Transcript for Dowdle, John Clark, Autobiography and diaries [ca. 1884-1908], vol. 1, 1-3
. . . We had a very prosperous journey over the plains, which was very romantic to us will gaising on its many land-scapes and large heard of buflo [buffalo], antelope and other game, more particularly east of fort Larima [Laramie], after leaving there we entred what is known as the beech hills, which proved to be very rough, hilley and mountainous, following the plat[te] river for over 300 miles[.] after leaving there we travled over a roling country the (distance I dis rember) to the sweet water river a small stream surging about twenty feet in width, following this stream of or near one hundred miles, we left it and the same day crossed the south pass. The highest point betwe[e]n the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, from heare the water all run to the west, on the other they run to the east.
Nothing of importance acured [occured] til we reached the sandies, these in the springs when the snow melts in the mountains aford quite rivers of water, but after this dreans [drains] off the[y] remain dry for the rest of the season and there beds are sandy and rockey. There are two of these, some twelve miles apart. At this point I was taken sick with the mountain feaver, but was not confined to my bed untill we reached Green River, at this place we laid over to recruit stack and repair wagons and I, while at this point, doing all in my power to help repair wagons, and showe [shoe] oxen under the direction of Bro Henry Gackson [Jackson], the companys blacksmith. The feaver became so seveare, I was forcded [to] give up and take my bed, thus leaving my mother [Sarah Ann Dowdle] and younger brother [William Franklin Dowdle] to look after the teem and travling as best they could. With the assistance of sister [Mary] Clark and daughters [Mary and Eliza] (who travled with us in the same team and wagon they ever being willing to to [do] all in there power to help the caus along[.] she being a docris [sic] woman, was of great asistance to me in my very [severe] sickness. After leaving this place the company divided in two paarts[.] our family going in the first. I being so very sick, canot rem[em]ber much of the road or country from there till reaching Salt Lake Valey [Valley], this being the first place that I left my bed,