Transcript for "Cows and Work Oxen," Frontier Guardian, 6 Mar. 1850, 2
There will evidently be a scarcity of the above kind of stock in this section to meet the demand this coming Spring for the emigration. We would advise every one to bring all the good work steers, milch cows and young stock that he can. Mules are dear and not so profitable to go to the Salt Lake as five and six year old steers. Mules would be best to cross the Plains and Mountains, provided the emigrant goes to the Mines or to the Pacific Coast. Ponies, good horses and indifferent ones will sell here for what they are worth.
do. cows do do - - $12 to $15
do horses, do do- $65,$80 and $100.
Common horses do do - - $40 to $55.
Young Cattle are as good property as can be brought here, or as can be taken to the mountains. The above kinds of stock are perfectly good here to buy farms and improvements. We presume that every claim in Pottawatamie county might be bought with cows, oxen, horses, and young cattle, only bring enough of them.