Transcript for Curtis E. Bolton reminiscences and journals, 1846-1853, "Patriarchal blessing, journal, and poems, 1838-1866," 14-15
About the first day of May I received a draft on Beach & Eddy for three hundred dollars. with which I purchased cows and oxen to replace those I had lost. So that I had four yoke of oxen. And two yoke of Splendid cows. (Duke & Ben. Pelt & Bull. Tom & Berry. Muly & Ferry. Kule & Lilly[.] Susan & Fanny.) But my wagons proved heavier than I thought; I ought to have had another yoke of cattle. We laid in a good stock of provisions and on May 22 started out of Winter Quarters. I was very weak as I was just recovering from another severe fit of sickness. The oxen were all awkward and Curty & I awkward too. And Rebecca so very great a coward that she made my journey a perfect hell to me. In three days I arrived at the Elk Horn Creek. Crossed on a raft. And camped with Pulsiphers company. Of which I was appointed clerk.
June 1st Started from the Elk Horn in Zera Pulsiphers company. called the Second company.
On the Main Platt[e] Br. Brigham invited me into his ten—which I accepted. and by his advice started before the camp in the morning and not hurry my cattle but try to keep ahead all day.
A few days after had to leave ox “tom” who drank too much when he was warm, and got Foundered. I gave Bro Brigham all my meal about twelve bushels. As I could haul it no further. Bishop [Christopher] Williams lent me an ox for a few days but soon wanted him again. Bro. Brigham lent me a yoke of cattle two or three days and then took them again. Then lent me one one day—and then I travelled with my own team only. In the black hills [blank space] my ox “Berry” feeding too near a precepice fell and broke his back bone. I had him shot. A Br. [Horace] Gib[b]s lent me an ox one day, but after that I travelled to the Valley with my own team only. my cows worked full as well as oxen and kept in better order—two calved on the road before reaching the fort Laramie. I had to kill the calves as they could not travel and I could not haul them for want of team. Near Independence Rock I gathered bout 50 lbs saleratus. The evening we camped there the band played most beautifully til late. Some danced up on top of the Rock where the band were. It was a clear night and full moon. My team became so weak here that I left Bro Brighams Company and stopt on good feed one week to recruit. And killed and dried some buffalo meat. Then travelled on with Bro Gustav<us> Williams the sadler. Then for a few days travelled with Bro Eleazur Millers Company. (the two Bros Pettit). Bro Wms left me at the last crossing on the sweet water where we overtook Bro Brigham. At the crossing of big Sandy. Rebecca gave a false alarm. I hurried off several miles to where Bro Brigham was campd but could not get a Midwife.
Then returned & found a motherly old lady travelling with a company of Gentiles named Twitchel [blank space] But it was only a false alarm. But as we knew she must be near her time I concluded it would be safest to travel with a mid wife. So I left Br Eleazur Miller and travelled with [blank space] (in the Pass I forgot to state we had a severe heavy cold snow storm which caused much suffering among men and cattle. Here I spent a week)
August We now travelled on by easy journies till within about twelve miles of the Weaver or Weber River. here we camped 5 days killing meat and boiling out native tar gathered at the tar spring. Here Brother Kimball’s Company passed us. A few miles below at a sudden turn of the road the aft wheel of my lumber wagon ran over a rock and tilted up so high as to break off the arm of the axel. Another was soon made of quaking aspen. But that broke in a plain road about ten miles from the weber. A cotton wood was now put in but with no better success. When within about six miles of the east foot of the “big Mountain” it broke again and I left the wagon and distributed my load into other wagons. And campd on top the big mountain next night. were four days getting from there to the City. Where I arrived all well and camped with Br JM Bernhisel.