Transcript for Cross, Louise Gulbransen, Reminiscences, in Nettie Hunt Rencher, Sketch of the life of Louise Gulbransen Cross [n.d.], 1-2
The ox teams were to haul the food, bedding, and clothing but the people must walk. Although Louise was only 11 years old she walked all the way across the plains. Mathia and Bernard [Gulbransen] both died on the way and were buried 100 miles apart.
After suffering all the hardships incident to such a trip and spending six months on the way they reached Salt Lake Valley October 20, 1863. She remembers how they used to laugh about the way the drivers talked. It sounded so different from good old Norwegian. They came in Capt. [Peter] Nebekers company. She says it is not one bit funny to come to a country where everyone speaks a different language from yours, but they tried to make a joke out of it. Louise remembers very well the great crowds of people who came out to Emigration canyon to meet them with great baskets and boxes of good things to eat. They felt they truly had reached Zion.