Transcript for Dunn, Alex F., Life of Philip De La Mare, 2-5
He also remembers one of the teamsters killing a buffalo and distributed the meat among the company. At Greenriver [Green River] the Company was snowed in and experienced great privation. In a rescue train sent out it was under the Captancy of John Nuttall. with our townsman John Gillesp[i]e as a member of the rescue train and it was through the persuasion of Brother Gillespee that the De La Mare family came to Tooele.
All of the sugar machinery was brought to Salt Lake City, but several of the wagons were left there during the winter and brought in next Spring.
Brother De La Mare relates that his father paid $45 a hundred for flour on the plains, which had been hauled from Salt Lake City to assist in the rescue. During the tie up in the snow seventeen of the oxen died, but it was fortunate that these were replaced by some purchased from trappers in that localities.
It required immense wagons to haul some pieces of the Sugar machinery. One piece weighed 2,200 pounds and another 3,000. From four to five yoke of oxen were needed to pull these huge Santa Fe wagons which had been purchased from the government following a dump back from the Mexican war. It was fortunate that these were available as the first commercial wagons purchased originally for the hauling, broke down under the load and were turned over to one of the pioneer companies.
On arriving in Salt Lake City in November [blank space] 1852, <after a 5 months [illegible]> the Sugar Machinery was moved on to Provo, where it was found