Transcript for "Deaths of Missionaries," Deseret News, 8 August 1855, 173
DEATHS OF MISSIONARIES.—It is seldom that the Saints' publications are obliged to announce events of this character, but this season presents a painful exception.
Elder Albert Gregory, on his return from a mission to the States, died at Atchinson, K. T., at 7 p. m. of May 13.
Elder Andrew L. Lamoreaux, late President of the French mission, died in St., Louis at 5 1-2 o'clock a.m. of June 13; disease, Asiatic cholera. The St. Louis Luminary of June 16 contains a lengthy and well written obituary article on the death of Br. Lamoreaux.
From Br. S. M. Blair we learn that Elder Jacob F. Secrist, late of the German mission and Captain of the 2nd company of this year's immigration, died July 2nd, on Ketchum's creek, between Kearney and Leavensworth [Leavenworth], and his body was placed in a tin coffin and interred on the Blue.
The adage "man proposes but God disposes" is no less trite than true, for these our brethren were prosecuting their way homeward with hearts beating joyously in fond anticipation of the warm and loved greeting of wives, children and friends, and of again enjoying the sweet communion of the Saints, after having faithfully battled amid the corruptions of the world.
But the decrees of an allwise Providence went forth, and like good soldiers they meekly bowed with their armor on, and now rest from their labors and their works will follow them.