 cows
30 Causworth & Dallow 4 cows, 40 cents
31 Andrew Whitlock, 4 cows, 50 cents
32 John Yates, 4 cows, 40 cents
33 John Wright, 2 cows, 20 cents
34 Henry Kibble [Kebbell], 4 cows, 40 cents
35 Martin Cole, 4 cows, 40 cents
36 Isaac Gailsford [Gaisford], 2 cows, 20 cents
37 David Ross, 2 cows, 20 cents
38 John Enness [Ennis], 4 cows, 40 cents
39 Edward Andrews, 2 cows, 20 cents
40 Edward Poole, [illegible] cows, 40 cents
41 Henry Garfield, [illegible] cows, 20 cents
42 Orrin D. Farlin, [illegible] cows, 20 cents
43 Jeremy D. Leivett [Leavitt], 2 cows, 20 cents
44 Hugh McKee, 2 cows
45 Harrison Peck, 1 cow, 10 cents
46 William Westwood, 2 cows, 20 cents
47 Richard Golightly, 3 cows, 30 cents
48 David Nelson, 2 cows, 20 cents
49 Henry Green, 2 cows, 20 cents
50 Geo[r]ge Goddard, 2 cows, 20 cents
50 [51] Jonathan McKee, 4 cows, 40 cents
51 [52] William McKee, 5 cows, 50 cents
52 [53] Mary Clark, 3 cows, 30 cents
Amount of Cach [Cash], 11 dollars 95 cents Total
Received from James D. Ross the sum of Eleven dollars and Ninetifive cents being the amount collected by the Fifth[.] Fifty to aid in paying for the Bull I purchased at their request
July 2nd, 1852
July 2nd This morning we traveled about eight and nine miles over sandy bluffs and mud holes, and stayed for dinner near a round pond. Here the seventh company of fifty under Captain Jolley past us and buted just ahead of us. In the afternoon we again past the seventh company and traveled on untill we got beyond Prarrie Chreek [Prairie Creek] and camped for the night...And here the seventh company again past us [illegible] and camped an head of us. There is plenty of grass here but no timber.
July 3rd To day we traveled about thirteen miles and camped in the evening one mile beyond Wood Creek[.] we went just an head of the seventh company. When we arrived at the river we had [to] stop untill the seventh company had past over and while here by the appearence of an Emigrant from the invisible wo[...] came to the Lady of Brother Thomas Hepworth and they gave it [the] [na]me of Samuel. When Rachels Weldons horse wagon got in the middle of the river they stalled inconsequence of been baulky, then they run away and threw the teamaster out of the wagon and also knocked Mrs Welden down[.] when in the act of seazing them to stop them they went a little farther and then was stoped[.] no damage done except the ripping up of Mrs Weldens Dress. This is a good camping place.
July 4th Sunday. To day was observed as a day of rest[.] at 11 o’clock a.m. held meeting. Opened by the Brass band playing and an hymn sung. Prayer by John M. King. Then he addressed the congregation on the principles of unity and the gathering. After which Elder Dunbar made some approbiate remarks And in conclusion Captain Tidwell made a few suitable remarks. Then we dismissed. At 3 o’clock p.m. held sacrament in the middle of the correll[.] several of the Brethren and Sisters spoke of their faith in this work and in the power of God manifested unto them and the Spirit and blessing of God seemed to rest upon all present. This evening the sixth company again past us.
July 5th At one o’clock a.m. Adolphia Yound [Young] Captain of the Third Ten and one who was much beloved by his Ten and also by the whole company departed this life after laying about a week of direahea and inflamation[.] he was a member of the Church in good standing as far as our knowledge is concerned. His age was 36 years[.] Late of Tennessee and was buried about one mile west of wood river. To day we traveled about twenty two miles and turned some little out of the road to camp near some timber and clear water. Just before we started this morning one Ten of the Eleventh company of fifty past us. During our traveling in the morning we were much hindered by the Seventh company being an head of us but in the afternoon we went an head of them. This afternoon Henry Kibble [Kebbell] and A. D. Boyinton [Abraham Dodge Boyington] took their teams and left our company but when we came into [cor]rell Henry Kibble [Kebbell] returned unto his place
July 6th Teusday. morning the company was called together for buisness. [In the] fi[r]st place we were called upon to appoint another Captain over the Third Ten to fill the vacancy made by the death of A Young. Moved by William Clark[,] Seconded by George Foster that T. J. McCallough [McCullough] be the one to fill that place[.] Carried Unanimous. Moved by Eleazer King Junr, Seconded by John Murray That Phillip Armstead be accep[t]ed into our company[.] Carried Unanimous. He been formily a Member of the Eleventh Company of fifty and was in the ten that had came an head under Captain Dunn. This Captain Dunn having lead of his Ten inconsequence of having some words with the Captain of fifty and this Bro Armstead did not know untill some time after. (At least he reports so.) and also, Armstead was not inclined to go any farther with him so he thought fit to request a place in our company. Captain Tidwell. Then made some remarks upon the principle of making agreements with Each other before they commenced this journey, and said that there been some trouble in our midst about persons breaking these agreements. . And said to avoide these occurriances it was necessary to make some arrangements. When finally it was moved for the better management of these things that that party who are disposed to break these agreements without the common consent of each party concerned in it pay all necesary damages occured therefrom, and also that the judgment of the same be left to the decision of three or five disinterested men and the parties to abide their decision[.] Carried Unanimous. To day we traveled about twenty miles and camped in the evening near a river and Timber. In the night we had an heavy storm of wind accompanied with rain Thunder and lightening[.] the wind only blew nine ten[t]s over.
July 7. We[dnesday]. To day we traveled a pretty stretch & cam[ped] [n]ear the Elm Creek[.] plenty of grass but indifferent water
July 8. [Thurs]day. This mor[n]ing we had another death in camp Caused by [mos]t dreadful monster Cholrea [cholera]. Samuel S. Young son of the late Captain Yound [Young] Aged 8 years after laying twenty four hours. First thing this morning we crossed Elm Creek[.] traveled untill noon when we crossed Buffalo Chreek [Creek] and then bated for dinner. in the afternoon we traveled untill late and camped on a swampy peice of ground near the river. And also within the last twenty four hours there were six took sick in camp of something of the nature of Cholrea [cholera]
July 9th Friday Early this morning Death again visited our camp in the person of Henry Kibble [Kebbell] after laying about six hours of Cholrea[.] Aged 28 years. And a native of London England Europe. This morning was wet and rainey, We traveled untill we came to were the R and R roads run near the river 244 miles from Winter quarters. Plenty of short grass and on an Island close by plenty of timber[.] This morning about an hour after we started out Walker [Walter] Read Aged 11 years and 6 months departed this life after laying nineteen hours of Cholrea. Late of Bedfordshire England. This evening the Sixth company under Captain Wood again past us and camped an head of us. About two hours after the Seventh company under Captain Jolley also past us and camped an head of both companies. This evening there were baptized in the river under the hands of Elder John M. King and conformed [confirmed] under the hands of Elders John Tidwell[,] John M. King and John Murray the following individuals, Enos Taft Aged 29 years, Clementina Read Aged 33 years. Mary Young Aged 12 years[.] Martha Young Aged 10 years and Margrett Tidwell Aged 8 years.
July 10th Saturday. This morning we past the Sixth Company in Correll, they reported that they could not travel to day on account of six been took sick of the Cholrea. In the evening just before [we] stoped we came up with A. D Boyinton. he had his wagon partly in peices[.] he said the dish had come out of one of the w[heels] [n]evertheless he put his wagon somewhat together and stay[ed] near unto us. we traveled about sixteen or seventeen miles [and] camped beyond Deep dry creek[.] it is a poor camping place.
July 11th Sunday. This morning Henry Goddard died after laying a few days of Cholrea. Aged 3 years[.] Late of England[.] This mor[n]ing meeting was held when several of the Brethren spoke of edification. At one o’clock p.m. Martin Cole. Priest in the Church and of good standing departed this life after laying some few days of Cholrea. and was buried this evening.. Aged [blank space] [30] years[.] Late of London England. In the afternoon an experiance meeting was held. when the brethren and sisters spoke of their faith in the work of the Lord which was edifying and there were also the following children Blessed under the hands of Elders John Tidwell[,] James D. Ross.
Charles Miller and W[illiam]. C. Dunbar.
Henry Charles Sylvester Kibble [Kebbell].
Samuel Eleazer King.
Edward Henhouse Walker Snelgrove.
Hellen [Helen] Howland.
Emma [Jane] Howland.
Martha Howland.
John Hepworth
Prudence Heldredge
Mary Jane Heldredge.
John Theophilis Pidcock Read
William Wharton Read
Brigham Young.
Matilda Jane Young
Charles Armstead.
After this was accomplished the meeting was dismisssed And just before sun down Captain T. Rogers and William Clark came rolling into camp with their horses loaded down with Buffalo beef. Captain Rogers first shot it then W. Clark also shot it and between them they killed it and brought what they could with them. but before they had done they were surrounded with wolves and had enough to do to keep them off untill [they could] get away. And also John W. Vance shot and killed [one] and it was broug[h]t to camp in a wagon and devided am[ong] [t]he people.
July 12th Monday. We travelled to day a good distance and about 3 o’clock p m. we crossed Low sandy Bluffs and in the evening camped where the R. and R. road runs near the river. Grass plenty but wood scarce.
July 13th Teusday. We started out early this morning and crossed Skunk creek and went on untill we came to Lake or Marsh South side the road where we stayed for dinner and in the afternoon crossed over some low sandy bluffs and also past a cold water spring and camped for the night oppersite the junction of the North and South Fork. near the river[.] plenty of grass but little or no wood.
July 14th Wednessday. We made an early start this morning and about nine o’clock crossed over Carrion creek and here the wagon of John Wrights capsized as he was commencing to cross the chreek [creek], to all appearance there had formally been a place dug in the bank just wide enough for a wagon to pass down and he by not manageing [h]is cattle right suffered one wheel to come on the top of the bank and that on the other side to be down below by which means it went over[.] no damage done except the injuring of two bows and the cover, and some few of the thing[s] getting wet. we went on two or three miles more and camped for the day near the river where there was some willow brush for washing and cooking and preparing to go over two hundred miles where there is no wood. Captain Rogers and Edward Pool went and killed another Buffalo and brought some little of the beef home. This is a poor camping place. And at six o’clock we were visited with an heavy storm of rain which lasted about an hour.
July 15th Thursday. It was arranged this morning for Captain T. Rogers and a few others to go out on a Buffalo hunt and some half a dozen wagons stay here to bring up the meat if any was obtained while the rest of the company went ab[out] six miles in hopes of getting were there was timber so that we might [..]ok and prepare for going over two hundred miles were wood could [be] [o]btained, but to our great disappointment there was nothing to be had [..t] a little willow brush and that more scarce than we had yesterday. and the grass is too poor. In the after part of the day the wagons that was behind came rolling into camp but through some missmanagement brought no meat[.] soon after Captain’s Roger and McCallough [McCullough] came rolling in on horseback. both bringing meat to the amount of sixty pounds (this Captain Rogers shot.) and devided in their own Tens. which caused some in the company not to feel right about it because it was not devided among the whole company.
July 16th Friday. Early this morning arrangements was made for another hunt. when Captain Rogers and a few others was choose to go out, they had not been gone above an hour when Captain Rogers returned into camp having shot one, then seven yoke of oxen was sent out to bring it into camp. in an hour or two they brought up the frightful monster[.] when all eyes were satisfied in looking upon it the butchers went to work and dressed and cut it up in a scientific manner[.] then the several Captains shared it out in their tens according to the size of the families. this been done we then hitched up our teams and went a long afternoons drive over low, wett, swampy ground, also crossed several muddy creeks and camped just beyond Small Creek. a poor camping place.
July 17th Saturday. This morning we crossed North Bluff Fork and the rest part of the day was spent in going over very sandy bluffs[.] it was heavy dragging for the teams. The weather continuing to get hoter daily.
July 18thth Sunday. This morning we went over the remainder of the sandy bluffs and then camped for the rest part of the day[.] In the afternoon we held meeting[.] several spoke of their faith and feelings in this Latter day work. At dusk we commenced a trial before the Captain and his Counsellors[.] the several captains between Rachel Welden and Richard Lowe (Gentile) her teamster
July 19th [Monday.] This morning we traveled over sandy roads and crossed two o[r] [three small] creeks. In the afternoon, the roads was somewhat better[.] we went on untill we came beyond Rattle Snake Creek and camped. This evening w[e] [buried] George Goddard having died of Diarrhea after laying eleven days, Aged 11 [y]ears and 10 months. This evening the above Trial was brought to a close. It was brought on inconsequence of the breaking up of the agreement betwe[e]n the two parties. Rachel Welden and Richard Lowe.. Richard Lowe complaintive. Stated that Rachel Welden had discharged him from the duties of Teamster, and also had refused to find him provisions and do anything for him inconsequence of him refusing to fetch wood and water which he pleaded was not in the agreement and she saying he had a boy to do these things[.] he also said that he had paid her 4 dollars for his passage to Salt Lake Valley and if she would not do for him to return him his money.. Rachel Welden defendent Stated that she had discharged him inconsequence of him refusing to do his duties, and that he would not fetch either wood or water and several other things he has done contrary to the agreement. each party brought forth their witnesses & the council choose for each party and after they had pleaded in the behalf of each party Captain Tidwell Past the decision[.] it was as follows that you Rachel Welden and you Richard Lowe both fulfill the duties required in the agreement and that party who refuses to do the same forfit the mony that now is betwene them. this was put to the meeting and carried with the exception of James D Ross who voted on the negative[.] his reasons for the same he would not give.
July 20th Teusday At day break this morning Jane Foster departed this life after laying eighteen hours of Cholrea. Aged 33 years[.] Late of Ireland. and was buried the West side of Rattle Snake creek. We traveled to day untill we came between Pond creek and Wolf creek and there camped.
July 21st Wednessday. We went about one mile and crossed Wolf Creek, then we doubled teams and went over a steep sandy bluff[.] after which we traveled on untill we came within a little distance of Ash Hollow South side the river and we camped of the night.
July 22nd Thursday. We went about nine miles and nooned near Sandy Hill creek Sou[th] [si]de the road. In the afternoon we again came up with the Six[th] [Com]pany and pasted [passed] them to go on ahead. We camped for the night [about three] miles this side Sandy Bluffs
July 23rd Friday Early morning we saw about fourteen wagons going back to the States with a large herd on the south side the river. This morning instead of passing over some sandy bluffs we passed round them next the river and so escaped some hard draging for the teams.. About 11 o’clock Captain King caused his Ten to stay for feed contrary to the wish and desire of Captain Tidwell[.] the rest of the company went some distance and bated according to orders. Captain King came up with the company and we all traveled on and past over Crab Creek 20 feet wide very shoal and also passed over Small Creek south side the road and camped for the night just beyond the same, near the river where there was plenty of grass, and also plenty of musquitoes and such friends as these has in general been very plentiful during our traveling. This evening three wagons passed us on the rout either to Salt Lake, California or Origon [Oregon].
July 24th Saturday. This morning we went a few miles and came to Cobble Hills and passed over them. Ourself and a few others took a shorted cut being on foot through the bluffs and to all appearance there had been at some time unknown to us been some severe convoltains [convolutions] in the same. for the ruins of the same was most grand and magnificent[.] the sight brought to our remembrance that part of the book of Mormon that gives an account of the great an terriable over turns that took place in this land at the Death of the Lord Jesus. As soon as we had passed over these we went by Ancient Bluff ruins North side the road and these also was a grand spectacle to behold. In the afternoon we went some few miles through the sand and turned off towards the river and camped for the night[.] For the last few day[s] the weather has been extreemly hot, almost too much both for man and beast.
July 25th Sunday. This mor[n]ing held meeting[.] Elder James D. Ross address the congregation on the rise and fall of Babylon an[d] [fall of] the kingdom of the earth went to show that this fa[iled] Kingdom which has know [now] commenced to rise in the [ illegible] of Ephriam will never fall but will stand for ever and without end. After which Captain Tidwell made some remar[ks] about us traveling and spoke of some who wished to do that and this which would naturally bring devision in the campes, but he hoped they would put away every little thing of this nature and do right and stick together. In the afternoon meeting again held the Lords Supper[.] administered and some bare their testimony to this Latter day work, after which two or three agitated in public things that would bring devision but the same was put down by Captain Tidwell in him giving them a sharp reproof and all parted in peace and apparently good feeling. If any thing the weather has been hoter today than before.
July 26th Monday. We started at 8 o’clock a m and went over sandy bluffs betwen 16 and 17 miles and camped beyond the same near the river on low wet ground[.] poor feed.
July 27th Teusday. We started at 25 minutes before 8 o’clock a.m. At 20 minutes past 10 o’clock while on the road Ann Wilkshire departed this life of diarrhea after laying 8 hours and was buried about seven miles this side Chimney Rock[.] Aged 3 years and 7 months. (And here we will note according to the desire of the Mother of the above the death of Mary Ann Wilkshire who died on the 3rd of April 1847 Aged 7 years at Ripple Worstershire England Europe. And alas of the death of the father of the above children William Wilkshire who was accidently drowned while in the act of bathing in the Missrouis [Missouri] River on the 26th of May 1850, Aged 29 years[.] At the Council Point Potawattamie County Iowa.) In the afternoon we traveled on and camped for the night opposite Chimney Rock[.] poor camping place. The weather ex[ces]sively hot.
July 28th Wednesday. At 25 minutes to 8 o’clock a m we started out and went about 15 or 16 miles and camped for the night where there was plenty of good grass. The weather exceedingly hot.
July 29th Thursday We started out at 7 o’clock a.m. and went as far as Scotts Blu[ff] [w]here we rested for dinner[.] in the afternoon we again past the [Sixth] company[.] for the last week or ten days they have done all [in their] power to keep ahead of us by hitching up their teams [when]ever we came near unto them[.] this they would do every a[fternoon] just before sun down So that they might keep an head but after all they gave out and we passed by. We camped for the night near Spring Creek[.] poor camping place.
July 30th Friday. This morning some few hand[s] was buisly engaged in fixing the wagon wheeles of Jonathan McKee. when this was done we started out at 8 o’clock a m. and went a good days drive[.] in the evening while on the road we met a company of Californians with several mules on their return to the States[.] We went on untill we came along side a creek south side the road w[h]ere we camped[.] plenty of grass.
July 31st We started out at 8 o’clock a.m. and went a good morning drive and stayed to rest near the river where there was not much grass and sent Captain Rogers and McCullough on head to seek out a better camping place. but the prospects were worse an head. in the mean time there came rolling into camp Ezra T. Benson and company on their way to Salt Lake Valley. they were received into our midst with rejoicing and all faces seemed sparkle[d] with gladness. in a short time the company formed into correll. At dark in the evening the company was calld together for meeting[.] it was opened with prayer by the brass band playing several tunes. Prayer by Ezra T. Benson. another tune. address by Franklin D. Richards Late from England. He was followed by Erassois [Erastus] Snow Late from Denmark. Then another tune. After which Ezra T. Benson Arose and addressed the congregation on the necesity of deviding the company into two parts called the first and second Wing. In a few minutes it was moved and carried that we seperate into two wings for the benifit of feed for the cattle and in the while to accelerate the speed of travelings[.] Then Elder Benson nominated Captain Andrew Whitlock to be the Captain of the second Wing and to be subject and under the controul of Captain Tidwill and to take the weak teams and to go on ahead of the first Wing[.] Carried Unanimous[.] And tomorrow the company can make all nesessary arrangements
August [1]st Sunday. Early this morning Ezra T. Benson and company [left us] at 11 o’clock a m. the several Captains met in counsel. A[nd] [a]ll the necessary arrangements for the company deviding into two parts. They so managed it that there was to be an equal numbe[r] [of] wagons in each Wing. Captain’s Rogers and McCallough [McCullough] with their Tens and some of the wagons out of Captains Garfield Ten be in the First wing under Captain Tidwell to make the number equal and the Second Wing under Captain Whitlock be his own Ten[.] Captains Kings Ten and Captain Garfield and the remainder of his wagons to make up the number. In the evening meeting was held[.] the Sacrament administered after which several of the brethren spoke of their faith in the work of the Lord. and of the pleasure they have of being united with this company. James D. Ross Captain of the Guard also spoke of the pleasure he had of being in this company, and he put before the meetings the following move That Captain Tidwell has lead us up to the present camping place by the Spirit of inspiration and that all this proceedings is very highly approved of by this company. Seconded by Charles Miller and Carried Unanimous. After some three more had spoken we dismissed. At dark in the evening there was another meeting held respecting the Bull that we left behind and the sub[s]tance of the buisnesss was how Benjamine Dallow was to be paid for said Bull. It was finally moved and carried that each throw in five cents an head for every ox they own.
August 2nd Monday. This morning the subscription was raised for the Bull. amounted to $9.55 cts. Then the Company seperated into two Wings. The first Wing under Captain Tidwell, and the Second under Captain Whitlock. After this was done Captain Whitlock rolled out with his company and in about an hour after Captain Tidwell also rolled out with his[.] James D. Ross was appointed Clerk of the 2nd wing. At this time Eleazer King Junr. took [h]is horse away from captain Tidwell, which had loned unto him for the good of the company contrary to the wishes and desires of the majoriety of the same and in a mean shabby way he [took it] when all hand was engaged in preparing to roll of [f] [not]only him but others manifested a Spirit of [contention] an [r]ebellion and some of these was in authority[.] We rolled a [...]s journey over very sandy roads and stayed at night near the r[iver] and sometime after we had correlled we could see the Second Wing rolling on. we expect it was becaused they had missed finding grass. To night in the first Wing the plan was adopted that the whole of the people should meet in the middle of the correll for prayer together instead of in different Tens. The Weather remaining warm.
August 3rd This morning a meeting was called to know what could be done respecting Captain Tidwell having an horse for the purpose of seeking good camping places for the company. It was unanimously adopted that Captain Tidwell have the horse for that purpose which Telemachus Rogers used for the driving of his two cows. and that other arrangements be made for the driving of the same. It was then unanimously adopted these two cows be drove continually with the herd and that each of the Tens drive the same when they again lead. as there is plenty of loose hand in each besides boys. We started out at 8 o’clock a m. at noon we came to Laramie and in the evening camped a few miles beyond the above place, near the river in the beginning of the Black Hills[.] W[h]itlocks company was near unto us and we sent our cattle and horses across the river for feed.
August 4th We started out this morning at 8 o’clock and traveled about 17 or 18 miles over the hills[.] some of them was of very deep ascent and also decent and very rocky. The Second Wing had one wagon broke belonging [to] Edmund Andrews and they stayed behind for us to repair it[.] in this Captain Rogers was engaged the rest of the day to repair it. In the evening we again camped near the river and the cattle went the other side for feed.
August 5th Thursday. Both Wings stayed here all day to repair wagons: T. Rogers set 35 tires, In the evening one Ten of the Eight company came here
August 6 Friday. Soon after sun rise this morning the Second Wing rolled out, And at 7 o’clock a m we also moved out and had [a good] days travel somewhere near twenty miles and camped at nigh[t] [illegible] slow surround with rushes and not much grass.
August 7th [travel]led near eighteen miles over the hills and camped agai[n] [near] the river. and the cattle went across the river for feed. Two wagons of the second wing joined us in correll not being able to keep up with their company in consequence of having a cow sick.
August 8th Sunday. Today we stayed all day and the cattle remained the other side to feed and the rest of the hand except those who are herding went to work in repairing their wagons and burning coal. T. Rogers set fifteen tires. In the evening we were disappointed of our meeting in consequence of a thunder storm coming up accompanied with heavy rain which lasted an hour.
August 9th Monday. We made an early start and went a pretty good stretch to day. In the evening we camped where there were neither wood water or grass. To day Charles Miller and two others from the other Wing returned to us to look after some cows. they reported that their company was sixteen miles an head of us[.] all well. The weather is becoming cool mornings and evenings. but hot during the day.
August 10th, 11thth and 12th Teusday, Wednessday, and Thursday. These days we went a considerable distance over sandy heavy roads and hills, and fell in with the Platte river several times and camped near the same at nights and the cattle sent across for feed, One of thes day Captain Rogers killed a Buffaloe and it was brough[t] into camp and divided among the company. On the last day we fell in with some Indians[.] they were quite peaceable
August 13th Friday. A rainey morning but it afterwards cleared up and Captain Rogers set three tires[.] Then we went a pretty good stretch over heavy sandy roads up and down mountainous hills and camped in the evening near the Upper Ford. poor camping ground.
August 14th Saturday. We started at 7 o’clock a.m. and went between three and four miles[.] we had to pass over a large hill with very heavy sand[y] [illegible] after which we came to some good grass[.] here we stayed [illegible] time to let the cattle feed. we had not been here long [illegible] Indean [Indian] came up to us and he soon galloped off as if [illegible] but soon returned with one or two more and appeared [some]what friendly. soon after we hitched up our teams and rolled away, and traveled sometime over good and sometimes over bad roads which was very hard upon our teams[.] in the evening we camped near the river and the cattle sent the other side to feed, w[h]ere they stayed all night. We had not been in camp above two hours when David [J.] Ross as member of the second wing came to us with a broken axletree for our blacksmith to mend for his was iron axletrees[.] he broke it while going over an hill about an head of us, preperations was made for the mending of the same, which was to be done the next morning, after which all retired unto rest the herdsmen and guard but we had not been in bed many minutes before Captain McCallough [McCullough] [said] every man to be in the middle of the correll in five minutes with their guns in full prim ready for duty if required: And why all this: It was inconsequence of the herdsmen the other side the river giving the alarm that Indians were upon them. every man was on hand in the time given and necesary arrangements made for a combat if required. but while these arrangements were preparing another cry was given that all the horses were gone and three of the herdsmen with brave and heroic courage persued through thick brush and timber with only axe in hand fearlessly [dis]reguarding the appearance of Indeans untill they secured all the horses[.] the three men were [William] Nelson Tidwell. John W. Vance two young men and Franklin J Daves [Davis] an elderly man, at the same time the cattle was flying in the directions which was supposed by the clattering of their feet for it was pitch dark[.] in fact it was a stampeed past discription.
August 15th Sunday. This morning all the cattle was secured and not one lost, hands also when [went] to work to mend the broken axletree but could not accomplish it in consequence of not been able to get an heat upon it as it was thrown to one side an[d] a wood one supplyed it[s] place which was put in during the day, then [he rolled] off. We concluded to remain here all day[.] to that D. Ross mo[ved] n head [ahead] of us. Our horses and cattle was again sent over the [illegible] with a strong guard. During the day Captain Rogers set [illegible] and other preparations accomplished to facilitate our trave[l] [illegible] dark hold meeting when the Spirit and blessing of God seemed to be upon all present.
August 16th Monday. The horses and cattle again when across the river for feed for a couple of hours[.] when they returned they all came safe except one ox belonging to Jonathan McKee which was afterwards found but it delayed the company an hour and half. but when we started we made a pretty good headway[.] at 2 o’clock we stayed a few minutes at a long pile of stones which brought to our rememberance those parts in the book of Mormon that speaks about large cities being overthrown in this land[.] well so much for this. Then we went on untill near sun down and camped for the night near a running spring of clear water[.] no wood. but some grass. for the cattle. Captain Rogers shot another Buffaloe and it was also brought in to camped and distributed among the breth[r]en.
August 17th Teusday. Early this morning about a dozen of wagons passed us, been part of the eight[h] Company of Saints mixed up with Californians. but during the day in our traveling we again passed them. today we went a good distance and camped in the evening near Greasee Wood [Greasewood] Creek[.] pretty good camping place. This evening at the prayer meeting it was moved by Telemachus Rogers, Seconded by Jefferson T McCallough [McCullough] that the Preists and Teachers go round and visit all the saints to [k]now why all did not attend unto their duties as to prayer at the appointed times and if all was going on in peace and harmony with them one with the other. Carried Unanimous
August 18th Wednessday. Early this morning some one passed us in a carrage drawn by a span of horses going at full rate. This morning we traveled on untill we came into Independance [Independence] Rock on the side of Sweet water where we bated a while and when we has bein here a short time the same carrage passed us again it having stoped for the horses to feed and the inmate turned out to be Larson Snow. Late from a foreign Mission, also D. Ross, J[ohn]. Murry of the second Wing passed us and He appeared quite independent of us. In the afternoon we [illegible text] went a few miles more and forded the river once then wen[t] [a] [di]stance farther and camped, near sweet Water. In her [illegible] be causious [cautious] of salerations
August 19th Thurs[day.] [Thi]s morning we traveled on past Devils Gate[.] near the same we had to cross a creek and there was a deep hitch to go down and by mismanagement in leaving it in the care of a little boy the Wagon of John W. Vance capsized and smashed up the box but it was put together to travel untill night when it had to undergo repairs. In the evening we camped near Sweet water[.] the ground very saleratiously. The weather very cold night and morning.
August 20th Friday. After the wagon of J. W. Vance had been repaired we moved out and had not gone far before a cow belonging to F[ranklin]. J. Daves [Davis] gave out and died. As soon as we camped this evening an ox of James Portus died. This afternoon while traveling over an heavy sandy road one of the boys of David Nelson fell out of the wagon and the wheel went over him but inconsequence of it been in the sand he was not hurt so bad as was supposed to be.
August 21st Saturday. This morning another ox belonging to Phillip Armstead died. supposed by partaking of Salerations. Captain Tidwell solicited help from the people for William Clark in the lone [loan] of an ox for a few days untill he got better which is sick but no one rendered help. We put out and traveled some short distance when William Clarks sick ox was not able to work. Capt. Tidwell seeing this stoped the company and again solicited help for W. C. some tried to raise a contention but was sharply reproved by Captain Tidwell but when the requ[e]st that was made came to the ear of Phillip Armstead he noblely said they might have his ox although his team was almost unable to haul himself. We had not gone much farther before Captain Tidwell had to leave an yearling heifer which soon after died. at noon we bated on some grass for an hour or two and in the mean time some oxen was shod that otherwise could not travel. In the afternoon we traveled some few miles and camped at the point where the road joins the river and here some more oxen [illegible] Also five or six wagons from one of the hindermost com[panies] came crowding upon us
Aug[ust] [22nd Sunday.] It froze so hard the previous night so that large junks of [ice were] found in some of the pots this morning and another ox was shod. W[e] [tra]veled to day about eighteen miles over heavy sandy roads and camped at night. where there was neither water or grass so the cattle was tied up all night.
August 23th An ox was found dead belonging to John Eldredge and also a stag belonging to Martha D. Howland. It is supposed that both died of salerations. At break of day we hitched up our teams and traveled about eight miles and came to some feed near where the Second Wing was camping, but they where about to move away. It was agreed that we all camp together in the evening for the purpose of doing blacksmithing. We went about five miles and camped near unto each other and the blacksmiths went to work to make ox shoes and nails. But as soon as we arrived into camp the first thing that saluted our hears was that Captain John M. King had deserted his Ten and the Company and had gone an head. It was said by W[illiam]. C. Dunbar that he came out and said that he was going upon his own responseability and would not be answerable for another mans sins. It is well known unto most of the company that he has been harping with a contentious spirit ever since we was reorganized at the cold springs the other side of the Prisscancie River
August 24th Teusday. Both companies was making farther preperations for traveling by shoeing oxen. The Second Wing then went out and left on the ground two dead oxen and it is reported that they have had five or six oxen and cows died in their company previously to this. About an hour after we also put out and left one ox dying belonging to William Clark[.] it[s] death supposed to be by salerations. The first mile or two we went was good and then it became hilly Rocky and dangerous to Wagons, and on the ridges of one of the hills we found a wagon brake down one of its hinder wheels was smashed[.] it belonged unto a man by the name of Shotsham who had passed us This morning in company with five or six wagons of Californians. Himself been a Captain of Ten in one of the hindermost companies the name of the Captain of said company is Cutler. [illegible] [e]vening we camped near Strawbury [Strawberry] creek[.] a poor camping pla[ce]. [illegible text] Second Wing been near by[.] This deserter of his company came to. [illegible] mend his wheels but we could not do them.
August 25th This mor[ning] [a] meeting was called and the following arrangements was made respecting the hauling of freight for William Clark as one of his oxen was dead and the other sick so he had nothing but a yoke of cows[.] it was so managed for the brethren to haul his freight and let his wagon go to brother Armstead as it was lighter than his own, and his be loned to the deserter Thoteham untill they arrive at salt Lake Valley. The following brethren consented to take Williams freight. Charles Lapwo[r]th 25 lbs. James Portus 40 lbs. W. B. C[a]usworth 68 lbs. John Tidwell 58 lbs. George Goddard 50 lbs[.] Thomas Hepwo[r]th 50 lbs. Orren D Farlin 25 lbs[.] David Nelson 50 lbs[.] Jeremiah Leviett [Leavitt] 50 lbs[.] John W. Vance 25 lbs. T[elemachus]. Rogers & [James] Watton 50 lbs[.] George Foster 25 lbs. Jonathan McKee 28 lbs. About 9 o’clock a m. we rolled out and had not been gone far before we were met by two of the Salt Lake boys Thomas Leviett [Leavitt] and his freind who came to meet their brother Jeremiah[.] they reported good news concerning Salt Lake Valley, they had left their wagon about fifteen miles an head of us with some more of their freinds[.] In the evening we camped in a kanyon [canyon], where there was a good supply of grass. Also to day Alban Babbatt [Almon Babbitt] passed us on his return from the Valley[.] he also reported good news.
August 26th Thursday. We had to stop two or three hours this morning to let the second company get out of our way, also this morning a cow of Martha D. Howland died of partaking of saleratious [salaratus]. today we went ten or twelve miles, and as little beyond the dividing ridge that parts the two seas and know the water runs west, we camped in another kagnyon [canyon] near unto the second Wing. and here the Salt Lake boys were camping untill we came up. And both Camps enjoyed themselves in the dance together
August 27th Friday. This morning both company went about four miles and camped near Pacific creek[.] here both companies stayed all Day and several oxen was shod. This morning we was met by a man with an ox team bringing a letter signed by the first Presidency [of the] [Chur]ch counciling the Saints to settle at Green River and he al[so][illegible] the form of List that each Emigrating company was requir[ed] [illegible] out respecting each individual in the same. And this after[noon] Captain Tidwell called the Second Wing together and desired them to hadhear [adhere] to this List in puting down their names with every other requirement unto it but at the present they would have nothing to do with it until the day before their arrival in the valley[.] there was some what a spirit of disunion and contention with them[.] James D Ross Captain of the guard signified that when Captain Tidwell and his company was from them the second wing they were in peace and union but as soon as he and his company was with them they were otherwise. and he also signifed that Captain Tidwell had been the means of property been distroyed in our traveling so slow and he also signified that E T Benson thought so when he and his company overtook us. But the Majority of the Company who know Captain Tidwell know that he has done the best he can for the good of the company and they feel to uphold him in his opperations that is to say the majoriety of the whole of the fift[h] company. This is a good camping place.
August 28th Saturday. Travelled to day over an heavy sandy road and camped in the evening were there was neither grass [nor] water after going about 20 miles.
August 29th Sunday Travelled to day about twenty-two miles[.] stoped at noon at a river to water the cattle and rest[.] at night camped where there was no water or grass after going about twenty two miles
August 30th Monday. Traveled to day about 21 or 22 miles and the first ten went on to green river[.] the third ten stayed about two miles behind through a missunderstanding
August 31st Early this morning Capt McCallough [McCullough] came up with his company of Ten. And here at Green River we stayed all day to rest the cattle and to repair wagons. The Second Wing was camping a short distance from us and we were given to understand that several in that Wing has broke the [command]ments with each other
September 1st W[ednesday] [illegible] Both Wings forded the river this morning and went [illegible] miles and camped near each other on the river bank [and] [se]nt the cattle the other side for feed. Today we left four [illegible] to settle here at Green River according to the request of the first presidency of the Church. their names were David J Ross. John Murr[a]y. Robert McKell and Edmund Andrewes [Andrews]. Also to day we came in with a young man named Henry Boit late of Council Point an old acquaintance of some of our people. This evening under the hands of Elder John Tidwell in the Green River Isaiah Vandeburge [Vandenberg] a estoured man was baptized for the remission of sins and confirmed under the hands of Elder John Tidwell and Telemachus Rogers. At night we had a dance which went off well for in a general thing all seemed cheerful and merry
Sept. 2nd Thursday. We went to day about 16 miles and camped at Black Fork 6 rod wide. 2 feet deep[.] a pretty good camping place except for firing purposes. We had not been in camp long before Thomas Hepworth came in with his cow that he had lost the previous night for which we had been hindered considerable in our traveling in the morning. To day George Foster and W. B. Cousworth [Causworth] deserted our company.
Sept. 3rd Friday. This morning and the previous night Indeans [Indians] of the Snake tribe visited our camp. some of the people did a little tradeing with them. This morning one Wing devided into two parts. Captain McCallough [McCullough] with his Ten went an head of Captain Rogers and his Ten[.] we went about twelve or fourteen miles and camped near a mountainous rock. Captain Rogers went down on the same and found good feed for the cattle and to our knowledge this place is without any particular name. Therefore we name[d] it Rogerses camp ground. To day Rachel Welden deserted us.
Sept. 4th Saturday. To day we traveled about fourteen or fifteen miles over some pretty good roads[.] at noon saw some Captains from the Valley who are on a mission to the States[.] they give cheering news of the city of the saints. To day met many Indians and they had great quantities of poneys[.] in the evening we camped about three [miles] beyond the Black Ford after crossing [illegible] three time to day [illegible] came into camp[.] again appeared quite peaceable. The [illegible] good feed on bunch grass.
Sept. 5th [Sunday.] Went about five or six miles and came to Fort Bridger w[h]ere we stayed for dinner. At half past 10 o’clock a m. we were met by a young man named John Leveitt [Leavitt] whose friends is in our company. he gives an excellent report of the state of things in the Valley. Fort Bridger is Latt 41° 19m[inutes] 13 Long[itude] 110° 5m[inutes] Altitude 6,655 feet. Many Indeans [Indians] around here we perceive.. In the afternoon we went a few miles farther and met twelve or fourteen wagons with five and six yoke of oxen unto each besides an herd of oxen coming from the Valley to meet the hindermost companies. We camped under an high bluff a little from the road, where the grass is knee high but no water in short off a mile. The Weather fine and warm in the day but cool in the evening.
Sept. 6th Monday. Went five or six miles[.] also went down a kind of winding hill which was very steep and rockey. We nooned near Muddy Creek[.] no water in it except a little Standing water. here our people found one yoke of stray steers and a cow[.] they put them all into the yoke to work them. In the afternoon we went about five miles and camped where a wagon and the people with it that had lost the stray cattle and they were delivered unto them.
Sept 7th Tuesday. This morning we went over a pretty high mountain and as soon as we got into the Kanyon below, it began to rain very heavy, in consequence of which we had to stop[.] the rain cleared off in a few hours, but we thought it best to stay here all the day as it had made the roads muddy. We had not been here long before D. Huntington on his way from the Valley to Green River were in our midst and stayed with us all day, he have an exceeding good account of the doing at the City of Great Salt Lake. This evening Capt. Russel from the Eleventh company us and also Capt Smith from the Twelveth as deserters from their companies
Sept 8th Wednesday. E[arly] [illegible] morning D. Huntington left us. About the usal hour we [started on] [ou]r way. and had to go round a sidling place where the wa[gon] [of] [Ge]orge Goddard gave out in one of the hind wheels been sma[shed] illegible] some of the splendid new wagons from St. Loues [Louis.] he made some arrangements for his goods to be hauled and sold his wagon unto Dudley Leveitt [Leavitt], of the Salt Lake Boys for about two hunderd weights of Flower[.] when they arrived in the city Then the boys took one of the wheels from their old wagon and put it to the one they had bought and made a cart on the old one, And so we again was able to roll on which we did about noon and in coming down an hill we had a slight stampeed with four wagons[.] no damage done[.] after we rolled about four miles past Bear River and camped were there was plenty of grass but no water or wood. The weather fine.
Sept 9th Thursday. We started about the usal time and had not been gone far before we had another runaway scrape with two wagons caused by the tongue yoke of one of the wagons geting losse [loose]. no damage done, we pushed past several camping places and in the afternoon saw several places in the grass on fire and considerably burnt up[.] we had to pass over several bad places in crossing the creek and small springs. We camped in the evening near a cold spring south side the road. good camping place.
Sept 10th Friday. We had not traveled far before we entered a deep Revene and in it we went some Twelve or fourteen miles today. and crossed kanyon creek a number of times and several other bad places caused by small springs[.] In the morning the sounds of the wagon of Capt Rogers was broke, and his good lady thrown out by going over one off these bad places but she was not hurt[.] in the evening while crossing the creek the wagon of Thomas Hepworth was thrown over into the water and one of the wheels smashed[.] the women and children was in but not hurt. It is believed that it was caused by his own head strong despasision [disposition] in not giv[ing] [illegible] council, in puting his cows to Lead as his cattle was wild and [illegible] for his cows has been in the lead all the way up to [illegible] or three days.
Sept. 11th [Saturday.] [Th]is morning the two wagons was repaired[.] then we went a few mil[es] [and] [n]ooned at Weber River. Alltitude 5301. In the afternoon went between three and four miles and crossed a small creek several times and camped in a narrow place on the hill were the road leaves the water for a short distance[.] a good camping place[.] This afternoon some few wagons of the fifteenth company wanted to pass us but could not come it. Alas the McKees staying to recrute their cattle for a day[.] Mrs Welden was with them. Fine weather.
Sept. 12th Sunday. Started early this morning[.] went over a mountain and then went over some difficult road and had to cross several bad places caused by the creek. In the afternoon the road was somewhat better but we had to cross the creek seve[r]al times[.] the road was considerably through brush & the last place we crossed tonight was very bad[.] some of the cows in the herd got mired but was soon got out and they were considerable trouble to be kept out of the brush &c[.] We camped in a small hollow. This evening the Lady of Capt Tidwell [was delivered] of a [daughter, Emma Jane Tidwell]
Sept 13th Monday. We went a short distance and lost some of the cows in the brush and had to stop to find them[.] In the morning several wagons past us from different companies, but we afterwards went on and past over the big mountain and camped within two miles of the other mountain. To night John Edwards a Welshman came from the valley to meet his brother.
Sept 14 Tuesday. Today we went over the small mountain were we had to double teams and went some few miles beyond the same and camped for the night.
Sept 15th Wednessday. We passed through the mouth of the kanyon and rolled into the city in full rig and in good health and spirits, rejoicing in the Lord God our Saviour who[se] hand and mercy has been over us up the present moment through all our ups and downs. And from our hearts we say unto his name be the praise the honor the glory, power might and majisty both now and forever and ever Amen & Amen.
The following is a copy of those who [illegible] their hand to assist the poor from council point Potta[watamie] County Iowa.
Name and the full amount each individual has done
John M. King, Hauled about [30 lbs.] Flower
James Mathews, Brought Elizabeth [illegible] [aged] 8 or 9 and hauled 25 lbs of Freight and find her provisions
Eleazer King Junr., Hauls 120 lbs Freight & lends one steer unto Widow [Ann Chadney] Wilkshire
John W. Vance, Brought Hiram Booth aged 10 or 12[.] found him provisions and hauls him 25 lbs. of Freight.
Jefferson T. McCallough [McCullough], Brought Mevin Mevel aged 14[.] found him provisions and hauls him 25 lbs of Freight.
Franklin J. Davis, Brought 1 boy[,] found him provisions & hauled him 25 lbs of Freight.
Charles Lapworth, Brought G[eorge] Wilkshire aged 8 or 9, finds nothing
Andrew Willock [Whitlock], Hauls 60 lbs of Freight
John Yates, Hauled 50 lbs of Freight
John Wright, Brought Mark C ... [Preece] aged 10 or 12, found him provisions and hauled him 25 lbs of Freight.
Edward Poole, Brought Joseph Wilkshire aged 5 or 6, found nothing
Orren Day Parkin [Orrin Day Farlin], Hauled 25 lbs of Freight
Jeremiah Leveitt [Leavitt], Brought Sarah Parks aged 12 or 13, found provisions & Hauled her 25 lbs of freight
John Eldredge, Brought Ann Preece aged 5 or 6, found her provisions
John Tidwell, Brought Morona Parks aged 14 or 15 as far as Wood river, found him provisions & hauled all the way 300 cwt of Freight.
Telemachus Rogers & James Watton, Brought El[l]en Wilkshire, found nothing & hauled her 50 lbs Freight
Telemachus Rogers, Gave in Iron 7 Labour upon the brethrens wagons to come away with about $100, And also brought George Bowering, found him everything necesary for the journey and hauled him 100 lbs of Freight and this to go to T. R. on nothing at $1¼, been on the same teams as he before had for his board.
The following is a list of [illegible] ages, and property of all those that are in the fift[h] company [illegible] took down on the 14th of September 1851 [1852] but previous unto this many [illegible] head and some deserted us so that we are not able to come un[to] [a] [per]fect knowledge of the whole of them.
1 John Tidwell, age 45, 10 in family, 2 wagons, 6 oxen, 5 cows, 5 sheep
2 Jane [Smith] Tidwell, age 40
3 Nelson Tidwell, age 20
4 Jefferson Tidwell, age 16
5 Martha Tidwell, age 10
6 [Mamie] Marg[a]ret Tidwell, age 8
7 Sarah Tidwell, age 6
8 John Tidwell, age 3
9 Emma [Jane] Tidwell, 2 days
10 Ann Richards, age 18
11 Telemachus Rogers, age 36, 6 in family, 1½ wagons, 3 horses, 4 oxen, 2 cows
12 Eliza [Watton] Rogers, age 28
13 Eliza Jane Rogers, age 7
14 James Ephriam Rogers, age 4
15 George Bowering, age 30
16 Ann Frances, age 19
17 Thomas Rob[b]ins, 8 in family, 2 wagons, 2 horses, 4 oxen, 6 cows, Deserted his company.
18 David [Barclay] Adams, age 38, 6 in family, 1 wagon, 2 oxen
19 Lydea [Lydia] Adams, age 20
20 James Adams, age 16
21 Margaret Adams, age 12
22 David [Cook] Adams, age 7
23 Glen Adams, age 4
24 Ann [Chadney] Wilkshire, 5 in family, 1 oxen, 1 cow, Went on head of the company
25 George Wilkshire
26 Ellen Wilkshire
27 Orson Wilkshire
28 [blank space] Wilkshire
29 Rachel Welden, 2 in family, 1 wagon, 2 horses, 2 oxen, 2 cows, Went on head of the company
30 Richard Lowe
31 Martha Dina Howland, age 28, 5 in family, 2 wagons, 2 horses, 4 oxen, 2 cows [illegible]
32 Elen [Helen Rachel] Howland, age 6
33 Emma Jane Howland, age 3
34 Martha Howland, age [illegible]
35 Peter Preece, age 15
36 John Eldredge, age 48, 6 in family, 1 wagon, 5 oxen, 3 cows, 1 young stock
37 Cithi [Cynthia] Ann Eldredge, age 31
38 Izadora Eldredge, age 5
39 Geor[ge] Washin[g]ton Eldredge, age 3
40 Rufus Filmore [Eldredge], age 6 mo
41 Ce[ce]lia Preece, age 6
42 David Ross, 8 in family, 1 wagon, 7 oxen, 2 cows, Left him at Green river
43 A[braham]. D[odge]. Boyin[g]ton, 6 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 3 cows, Deserted & when with us was unruly
44 Phillip Olmstead [Armstead], age 40, 7 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 2 cows
45 Corintha Olmstead [Armstead], age 33
46 Loran Olmstead [Armstead], age 12
47 Lorenzo Olmstead [Armstead], age 10
48 William Olmstead [Armstead], age 4
49 Teras A. Olmstead [Armstead], age 2
50 Charles Olmstead [Armstead], age 7½
51 James Watton, age 51, 3 in family, 2 cows, 2 sheep
52 Mary Ann Watton, age 43
53 Richard Thaston [Thaxton], age 14
54 John N [Morris] King, 8 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 3 cows, 2 young stock, Deserted [h]is ten, been a captain of ten
55 James Mathews, 3 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 4 cows, Deserted
56 Elizabeth Taylor, 2 in family, 1 wagon, 2 oxen, 4 cows, Deserted
57 John Gilespia [Gillespie]
58 Eleazer King Senr, 4 in family, 1 wagon, 6 oxen, 2 cows, Deserted
59 Eleazer King Junr, 8 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 4 cows, Deserted
60 Josuha Gillet, [Joshua Hague Gillette] 6 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 2 cows
61 Robert Forester, 3 in family, 1 wagon, 3 oxen, 4 cows, Went on head
62 George Howley [Hawley], age 43, 3 in family, 1 wagon, 5 oxen, 1 cow
63 Maria [Butterley] Howley [Hawley], age 31
64 Thomas Copley, age 19
65 Absolam [Absalom] Yates, age 35, 4 in family, 1 wagon, 2 oxen, 2 cows
66 Elizabeth Yates, age 35
67 Joseph Yates, age 3
68 Charlotte Burton, age 32, 2 cows
69 John Mur[ra]y, 6 in family, 1 wagon, 2 oxen, 4 cows, Stayed at Green River
70 Robert McKell, 4 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 4 cows, Stayed at Green River
71 Jefferson T McCallough [McCullough], [illegible] 4 oxen, 2 cows, Went on head
72 John W. Vance, [illegible] 4 oxen, 2 cows, Went on head
73 Mary Young, [illegible] 4 oxen, 3 cows, Went on head
74 William Clark, [illegible] 2 cows, Went on head
75 Charles Lapworth, [illegible] 1 wagon, 2 oxen, 4 cows, Went on head
76 George Foster, 10 in family, 2 wagons, 1 horse, 4 oxen, 4 cows, 6 sheep, Deserted
77 W. B. Cousworth [Causworth], 8 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 4 cows, Deserted
78 James Portas, 5 in family, 1 wagon, 5 oxen, 1 cow, Went on head
79 William Watts, age 34, 3 in family, 1 wagon, 2 oxen, 3 cows, Went on head
80 Mary Skinner, age 33, 1 cow, Went on head
81 Edward Skinner, age 2, Went on head
82 Franklin J. Daves [Davis], 5 in family, 2 wagons, 5 oxen, 4 cows, 5 sheep, Went on head
83 Andrew Whillock [Whitlock], age 10, 10 in family, 2 wagons 1 horse, 6 oxen, 4 cows, 2 sheep, Went on head
84 John Enness [Ennis], 3 in family, 2 oxen, 4 cows, Deserted
85 Edwin Andrews, 4 in family, 1 wagon, 2 oxen, 2 cows, Stayed at Green River
86 John Yates, 4 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 4 cows, Went on head
87 Edward Pool, 4 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 4 cows, Deserted
88 Ann Pool, Deserted
89 Charles Miller, Deserted
90 – Miller, Deserted
91 John Wright, 5 in family, 1 wagon, 2 oxen, 2 cows, Deserted, Went on head
92 Mary Wright, Went on head
93 Mary Wright, Went on head
94 John Wright, Went on head
95 Sister [Elizabeth] Cole, 6 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 3 cows, Went on head
96 Stephen Wood, 6 in family, 4 oxen, Went on head
97 Sister [Emily] Kebble [Kebbell], 6 in family, 1 horse, 4 oxen, 4 cows, Went on head
98 [there is no number 98]
99 Isaac Gensford [Gaisford], 6 in family, 1 wagon, 6 oxen, 2 cows, Deserted
100 James D. Ross, Deserted
101 John Bo[u]lter, Went on head
102 Thomas Hepworth, age 26, 4 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 2 cows, 1 young stock, Went on head
103 Mary Hepworth, age 22, Went on head
104 Sarah Hepworth, age 1½, Went on head
105 Samuel J[ames] Hepworth, age 2 m[onths], Went on head
106 John Hepworth, age 30, 3 in family, Went on head
107 Francis Amelia Hepworth, age 24, Went on head
108 John Hepworth, 3 m[onth], Went on head
109 Henry Garfield, 3 in family, 2 oxen, Went on head
110 Sarah B[eriah]. [Fiske] Allen, age 26, 3 in family, 1 wagon, 2 cows, Went on head
111 [There is no 111]
112 Emmaret [Cynthia Amorette] Allen, age 10, Went on head
113 Alex[ander Alma] Allen, age 7, Went on head
114 Caron [Orrin] Day Farlin, age 30, 5 in family, 2 wagons, 4 oxen, 1 cow, Remained with the rear
115 Flavilla Farlin, age 26, Remained with the rear
116 Roxena [Roxana] Huntsman, age 32, Remained with the rear
117 Selena Huntsman, age 5, Remained with the rear
118 Ellen Huntsman, age 4, Remained with the rear
119 Jeremiah Leveitt [Leavitt], age 30, 8 in family, 2 oxen, 2 cows, Remained with the rear
120 Eliza [Harrover] Leveitt [Leavitt], age 26, Remained with the rear
Claudia [Clarissa] Ann Leveitt [Leavitt], age 7, Remained with the rear
Lusy Leveitt [Leavitt], age 6, Remained with the rear
Sarah P[riscilla]. Leveitt [Leavitt], age 5, Remained with the rear
Mary E[llen] Leveitt [Leavitt], age 3, Remained with the rear
Jeremiah Leveitt, age 1, Remained with the rear
Jonathan McKee, 6 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 4 cows, Went on head
John Johnson, Went on head
David Nelson, age 51, 7 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 2 cows, Remaine with the rear
Sarah [Brown] Nelson, age 36, Remained with the rear
Mary N. [Eunice] Nelson, age 15, Remained with the rear
James [Horace] Nelson, age 13, Remained with the rear
David Nelson, age 10, Remained with the rear
William Thompson, age 36, Remained with the rear
Henry Thompson, age 34, Remained with the rear
Harrison Peck, age 7 [42], 7 in family, 1 wagon, 2 oxen, 1 cow, Went on head
William Witwood [Westwood], 15 in family 3 wagons, 3 horses, 10 oxen, 2 cows, Went on head
Richard Golightly, 7 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 2 cows, Went on head
Henry Green, age 35, 3 in family, 2 cows, Remained with the rear
Elizabeth [Richardson] Green, age 41, Remained with the rear
Emma Broomhead, age 15, Remained with the rear
George Goddard, age 36, 5 in family, 4 oxen, 1 cow, Remained with the rear
Elizabeth [Harrison] Goddard, age 35, Remained with the rear
Eliza Goddard, age 10, Remained with the rear
Joseph Goddard, age 9, Remained with the rear
Mary [Elizabeth] Goddard, age 7, Remained with the rear
Hugh McKee, 5 in family, 1 wagon, 4 oxen, 2 cows, Went on head
Samuel Raymond, Went on head
[Benjamin] Franklin Raymond, Went on head
William McKee, 10 in family, 2 wagons, 8 oxen, 8 cows, Went on head
Sep 17th Friday Today this David Adams came to me with a note from Captain Tidwell instructing me to write a note to a Sister Wilkshire for to make Bro D some remuneration for his trouble in his behalf of her and her family
As our journey has now come to an end and I have then far fulfilled the Clerkship[.] I have done it for the honour thereof and also found most of the materials such as pens ink and paper out of my own pocket which thing I rejoice in. I will here say one word concerning John Tidwell our Captain[.] What I have seen of him with my own eyes, I believe him to be a first rate good man, a man that has tried with all his might to do the best he could of the whole company. And it is my prayer that the blessings of heaven may rest upon him and every member in said company.
George Bowering[,] Clerk