Transcript for Daniel Davis diaries, 1846-1892, Journal, 1846 May-1889 January, 90-101
May 1848
Mond[ay] 8th Father [Heber C. Kimball] Bro Wm. & I Was Loading some Wagons for our Journey to the valley of the Great Salt Lake. In this night Father Was very sick with t[he] Chils & Fever
Tuesd[ay] 9th Bro Wm I Was fixing our Wagons for to start on our Journey & it came to pass that at one oclock PM, Father had eight Wagons Loaded & started. I had three pair of oxen on the Wagon that I Was driving[.] We Went five miles & camp on the Parrie [prarie] in company With Bro Joel Rix [Ricks.] he had thirteen Wagons in [h]is company[.] Bro Wm came along with us[.] he had the horses & carriage. In the Evening We all came together & had prarer [prayer.] Harvey was mouth[.] I Was on guard the Last Pa[r]t of the night[.] very cold
Wend 10th I was making some Whip sticks & ramrod for Guns & herding the cattle[.] Bro. Wm & Jacob & two other[s] went back[.] I Was on Guard the Last haf of the night—cold & Windy
Thursd 11th Am [A.M.] I was helping herd the cattl[e.] Pm [P.M.] I Was sleeping[.] attended preares [prayers] in the Evening[.] on Guarde the Last haf of the night[.] clear & pleasant night
Frid 12th Am. I was herding the cattle[.] Pm Father & Mother came up & stopt A Short time[.] Went back. I Was airing my cloths, on Watch the Last half of the night[.] <moon Light> Pleasant
Satur 13th Am I Was herding[.] Pm Bro George Billing[s] & Heber came up With one Wagon & Sixteen head of cattle[.] Bro George Went directly back. I was on guard the last of the <night>
Sund 14th I Bro Joseph & Heber Went dow[n] to Fathers & stopt & Eat Din[n]er with Father[.] It Looked Rather desolate. Bro Hosea G. Billings [Cushing,] George Clawson & Sister Burt Iaines one camp this day. After din[n]er I [and] Bro Joseph took a pair of horses & Wagon & some corn & other things & Went Back to camp. In the Evening very heavy Thunder & sharp lightning & rain in the night[.] I Was on Watch the Last of the night
Mond 15th I [and] Bro Franklin Edwards Was herding
Tuesd 16th I Was Herding this day. In the Evening Father[,] Hosea & Bro Norman [Norton] Jacobs came to our camp & Stopt all night. I Was on Guard the Last part of the night
Wend 17th In the Morning Father spoke to the company A short time & then Wanted Bro Rix [Ricks,] Jacobs & I to go and look out a new road to the horn River[.] We did go & returned at four o clock PM[.] could not find any better chance for A new road than the <Pioneer road>[.] This day twenty five Wagons joined our camp
Thursd 18th I Was herding the horses[.] Bro Heber [Kimball] & David came to camp[,] Bro Wm & Family & A large number of Wagons[.] I Was on Watch the Last Pa[r]t of the night
Frid 19th I Was herding the horses for fear the Indians Would drive them of[f]
Satud 20th I Was herding. This day Rix [Ricks] & Familly Bro Jacob Whittl[e] with their Families moved on to the [-] to Build a Bri[d]ge by Fathers request[.] I also counted Sixty other Wagons moveing on.
Sund 21th I Was herding the horses this day. Father [Heber C. Kimball] with his Wives Sarah Ann [Kimball] & Francis with Bro. Benson & Wife came up to camp[.] Went back in the evening rainy night. I was on watch the last half of the night
Mond 22 I Was herding the horses at four oclock. it began to rain for one hour[.] I was on watch for last of night
Tusd 23 I was herding the horses. Bro. Wm Moses & George Road came up with each of them a team & Harriett Amanda & Lucy fathers wives with them also Bro. George Mirer
Wend 24 I was herding[.] Bro. Wm & Josep[h] was moving the wagon on the hill nearer the road Am[.] Bro. Wm went back AM & returned in the evening & Mr. Winser Kimball & Bro Harringshaw from Nauvoo. I was on watch the last part of the night.
Thurs 25 I Was herding and I Wrote A message for Mr. Kimball to take to my Bro. Ames in Nauvoo Which Was as follows[:] My Bro. Ames in as Much as you Want health peace & prosperity & Salvation, if you Will Sell your property in Nauvoo & Will come With the next spring Emigration to the valley & bring the effects of your property to bring Wills Phillip <you> shall have it by obeying the Gospel, Daniel Davis
Frid 26 I Was helping to herde the cattle & horses[.] fair Warm South Wind
Satud 27 I Was helping to herde the cattle & horses on guarde the Last half of the night
Sund 28 I Was Abed AM PM[.] I was helping herde the Cattle & horses At twelve oclock. in the night Bro. Abraham & Mirer came to camp for Doctor Vanburen for Bishop [Newel Kimball] Whitney for he was hurt by lightning
Mond 29 In the AM I Was helping to herd. In the PM I Was to Work about the Wagons. In the Evening Father & Mother came to camp. Bro. Win told me that Father had received five hundred dollars of a Gentile, I think, his name is <Perkins>.
Tuesd 30 I [and] Bro Joseph War preparing our wagons to move on our Journey[.] I Was on Watch the Last half of the night[.] cold night
Wend 31 AM Father [and] Bro Wm Joseph George killing & I Was fixing Wagons & teams to start on our Journey. And it came to pass that We Started between one & two oclock <that night>. AM drove six miles Camp[.] I had a three horse team to drive[.] on Watch last
Thurd 1 June 1848 We renewed our Journey[.] crosed the Pasas & to the Elk Horn River[.] Camp on the east side
Frid 2 We got our teams[.] took our Wagons to the Ferry Which consisted of A Log Raft[.] got our wagons over by noon. AM We Swam our Stock over the Stream[.] Was fifty feet Wide[.] their Was some drift Wood Loged in the Stream & the horses Went to that & stopt. I swam in & Got a pole & drive them away on acros camp in a circle
Satud 3 Heavy Shower of rain at Eleven oclock. I Was helping one of Fathers Wives & Sister [Tamson Parshley] Egan to Wash at the River
Sund 4 I Was helping to herd the Cattle AM[.] in camp PM
Mond 5 I Was helping to fix the Loading in the Wagons
Tuesd 6 In the Morning I took A Mule & Bro Plebe his money & We Went back to find some pigs that W[e] left on thr [thursday] And I came to past that some Indians came to Drive off some Cattle Bro Wm Egan & Thomas Rix Went to stopt[.] Their Was twelve Indians & they presented their guns to fire or shoot <on> the brother[.] Bro Wm & Egan & Rix had Pistols[.] Bro Wm Shot & then their Was several shots made[.] Bro Egan Was Wounded in the Wrist [and] Bro Rix in the Back[.] Bro Wm horse Was Wounded. And it Was Saposed that four Indians Was killed. the camp moved two Miles. Bro Cornelius [Peter] Lott & Sister Mary [Fielding] Smith the Wife of the Patriarch Hyrum Smith Each With their Family, came to camp. I Was on Watch Wast half <night>
Weds 7 At Eight oclock. We persued our Journey over to the Platt[e] River & up three miles[.] camp by A Small Lake
Thurs 8 Persued our Journey Eight Miles[.] Campt[.] the Company Was called together & Father adressed them on order & Principle. Gave them Instruction to <husbands> Gove[r]n themselves & their Famileys, & keep themselves clean & have prears [prayers] morning & Evening in their Wagons & by so doing the Lord Would bless and Prosper them on their Journey & they Would all Get through. Bro Fifus [Titus] Billing[s], Was chosen capt of the first fifty[.] Bro John Pack of the second fifty
Frid 9 Persued our Journey fourteen miles[.] crosed on Small creek. Camp[.] I was on guard last half of the night[.] Cold & heavy due [dew]
Satur 10 Persued our Journey ten Miles[.] camp on the Bank of the Platt[e] River at <two PM>
Sund 11 We did not travel this day[.] I Was A bed part of the AM. In the PM I went to me[e]ting
Mond 12 Persued our Journey Nineteen Miles[.] camp on the Bank of the Loup Fork
Tuesd 13 Persued our Journey[.] crosed the Looking Glass creek on A Barge[.] it is A Small Stream deep & mirey[.] crosed the Beaver & Camp this is favorable in Lord Watch
Wend 14 Persued our Journey[.] pased by the place formerly ocupied by the Mishanaries to the Pawnees but they had been broke up by the Souix [Sioux] indians[.] crosed Plum creek & cider & camp on the Banks[.] up to here is A fine level tract of Sand And Wide from the River to Bluffs. I Was on Watch the Last half night
Thursd 15 Father & Bro Wm Went Back to find A cow that We left[.] returned at twelve oclock. The camp had all gon on but company we think[.] Persued our Journey Ten miles & come up with them for they had Stopt[.] A heavy Shower of rain at this time[.] We camp near An old Indian Settlement[.] Bro [Jehu] Cox had A child of Seven years of age [Lucretia Cox] fall from his Wagon & Run over & killed
Frid 16 We Persued our Journey six Miles[.] camp near the ford of the Loup Fork. heavy Shower of Rain from the time We commencd our Journey to this[.] Eat With Sister Frances. this day I Went to fathers Wagon to eat
Satud 17 We Got up our teams & forded the Loup Fork by deulling [doubling] the teams[.] the Stream is half mile Wide[.] camp on the Bank
Sund 18 frequent Showers of rain[.] I took Care of my horses & Slept some in the AM[.] PM I help <mother> Bake Some Bread
Mond 19 persued our journey[.] hard Sandy Road[.] camp on the Paraie [Prarie.] I Was on <Guard> first half night
Tued 20 At Sunrise We persued our Journey for AM[.] campt Without Wood or Water, drove six miles to Paraie [Prarie] Creek. Stopt & feed & Got breakfast[.] one of the Wagons tipt over into the creek. it Was Loaded With Barrels of flour & so not much harm done[.] We Persued our Journey on to the Platt[e] river & campt
Wend 21 persued our Journey up the Platt[e] & campt & two of our Cows Was gon[.] I[,] Bro Storea[,] Henry Covert & Bankhead Went Back to find them but <could not>[.] We Was away from camp all night
Thursd 22 We Returned to our Camp Ground & they had all moved on & We took our teams & Went ten miles & Campt at With the company
Frid 23rd Persued our Journey[.] Camp on the Bank of the Platt[e]
Saturd 24th At half past five o clock morning We persued our Journey for the Wood Was scarce & the folks Wanted to Bake & Wash. At ten oclock we campt & Father requested me to Dig Well[.] I did so by digin[digging] four feet[.] had good Water[.] put in an Empty flour barell for it Was sandy & I called it Heber Well[.] the Brethern Gathers some Wood to make coal of to take alonge for blacksmithing
Sund 25th on account of being up nights & being Deprived of my sleep I Went to Bed and slep[t] the Am. And it came to pass that Eight soldiers from Grand Island came to our camp & stopt a short time & went Back.
Mond 26th We persued our Journey[.] crossed Elm Creek[.] it Was dry
Tuesd 27th We persued our Journey up the Platt[e] & came up With Bro Brigham Company & campt near to him.
Wensd 28th Persued our Journey[.] this with in company with Bro Brighams
29 Thursd Persued our Journey & Bro Conover had a child runover & hurt way bad
30 Friday Persued our Journey[.] came to the River[.] had one mile very hilly & Sandy road[.] Bro Brigham Company stopt with us at noon[.] crossed a Small creek[.] Discovere a small herd of Buffalow[.] this company killed three of them[.] William Roads [Rhodes,] the son of Bro George [Rhodes,] fell from his Wagon & Was run over & hurt very bad
Saturd July 1 1848 Persued our Journey[.] had Heavy Sandy road[.] their was two bufalow kill for the camp[.] pass by a boiling of cold Water[.] Stopt Watered our teams. Father dipt his son Solomon [Kimball] in also a Little Girl of Bro Wm[.] her name was Maeann[?] & a child of Bishop Whitneys[.] one of Bishop Whitneys team run into the Platt[e] & tipt the Wagon over[.] We camp near Bro Brigham Company
Sund 2nd Am I Was helping to Wash some & taking care of my horses & slep[t] some. In the Evening their Was a me[e]ting at Fathers Wagon & Rules & regulations Enter into for our saf[e]ty our cattl & Wagons[.] I Was on Watch the Last half of the night
Mond 3rd In the Morning We sett some tire[.] at Eleven oclock We resumed our Journey[.] crossed two creeks[.] camp
Tuesd 4th Resumed our Journey[.] crossed two creeks & A point Bluff[.] campt on the Bank of Platt[e]
Wensd 5th Persued our Journey[.] passed over A sandy Bluff[.] one [of] Bro Thomas Wagon tipt over[.] his Wife & two children in it[.] no damage done
Thursd 6th Crossed over a Sandy Bluff & a small creek[.] Runing in it crossed one[.] Here one of Bishop Whitneys Wagon ties came off & broke it[.] put the Load into other Wagons & Drove on to camp[.] I had the misfortune to loose my Writing from the Seventh of July up to the night of Sunday the fourteenth for which I am very sorry for it contains many Words of My Father Which Were of Great worth to Me. Also of our Journings the Ac[c]idents that hapened in the Company & the Blessings that the lord bestowed upon us[.] And the prosperity that atended us to all that We had. Suf[f]ice to be that the hand of the Lord Was over us for Good to preserve us by Day & night & our cattle Wagons & Goods[.] Blest us with Health and strength & our cattle. The fourteenth oliver barr [Jacob] the <Son> of Norton & Emily [Heaton] Jacobs died[.] he has been sick a long time of a reumatic complaint[.] Buried at twelve oclock[.] Aged thirteen years Seven Months & fourteen Days. This Day We left our Camp Ground which was on Green Wood creek. Am crossed the Sweet Water at the Independence Rock. followed up the stream five Miles & campt near Devils Gate Which is a Deep cut through the rocks of two Hundred feet[,] fifty feet Wide & two hundred feet through [July 7—Aug 15. These days are missing in the diary]
Wed 16 In the Morning I Went up on the Rocks near the Notch called the Devils Gate & prayed[.] We resumed our Journey up the Sweet Water & campt[.] this is called Sweet Water because A Frenchman An[d] Indian Trader Lost some Sugar in it some years ago[.] Bro Henry Herriman [Harriman] traveled with us from the Bit[t]er Spring. the Sweet Water is A Beautiful clear stream high & long range of rocks on the north side
Thurs 17 Persued our Journey up the Sweet Water & camp near two Large high & Bear rock called the que[e]ns Breast. had A heavy sandy road. This Evening Sister Helen M[ar] Whitney the Daughter of Heber Chase & Vilate Kimball was Delivered of A Son [William Howard Whitney]
Frid 18 In the morning Bro John Forsgreen & Benjamin Ralph came to camp Sent from the Valley[.] Brought Good news[.] Said their was one Hundred Wagons & Three Hundred pair of oxen coming to help us in. Drove three or four miles & camp for many of our cattle Sick & Weak[.] had Good feed & Water but no Wood. Bro Wm. Matthew[s], John Shafer[,] George Clawson[,] George Rever Went out & killed a Buffalow & brought into Camp
Satur 19 Persued our Journey[.] Seven Miles Camp. our road was Sandy & very hard for our teams for many of the[m] was sick being poisoned With Alcolie [alkali] & many Was Weak
Sund 20 In the Morning We Gathered up our Cattle & one of our oxen Was dead[.] two or three more sick And the people Was Afraid that many more <Would> die on the Road going back[.] for their [there] Was many oxen had been sent along to help us on our Way & they Ware now Going back <With> Bro Taylor[,] Clawson[,] Matthew[,] [James W.] Steel & some others. And it came to pass that Father spoke to the people & said that if they Would do as he Would Advise the Cattle Would all Get Well & not another one die. The first thing we would have them to do would be to Humble themselves before the Lord & pray for their cattle & for rain to Wash the poison off the Ground & if they would they would have rain & the cattle should get Well & go through & them that Was going back should stand it[.] Father told them people that they must Watch over their cattle & pray for them & Administer to them. At five oclock pm A meting was called & the Hym[n] sung come Let us anew our Journey persu[e.] Bro Shadrick Roundy prayed then Sung the Hym[n] Let Zion in her beauty Rise her Light begin to shine. Bro Roundy then arose & said that he did not know that he had much to say but he felt thrill or Glad that he had the priveleg [privilege] of meeting again & We had reason to thank God for this priveleg[.] he spoke of the hardship of the Journey yet before us & of the priveleg of rolling forth from the Christian Land[.] he did rejoice for he could see the hand of God in it in Leading his people to A land that God <has> had his finger on for thousands of years & When We got their & Read the Bible We Would rejoice for We Would see it all described their. And he did Require more the year before than he did in Eight years & he had been in tribulation all the time. And We must have faith & the Lord would Enable us to Gather & shortly the standard Would be raised their & the call would be to the Kings of the Earth to come their for their is the standard of Liberty. And their the Temple Would be Built & We Would be Endowed With power from on high & then the Boys Would have to Go forth & roll the people together. Father arose & said to the people that he was Glad to <hear> him speak for he spoke by the Spirit[.] he spoke of his tribulations he had Gon[e] through Last year & he Was the only man almost that has come back[.] Father said that A man that Desired the things of the World could not Enjoy the spirit of God[.] he spoke of the hardship of the Journey & said it Was the hardest he had ever had. When he Went to Missourie [Missouri] With Bro Joseph & traveled one thousand Miles on foot[,] in traveling days all that they could raise Was one hundred & fifty And they Ware [were] counted by the people as they pased along & they never Was counted Less than five Hundred & so on to fifteen hundred[.] he spoke of their faith then & Whare [where] is it now[.] it is self he said. He spoke of his Bretheren & said that better men never Lived unles they had more Experience & he suposed that they Would have more Experience & he thought they could <all> do better. And he was Going to reform & he felt as though he had been blest for no one of his Family had fallen & he had a Large family. He said that if the Lord will[,] he would stop & unload about forty Wagons & Bro Brigham & then have cattle Enough to Team ten Wagons & he said some had Let him have Cattle to help him along & he agreed to Send back cattle & he would[.] He asked if they all prayed[.] he said he could say with Safty they did not one half of them pray for they Would travel all day & stop at night Wearied & tired & go to bed With out prare [prayer.] Get up in a hurry in the morning & no prare[.] he said he heard Bro Joseph say <in Nauvoo> he Would Give A key how they might have Salvation & that Was for every one to Minde his own business & hold his tongue & he <said> now let us be faithful men & be resolved that When We go from this place we will not cease to pray[.] he reminded them of their vows in the Temple[.] he said bretheren are you Resolved to be faithful[?] if you are say I [aye.] they all spoke. he said he was thankful for the priveleg [privilege] of standing here & he said if We Would pray for rain We Would have it before saturday night And it would <wash> the poison of[f] the Grass & the Ground & the cattle Would Get Well[.] he said be of Good chere [cheer] & be comforted & Go home & Go into your Wagons & pray[.] also in the morning he also Gave as A General proclamation he Wanted the Boys to Get up as soon as it Was Light[.] he Wanted them to have ambition fortitude & Go ahead. Father Baldwin arose & made some Remarks in Regard to his feeling And the meeting was dismissed by the people Bowing down & Father returned thanks to the Lord & prayed for his mercies & Blessings on the people
Mond 21 Persued our Journey[.] crosed the Sweet Water three times in A short distance[.] Passed through a notch of the Mountains & came out on A sandy plain & came to the river[.] found Bro Miller campt[.] pased on one mile[.] camp[.] sent out Bro Mathews Hooper & Conover a hunting[.] they brough in one calf
Tuesd 22 our road Was over a sandy plain[.] I Walked all day[.] saw a herd of bufalow[.] our horses team was in the Rear[.] Bro Horace Was behind With oxen[.] they Was Tired[.] We came to some Water ten miles & stopt[.] had good feed for our horses[.] the rest of the camp went on seven miles to the River. At Nine oclock in the Evening the infant child of Sister Hellen [Helen Mar Whitney] died. it was five days old
Wend 23 We Gathered up our teams & Went on our Journey[.] Met Bro Loren Farr[.] he was from the valley to help his Mother in[.] We Went out to the river & found our camp[.] all Were Passed over A high ri[d]ge & came down on the Sweet Water Bottom & camp[.] Bro Hosea [Cushing] & orson [K.] Whitney made A coffin for Sister Hellen[’s] child[.] it Was buried just at dark
Thurd 24 In the morning we gathered up our stock[.] then turned them Loose[.] then a meting Was called to know the minds of the people in Regard to stoping here for the day[.] all Was Willing[.] it Was then Motioned & secon[d]ed that we all observe Good order & that no man or boy go a hunting with[out] Leave from the officers of the day[.] Bishop Whitney & Bro Roundy Was called on to select a guard for the stock through the day[.] I [and] Bro Orson Whitney By the request of Father went & dug up the child that Was Buried to see if all Was right[.] it was Examined by Father & Bro Whitney & then Buried again
Frid 25 In the morning Moved Father & Sarah Ann [Kimball Whitney],] Bro Wm. [Williams] & Bro Harvey[,] for Sister Hellen was very sick & Sarah Ann & Bro Wm. Wife[.] their was great soleminity in camp[.] Great anxiety for the sick. sent some of our oxen back to help up those that Was behind
Satu 26 I was unloading & fixing some of the Wagons. And it came to pass acording to the Words of My Father[,] it rained in the PM. Sarah Ann [Whitney Kimball] the Wife of my Father Was Delivered of a son
Sund 27 In the morning Bro Robert Burton & Joseph Young came to our Camp With Several Pair of oxen & two Wagons to help us up to Bro Brigham[’s] camp for many of our oxen was going Back[.] Bro Brigham came in his carriage to our camp[.] Bro Billings camp one & a half mile ahead of us[.] In the Evening I Went With Horses & carriage & Got Sister Billing to come & stay with Sister Hellen. In the Evening Bro Thomas Bullock Read a Letter from the valley Writen by Bro Parley P Pratt[.] Good new[s.] a prospect of a plentiful Harvest
Mond 28 Am I Was fixing the Loading in the Wagons to go back[.] Bro Abraham O Smoot came to our camp from the valley[.] Bro Snow George Grant & Charles Decker from Bro Brigham
Tuesd 29 I [and] Bro Egan [and] Wm. Was Gathering up the cattle to send back. I was on guard th[e] last [--] first half of the night
Wend 30 In the morning Bro. Brigham & the Bretheren of his company went onto their camp. Bro Bibe Wm. Matherd, Peter Solomon[,] George Clawson[,] James Steel[,] John Hooper[,] Franklin Edwards & Henry [Herman] Ovett [Oviatt] started Back With the cattle & Wagons that came along to help us[.] Father Went to see them start We we moved camp five five miles this day
Thursd 31 This morning our horses was Strayed & the ox teams went on[.] We found our horses & Went a few Rods & Father stopt the teams & spoke to B[ro] Wm. Egan Jackman & me & we Went a few Rods from the[re] to a bunch of Willows & all knelled down & Father Prayed & We all felt Well. We then persued our Journey over the Wind River chain of mountains so called[.] camp on a Branch of the Sweet Water[.] feed Poor Wood scarce. This Evening some teams came to our camp from the valley. Bro Carter Decker brought a Letter from Bro Brigham stating he Was Sick & Severall of his company
Frid 1 In the Morning Bro Wm. Egan [and] I Went & found our horses & persued our Journey near to the uper [upper] Crossing of the Sweet Water & camp[.] Good feed & a plenty of Willow bush for wood[.] This Evening Bro John Nebicer [Nebeker] Brinkerhoff Leonard Russell came to us with oxen Wagons to help us in[.] cold Stormy night[.] rain & snow
Satud 2 A cold stormy Am[.] Rain & snow & froste. pm Fathers ten With Bro Whitneys Family Persued our Journey to the Upper Crossing of the Sweet Water & camp[.] the rest of the company stop near[.] We coralled our horses[.] I was on Guard the Last half of the Night[.] very cold[.] snow on the mountains
Sund 3 Am We Was fixing our teams & Wagons for their Was many that Was short of team[.] Pm We persued our Journey up the hill for the south pass[.] Eight miles[.] camp on the Bank of Sweet Water near the summit[.] very cold night
Mond 4 In the morning our little company Was called together & Father said he had one Word to say to us & he meant What he said & When he Wanted a thing done he Wanted us to do it With out his Runing & hollering all through the camp. We Wanted a capt[ain] for Bro Roundy was gon[e] on to the valley[.] he Wanted to nominate & then all be agreed[.] he nominated Peter Conover[.] I seconded it & he Was voted in by the up Lifted hand. We then Gathered up our teams & persued our Journey past the pacifick [pacific] Springs[,] pased the big Sandy one mile & camp
Tuesd 5 Early in the Morning We persued our Journey Eight miles to Little Sandy & camp[.] had a plenty of feed water & Willows for Wood. Their was some thunder & hail & Rain [in] Pm
Wen 6 We Got ready to start at nine oclock & some of the Bretheren Was speaking of the hards[hip] of sos many camping to gether[.] Am Father said it had been so all the way through & he had not had a days rest since he Left Winter quarters & he Was about Wore out & he could not [illegible] <Bare> it nor could God unless he had more faith & more Power[.] I then spoke & said he would not Bare all the day Long[.] Father then said God would not. We persued our Journey to big Sandy[.] camp[.] in the evening I Went to Bro [Titus] Billing to meting[.] Bro Joseph Fielding spoke a short time & then Bro [Cornelius Peter] Lott. And then Father came & spoke a few words[.] said he Wanted every one to make his Way to the valley as fast as posible. He said What men he had traveled With on this Journey he very near What buried they fit good for if they Ware covetous they would show it[,] if Liberal they Would[,] if humble or if pevish or pleasant they Would show it[.] he said they had all Done very well & he Would forgive them if they Would him & he was thankful that they had been thus Blest & prospered on their Journey. I did enjoy myself very well this day
Thursd 7 persued our Journey over across a large bend of the Sandy for nineteen Miles & came to Sandy again & camp[.] Good feed Water & Wood[.] all Was peace & quietness
Frid 8 Am persued our Journey to Green River & forded it & stopt for two hours then Went down it for five miles & camp[.] in the PM a Little rain
Saturd 9 We persued our Journey from Green River over a Long Large hill to hams fork[.] A little rain Pm[.] had a good place to camp[.] Warm day & night[.] the Blessings of the Lord Was With us
Sund 10 I was herding the horses Am[.] In the Pm I was herding[.] at five oclock there Was a meting called & Father spoke of the probation of man[.] said how that some supose that When they Got through this World they Would be free from trials & troubles but it Was not so[,] for they Would have to Go through many of them before they Got to the God head & their Would not but A few get to the Godhead[.] he said it Would be like going through an orchard after the fruit Was Gathered[.] by Looking sharp you might find now & then an Apple[.] So With persons geting to the God head[.] he said he was filled with the spirit of God & the power of the Holy G[h]ost[.] he asked why not all be filed with the spirit & be Prophets. Whe[n] the people tell us their is prophets to tell us all things[.] he said if they ware all fil[l]ed with the Spirit they Would not dictate the Priesthood. He spoke of some dificultys Laid over to come before the Twelve[.] he said he was going to kick them all to the devil for he Was not A going to Let all of the days of his Life setling their dificulties. And some more that I have not writen[.] Bro Baldwin & Lott made some remark[.] I then went to my Wagon[.] Fair & Warm day
Mond 11 <Am> Persued our Journey[.] crossed hams Fork & came over to Blacks fork[.] Pased two Mounds the[re] of [-ina] ancient ruins. This day I have seen the Goodness of the Lord to me & those that Was With me[.] I Was driving three horses on a Wagon & Sarah Ann & her little infant Was in the wagon & Just as I started down A steep hill but short [when] the [w]hole back of one of my horse Gave way & the Load all came on a young horse that had not Worked but one day afore but it Was gentel & through the Goodness of the Lord no harm done. We camp by our silves [selves] on the Bank of blacks fork[.] had good feed[.] plenty of Wood & Water. At seven oclock in the Evening their was a meting called of our little company[.] Father called upon Bro Hanson Walker to sing a hym[n.] he sung come Let us Anew our Journey persue[.] Father prayed then sung come all ye sons of zion[.] Father arose & reqested the plan of the men getting up at the Break of day Geting around the Cattle so that they could be drove in at Seven oclock & the men voted to do so by the uplifted hand[.] Father told them that they had agreed to do it & he Expected it to be done[.] if not they Would hear from him Roar[.] he spoke of his Family[.] said they had been Peaceful & faithful as circumstances Would permit for he had Witnessed it And Was pleased With it & the Lord had blest them & him & he would Bles them[.] he said when he got through he calculated to take all of his Family that Would & that Was A mind to & baptize them again [and] see if they could not do beter[.] he Exorted them to peace & faithfulness And humility & to dedicate themselves With all they had to the Lord[.] yea have all they have on the alter to keep nothing back for he Wanted them filled With the spirit & power of God that they might understand the principles of prophecy & have the Holy G[h]ost dwell with them that they might have dreams & visions[.] he said how that W[h]en he felt the most of the spirit of God was when he gave all up & could Say Lord here I am With all I have. he said it Was all that he could do to pray for hisself & keep himself for he had felt as though he could Lay down & breathe his Last Many A time but he did not Want to die yet[,] for he Wanted to Live & With his Bretheren See the Gospel go to all the nations of the Earth & do the Work that he Was sent here to do & see his children Grow up & Go forth to the nations of the Earth bearing his testimony[.] he spoke of this Journey as being nothing to What it was Last year for they had to find the road & cut it out & when they started back the most Bread stuff they had was fourteen pounds to person & some had none at all but A chunck of Meat to Last them until they could find Game & Lived on meat all the Way Back[.] But now they had A plenty & had Eat two hundred pounds to A person & I<t> would not be but A sho short time before they Would have good houses to live in & A plenty of Apples Peaches & Pears if they Would do Right & be obedient[.] he said he had been found fault With by his family because of his going at the nod of the head or the drop of the hat of his Bretheren for he had done it in storms & Wind & fair Weather[.] the Word of his Bretheren Was the Word of the Lord unto him & his family should be obedient unto him for his work Was the Word of the Lord unto them[.] he spoke of the time when the devil Would be bound And that Was When this people became A Righteous people or when A person became A righteous [person] & that the devil could not Get into them to afflict them. then he would be bound[.] He said he was A Naturalist & believed in Natural principles & that God did not make the World out of nothing No more than he came into Existance Without A Father & Mother. My Father spoke on the afflictions of some[,] why it Was that some Was afflicted more than others[.] he said it Was because their Was more defending theirfore the devil sought the more to destroy them or Rob them of their Blesings & over through [throw] the designs of Heaven. I went away alone & prayed & the Spirit of the Lord Was upon me & I felt Well
Tusd 12 Persued our Journey[.] crossed Blacks fork three times Am[.] in the Pm Bro David Wilkin mett us With A pair of horses & Wagon direct from the valley for the purpose of helping us in[.] A Little rain Pm[.] We camp on Blacks fork two miles East of fort Briger [Bridger.] Good feed & Water & Wood. In the Evening Bro Peter Hanson came to camp[.] said Bro Brigham was Eight miles ahead of us[.] this day I did feel first rate for the Spirit of the Lord Was With me[.] yea I did feel to pray all the day long for Wisdom Knowledge & Understanding Like unto Daniel of old
Wend 13 We persued our Journey past Briger fort over A big hill or mountain to Little Muiyssouri [Missouri] camp[.] Bro Billings[,] Whitney & Herriman camp With us[.] had A dance in the Evening. Cold night
Thurd 14 Persued our Journey past the Soda Springs up A long hill[.] followed the pioneer road into a small valley or baron camp[.] had good feed & Water for our flocks & herds & plenty of Wood[.] Bro Hanson Walker took Bro Martins horse & started for home for his family Was Sick[.] A very cold night
Frid 15 Bro Wm. & Jackson Reading & I started Early in the Morning for our horses for they had strayed up out of sight[.] Each one Went A diferent Way[.] I Went up on the Mountain & prayed for the pardon of my sins & for the Lord to help me & Give me Wisdom & understanding Like unto his Servant David in ancient days of the things of his Kingdom & of the principles of Life & salvation. I prayed that the Lord Would direct my step so that I might find the horses & he did so them[.] I headed down & Gave thanks that he Was mindful of me & I Prayed for his mercies & blessing to be With me throug[h] the day[.] I then dedicated & consecrated myself unto the Lord then drove the horses to camp[.] at Eight oclock Am Bro Edward Maitin [Martin] had a Daughter [Eliza Susanna Martin] born to him by to his Wife[s] [Alice Clayton Martin’s] Aid. We persued our Journey over A very high Mountain[.] pased near the tar springs to bear River & crosed it & camp two miles below the ford[.] some of the Snake Indians came to our camp & Swap some berries for corn[.] cold night
Saturd 16 Persued our Journey over to yellow creek[.] forded through a notch of mountains[.] on the Right some Ruff [rough] Rag[g]ed rocks had the appearance of being formed out of small cobblestone[.] Bro Billings Egan & John Pack camp with us
Sund 17 In the Morning I Went out & Gathered up the horses & then Went into the Wagon & read in the Book of Doctrine & Covenants. Bro Billings & his company Left Am[.] Bro Pack [-] & I Was herding the horses & Reading the Doctrine & Covenants. at four oclock Pm A Meting Was called but I Was not present at first but but when I came in Father Was speaking & said he Was not discouraged but he was comforted for how Long since We passed through here where their was no track but had to find their own way. some said that they Was Inspired of God[.] he said they Were[.] he spoke of some fearing starvation. And some in the valley fearing that When Bro Brigham & Heber Got their the Law of God Would be put in force[.] Bro Whitney spoke of the predictions of some Phrovesces [prophecies] on some men[,] And if they Live they Will be fulfiled[,] And What Was the object of God in creating men[?] that Was that they might be Like him & Father sanctioned it[.] he told them to predict on their own heads & live for it & they should have it[.] for the saints of God Was Entitled to all the Blessings of Heaven & Earth & those things did rejoice him & he ment to Go ahead & did not mean that any man should take his crown[.] he spoke of the Jews being tenacious for their children[.] they Would Give them bread but God Was more kind than Parants Ware [were] to Give Good Gifts[.] Bro Joseph S [Grafton] Hovey arose & said he Loved the truth & he felt first rate in both Body & Mind & he thank[ed] God that he was here & he went into the Mountains & thank[ed] God & called for the blessings of heaven & he felt at times as though he could remove Mountains And that Want all if We Ware faithful We Would make the Earth tremble & he Wanted to Wear out his body in Doing Good for he felt Well all the time[.] he said that we should be Blest & the Lord would Bless us & he Would Bless in the name of the Lord. They then sung come Let us anew our Journey persue[.] Father then arose & said he has A few Words to say about our starting[.] he Wanted to start Early & those that Was going with him in the Morning he Wanted to Gather up the teams. Am he proposed that he start out of this place first & the Rest followed close after[.] voted so to Do by the up Lifted hand. Father asked them to Excuse him of his Little Light notions for he did not mean any hurt[.] he called on Bro Whitney to dismiss the meting
Mond 18 persued our Journey over A high hill down by cash cave into Ec[h]o Kanyon [Canyon.] camp[.] PM Bro Ed[--] Whipple met us two Days from the valley. In the Evening I Bro Joseph Hovey Retired up on the mountain & talked of the Goodness of the Lord to us & of What Was our priveleges to Enjoy [...] Prayed & then Went to the Wagons[.] cold night[.] heavy frost
Tued 19 persued our Journey down Ec[h]o Kanyon [Canyon] Which Was narrow & high mountains of stone on the right hand side[.] crosed the Creek Several times[.] it Was bad crosing for steep Banks on Each Side. In the Pm as Father Was crosing the creek the Bank Was steep & sidling [sliding.] he broke down one of his hind Wheels. took one of[f] another Wagon & put on his and all Went on but Bro Wm. & Hosea they stopt[.] Went down on the Weber & camp. Bro Charles Harper made some new spokes & put in[.] We & <Bro Pack> sitt the tire & Was ready to start in the morning
Wend 20 Persued our Journey down the Weber five miles & crosed the Weber[.] it is A beautiful stream of Water wide & rapid & had A rough road[.] past over into Kanyon [Canyon] creek & camp on the place whare the pioneers camp & Bro Brigham Was sick two days[.] A fine pleasant day
Thursd 21 When We gathered up our Cattle two oxen Was gone[.] Bro Heber found them & drove them in at ten oclock[.] then We started on & Went up East Kanyon [Canyon.] crosed the creek several times[.] Left the Kanyon [Canyon] & Went up the Mountain two Miles[.] Camp[.] this day Bro Forsgreen[,] Ralph[,] & Hanks came up With us from Bro Willard Richards & Amasa Lyman company & they Left them at Devils Gate[.] all Well[.] they Brought Several Letters[.] one for me from my Father[’s] Bro[,] Sister in Vermont[.] A very fine day[.] A little rain Am
Frid 22 When We Went on to the Mountain for our horses A part Was [strayed] & six of our oxen & We did not find them to start untill noon[.] We then persued our Journey up the Big Mountain three Miles & When on top We could see down into the south End of Great Salt Lake valley & it mad[e] all hearts sw Swell With Joy[.] We then pased on down the Mountain & had A Rough Road[.] camp at Willow Springs
Satud 23 We got up our teams & persued our Journey to the foot of Little Mountain & it Began to Rain & it continued for two hours & We stopt[.] Bro Edward [Peas] Deurott [Duzette] & one other Bro came Back to help us up the Mountain for it Was very hard to Get up[.] it Was steep & Slipery[.] We then Went down into Emigration Kanyon [Canyon] & followed down three miles[.] camp[.] very Bad road[.] had to Cross the Creek many times[.] had A good place to Camp
Sunday 24 We persued our Journey down Emigration Kanyon [Canyon.] Broke one double tree & mended it[,] then Broke Coupling pole & fixed it & Went on to the Mouth of the Kanyon [Canyon.] found Bro Herriman Pack A Waiting for us[.] We stopt A short time & went up on A hill & looked down into the fort[.] father Called me up to see the fort[.] it Was five Miles to it[.] as the houses Was low it did not show much so far up. And it came [to] pass that Father & his company[,] Bro Whitney Herriman[,] Egan Back With theirs companys all started from here & Went down to the hill towards the fort or temple Block & as We drew near the Saints came out to meet us with cheers[.] Bro Brigham Met us to bade Welcome[,] also Bro Parley P Pratt & Bro Jediah [Jedidiah] M Grant. We went half Mile North of the Fort to a Branch of City Creek Camp. At three oclock their was A meting & Bro Brigham Spoke untill nearly dark of the order & plan of the city that was to be built up here.