Transcript for E. Kay Kirkham, Daniel Stillwell Thomas and Martha Paine Jones Thomas: Early Members of the LDS Church and Utah Pioneers of 1849 (1985), 21-22
On the 5th day we started for the vallies of the mountains, where the Prophet said we should go. We had a prosperous journey, no accident, except several stampedes in Bro. [Reuben] Perkin's company of fifty.
Bro. Allen Taylor was the head Captain of the company, he counseled Bro. Perkins to take the lead for a few days until his spirited animals got cooled down. So he did.
They had several stampedes after but they had the road before them and no one was hurt that I know of. The first one, there were three sisters that got run over, they were hurt very badly. The two young women got well, I have forgotten their names, Sister Hanks wa[s] quite feeble at the time, she died that night, which was a sad affair to bury our sister by the radsidd [roadside] and drive off and leave her alone, yet she was not alone, the way was paved with the sons and daughters of Zion.
My dear readers as I yet live, though very feeble, I would write a few lines to let you know that we all arrived in the vallies of the mountains, enjoying ourselves, in good health and spirits. We left Nauvoo in Feb. 1846, our two selves, eight children, one cow, 9 sheep, and two pigs. Fifteen dollars in debt to Bro. VanCott. We soon paid him for which I am thankful. I am thankful to the God of Heaven and the Heavenly Host that has ever guarded us through life. May the same blessings ever be upon our posterity is the wish of your mother, Martha P. Thomas. I am now in my 83rd year. Goodbye.