
Transcript for Edmund Ellsworth Emigrating Company papers, 1856, Folder contents: (1) Journal, 1856 June-September

George Williams, England
Elizabeth Walker, born England
Emma Walker
Ja[me]s Commander, Mariner, born England
Mary Commander, Wife
Alice Brough, Widow
Wm M Brough, Mariner
James Warner, 51, Labore, born England
Ann Warner 50, Wife, born England
Sarah Ann, 15, born England
John Henwood, 47, Laborer, born England
Elizabeth Henwood, 43, Wife
Richard Henwood, 19, born England
Elizabeth Henwood, 16, born England
Thos & Ben Lloyd, Shoe Makers, born Wales
John Lewis, 34, Miner, born England
Jane Lewis, 27, Wife, born England
John Lewis, 8, born England
Sarah Marshall, 35, Washing, born England
Lavinna Marshall, 12, born England
Celinia [Selina] Marshall, 10, born England
Josphina [Tryphena], Marshall, 8, born England
Louisa Marshall, 6, born England
George Marshall, 4, born England
Sarah Marshall, 2, born England
John Resdell [Rasdell], 21, Laborer, born England
Elizabeth Resdell [Rasdell], 22, Wife, born England
John Kettle, 53, Farm Labore, born England
Judath [Judith] Kettle, 44, Wife, born England
Mary Ann Kettle, 18, Servant, born England
Robert Kettle, 14, born England
Eliza Kettle, 12, born England
James Kettle, 9, born England
Samuel Kettle, 5, born England
Hannah Kettle, 21 months, born England
Jonah [John A.] Phillips, 24, Minner, born Wales
Marria Good, 25, Servant, born England
Thos Eldridge, 25, Labore, born England, backed out
Charlotte Eldridge, 24, Wife, born England, backed out
Charlotte Eldridge, 2, born England, backed out
Henry Walker, 58, Gardner, born England, Dead
Isabella Walker, 62, Wife, born England
Elizabeth Taylor, 23, Servant, born England
Wm Stodart, 43, Marble polisher, born England
Margaret Stod[d]art, 38, Wife, born England
Caleb Stod[d]art, 18, Weaver, born England
Robert Stod[d]art, 16, Weaver, born England
Jane Stod[d]art, 12, born England
Sarah Stod[d]art, 10, born England
Anna Stod[d]art, 8, born England
Mary Stod[d]art, 3, born England
Margarett Stod[d]art, 1, born England
Robert Stod[d]art, 57, Warper, born England, Dead
Margarett Stodart, 44, Wife, born England
James Stod[d]art, 14, born England
Mary Stod[d]art, 11, born England
Dinah Stod[d]art, 6, born England
John Oakley, 36, Farmer, born Utah
Wm Butter [Butler], 28, G.S.L. City, born Utah
Emma Butter [Butler], 22, Wife, born England
George Nappris [Neppress], 24, Bricklayer, born England, Dead
Abraham Hunt, 30, Gass Man, born England, Backed out
Eliza Hunt, 30, Wife, born England, Backed out
John Lee, 33, Pott Maker, born England
Sarah Lee, 34, Wife, born England
Wm Lee, 14, born England, Dead
Fanny England, 11, born England
Elizabeth Lee, 10, born England
Samuel Lee, 5,born England
Chancy Lee, 3, born England
Sarah Ann Lee, 9 months, born England
Sarah Ash, 59, Widow, born England
Joseph Ash, 8, born England
Job Welling, 23, Tailor, born England
Frances Welling, 25, Wife, born England
Job Welling, 19 months, born England, Dead
John Moyle, 48, Stone Massen, born England
Philipa [Philliipi] Moyla [Moyle], 40, Wife, born England
Elizabeth Moyla, 19, Tailoress, born England
Stephen Moyla, 15, born England
Henry Moyla, 12, Tailoress, England
John Moyla, 5, born England
Alfred Moyla, 9, born England
John Donney [Doney], 35, Laborer, born England
Ann Donney [Doney], 24, Wife, born England
John Bunney, 28, Minner, born England
Ann Bunney, 26, Wife, born England
Ed Ellsworth, 36, born America
Thos Fowler, 19, born England
Thos Passey, 18, born England
Eliza Robinson 26, born England
Mary Ann Bates, 21, Dress, born England
Mary Ann Meadows, 21, born England
A Galloway, 29, Engineer, born Scotland
Jane Galloway, 25, Wife, born England
Annie Eliza Galloway, 3, born England
David Bouen [Bowen], 18, Peddler, Wales
William Harmon, 52, Miner, born Wales
Ewd [Edward] Frost, 33, Trimer, England
Eliza Frost, 26, Wife, born England
Isabella Frost, 7, born England
Franklin Frost, 4, born England
Elizabeth Franklin, 59, Widow, born England
Eleanor Wall [Hill], 40, born England
Sarah Ann Sprig, 18, Servant, born England
James Shinn [Sheen], Sen, 60, Quarymen, born England
Rob[e]rt Shinn, 28, Quarymen, born England
Eliza Shinn, 28, Wife, born England
Mary Shinn, 7, born England
Louisa Shinn, 6, born England
Ann [Annie] Shinn, 4, born England
Emma Shinn, 3, born England, Dead
James Shinn, Jun, 26, Quarymen, born England
Mary Shinn, 24, Wife, born England
Sydney Shinn, 6 weeks, born A[t]lantic, Dead
Hannah Shinn, 22, Glover, born England
Annie [Ann] Eliza Shinn, 6 months, born England
Ellen Shinn, 19 Glover, born England
Ann Price, 46, Widow, born England
Emma Price, 19, Dressmaker, born England
Eliza Price, 17, Glover, born England
Eleanor Vaughan, 68, Widow, born England
Mary Mayo, 65, Widow, born England, Dead
Alex Stevenson, 36, Carpenter, born Scotland, Backed out
Magdaline Stevenson, 36, Wife, Scotland, Backed out
John Stevenson, 12, born Scotland, Backed out
Magdaline Stevenson, 11, born Scotland, Backed out
Alex[ander] Stevenson, 8, born Scotland, Backed out
Orson Stevenson, 6, born Scotland, Backed out
Marrion, 4, born Scotland, Backed out
Joseph Stevenson, 4, born Scotland, Backed out
Isabella Stevenson, 28, Dressmaker, born Scotland, Backed out
George Clarke, 54, Laborer, born England
Mary Clarke, 51, Wife, born England
Charlotte Clarke, 18, born England
William Clarke, 14, born England
Anna [Hannah] Clarke, 6, born England
Thos Ivins, 71, Gardner, born England
John Powell, 43, Mason, born England
Elizabeth Powell, 35, Wife, born Wales
William Powell, 15, Masson, born England
Elizabeth Powell, 7, born England
Mary Powell, 13, born England
Margaret Powell, 10, born England
Anna Powell, 4, born England
David Powell, 6 [infant], born England
Daniel Jones, 41, Laborer, born Wales, Backed out
Ann Jones, 36, Wife, born Wales, Backed out
Rachel Jones, 16, born Wales, Backed out
Ann Jones, 14, born Wales, Backed out
Daniel Jones, 12, born Wales, Backed out
Marrion Jones, 7, born Wales, Backed out
Richard Jones, 4, Wife, Wales, Backed out
Sarah Jones, 2, born Wales, Backed out
Mary Baker, 45, Widow, born England
John Baker, 19 Groon [Groom], born England
Emma Baker, 16, born England
Job Baker, 15, Groon [Groom], born England
Harriott Baker, 11, born England
Wilford, 4, born England
Wm Pyreen [Green], 30 Miner, born England
John Lloyd, 39, Shoe Maker, born Wales, Backed out
Elizabeth Lloyd, 38, Wife, born Wales, Backed out
Mary Lloyd, 11, born England, Backed out
John Lloyd, 10, born England, Backed out
Wm. Lloyd, 8, born England, Backed out
Thos. Lloyd, 6, born England, Backed out
Jane Lloyd, 2, born England, Backed out
Martha Lloyd, 4 Weeks, born Iowa, Backed out
Archer Walters, 47, Joiner, born England
Harriott, 47, Wife, born England
Sarah Walters, 17, Servant, born England
Henry Walters, 15, Joiner, born England
Harriott Walters, 13, born England
Martha Walters, 11, born England
Lydia Walters, 6, born England
John Deveroux [Devereaux], 50, Laborer, born England
Thos. Richins, 30, Laborer, born England
Harriott Richins, 22, Wife, born England
Albert F. Richins, 18 Months, born England
Thos Bourne, 48, Builder, born England
Margarett Bourne, 48, Wife, born England
Maryann Bourne, 22, born England
Margarett Bourne, 20, born England
James Bourne, 17, Builder, born England
Priscilla Bourne, 14, born England
Louisa Bourne, 12, born England
John Bourne, 7, born England
John Robinson, 45, Gun Smith, England
Emma Robinson, 27, Wife, born England
Elizabeth Robinson, 21, born England
Sarah Robinson, 19, born England
John Robinson, Jun., 6, born England
Clara Robinson, 1, born England
George Hanson, 26, Gun Smith, born England
Frances Hanson, 25, Wife, born England
Clara Hanson, 15 months, born England
James Birch, 28, Moulder, born England, Dead
Mary Ann Birch, 28, Wife, born England
Thos Birch, 8, born England
Mary Ann Birch, 6, born England
Edward Birch, 3, born England
Absalom Frisby, 21, Tin Worker, born England
Ann Ham, 31, Monthly Nurse, born England
Hannah Baldwin, 18 Servant, born England
John Ash, 36, Gun Smith, born England
Sophia Ash, 26 Wife, born England
Ellen Ash, 12 Months, born England
Elizabeth Ash, 6 months, born in England
Richard Pratter [Preator], 30, Carpenter, born in England
Mary Pratter, 31, Wife, born in England
[Mary]Salome Pratter, 4, born in England
Sarah [Loran Isabella] Pratter, 3, born in England
Eshter Jones, 29, Servant, born in Wales
Hannah Jones, 45, Servant, born in England
Hannah Goodworth, 43, Widow, born in England
Fredrick Goodworth, 8, born in England
Richard Goodworth, 5, born in England
RichJoseph Goodworth, 19, born in England
Ann Chester, 20, Dressmaker, born in England
John Chapman, 58, Laborer, born in England, Backed out
James Murray, 27, Machinest, born in England
Henry Moss, 19, upholitster, born in England
George Wearing, 18, Lamp Maker, born in England
George Williams 18, boot closer
James Bowers, 44, Miner, born England, Dead
Mary Ann Bowers [Marie Lay], 51, Wife, born England
Abraham Bowers, 18, Glass polisher, born England
Sarah Bowers, 17, born England
Jacob Bowers, 15, born England
Isaac Bowers, 14, born England
Isiah Bowers, 10, born England
Shadrach Bowers, 7, born England
Samuel Bond, 61, Laborer, born England, Dead
Elizabeth Bond, 51, Wife, born England
Samuel Bond, 25, Ship Maker, born England
Wm. Bond, 23, Potter, born England
Walter Sanders, 65, Brass Founder, born England, Dead
Mary Sanders, 19, Servant, born England
James Sanders, 15, Brass F[ounder], born England
John Sanders, 13, Printer, born England
Thos. Sanders, 10, born England
Eliza Jeffries, 21, Silk Weaver, born England
Richard Shelton, 19 Black Smith, born England
Joseph Argyle, 37, Gass Meter Maker, born England
[Rebecca] Jane Argyle, 33, Wife, born England
Joseph Argyle, 14, born England
Benjamin Argyle, 12, born England
Mary [Jane] Argyle, 10, born England
Frances Argyle, 5, born England
Lorenzo Argyle, 3, born England
Priscilla Argyle, 1, born England
Wm. Pratt, 31, Gun Smith, born England
Caroline Pratt, 31, Wife, born England
Eleanor Pratt, 12, born England
George Pratt, 9, born England
Orson Pratt, 3, born England
Emily Pratt, 1, born England
Wm. Morris, 53, [.ill] block maker, born England, Backed out
Sarah Ann Morris, 53, Wife, born England, Backed out
James Jones, 36, Spoon Maker, born England
Sabina Jones, 36, Wife, born England
GeorgeJames Bailey, 53, Silver plate maker, born England
Mary Ann Bailey, 52, Wife, born England
John Bailey, 20, Cock Dresser, born England
Thos Bailey, 18, Whip Maker, born England
Alfred Bailey, 16, Silver P[late] Maker, born England
Mary Ann Bailey, 15, born England
Lousa, 12, born England
C. M. Breggis, 21, Cork Cutter, born England
Wm. Birth [Birch], 60, Laborer, born England
Elizabeth Birch, 40, Wife, born England
273 Elizabeth Walker, 17, Dress Maker, born England

A brief record of the first Hand Cart company. Elder Edmund Ellsworth Captain of said company.

June 9th 1856. At 5 P.M. the carts were in Motion proceeding zion wards. The Saints were in excellent spirits bound zion wards. the camp travelled about 4 Miles and pitched their tents. all well.

10th We remained in camp all day owing to three yoke of oxen having strayed from the herd. the brethren went out in search of them. the camp was ingaged in varrious duties.

11th Early this morning the strayed cattle were brought back. about 8 A.M. the camp started forwarded & travelled 5 milles. pitched tents[.] Bro. Robinson & Jones carts broke down.

12th The camp started this morning at 6 A.M. travelled 12 milles. the road was very dusty. pitched tents about 2 P.M. all in good spirits.

13th The camp started about 8 A.M. travelled 7 miles[.] good roads. all went of well. visited by a good strangers.

14th The camp started this morning at 6 A.M. in good spirits[.] Travelled 7 milles. pitched tents about 9 A.M. the roads good. the camp in good spirits. towards evening Elder James Fergusun came to us from the general camp. About 6 P.M. the William Lee, son of John Lee died of consumption, age 12 years.

15th To day sunday the saints remained in Camp and held two meetings. the morning meeting commenced at half past ten. Singing & prayer by Elder Heaton[,] Elder Joseph France addressed the meeting. Afternoon meeting commenced at half past 1 oclock[.] singing & prayer by Elder Lenerd[.] Elder E[dwa]rd Frost addressed the meeting[.] a great many strangers attended the meeting[.] good attention by all present. At 9 oclock this morning Lora Pratter [Preator], Daughter of Richard Pratter [Preator], Died of Hoopping cough age 3 years.

At half past seven the sacrement was administered to the two companies. it was a time of rejoicing to all. Elder Ferguson addressed the saints about 9 P.M. the above two children were intered at Little Bear Crick [Creek].

At half past 6 A.M. the camp moved of in good spirits. Travelled 13 miles and rested from half past 11 A.M. till 4 P.M. at Bigg bear Crick [Creek]. the camp moved of 2 milles and camped for the night. about nine we had a storm of rain.


June 17th 1856

At 4 A.M. the buggle was blown for all to turn out. at quarter to seven the camp moved of[.] travelled 10 miles and rested two hours. at twenty past two we pitched our tents. the journey was performed without any accident. No wood but plent[y] of water. About 20 minutes past three Job Welling Son of Job Welling Died. age 1 year & 7 months. Died of Canker, an inflamation in the bouels [bowels].


At 4 A.M. the buggle sounded for all to turn out. at 20 past 5 the camp rolled out. and travelled ten milles. without any accident. pitched tents at 35 past 8 A.M. to give the sisters an oppertunity of washing the cloths [.] To day the body of Job Welling was intered 3 feet from the N.E. corner of Mr. Watrous Farmer[.] Township 80, Range 17, Section 25.

The camp rolled out to day at a quarter to seven A.M. and travelled 15 miles[.] the journey was accomplished without any accident[.] we camped at ten minutes to tew[e]lve P.M. plenty of wood and water[.] Severall were <Re>Baptised by Elder John Oakley for their health 3 miles from Green Castle.

The camp moved of[f] at a quarter to seven A.M. travelled 16 miles[.] the road was very hilly and rather rough[.] it was rather hard days travell. about a quarter to eight this morning John Lloyd wife and family backed out this morning. He was very much given to drinking whisky along the road. We passed through the city of Newton this morning about 9 A.M. We rested by a stream from ten till twelve. Pitched our tents at 4 P.M. along side a beautifull stream of water[.] plenty of wood. Severall were Rebaptised for their health by Elder Oakley.

At ten minutes to seven the camp moved of and travelled 13 miles. rested 30 minutes by the side of a stream. and an hour on the top of a hill. No accident happened to the camp[.] all was well at ten minutes to 1 P.M. we pitched our tents in a grove[.] plenty of wood and water[.] at a quarter to 5 P.M. James Bowers Died of Quick consumption age 44, 24n of June 1856.

Brother James Bowers was burried near to two other graves ¼ of mile East of the main Line for Fort Des Moin[es] Section 76, Town ship 29, Range 72. The camp was called together for meeting at 20 past 4 P.M. Singing[,] prayer by Elder Lenard. the meeting was addressed by Elder's Heaton, McCarthur, & Ellsworth. much good instruction was given.

The camp moved out at 25 past 7. A.M. travelled 10 milles, pitched tents by 10 A.M. the roads were rather rough some parts, and a little hilly & somewhat dusty. We past two middling good streams of water[,] a good camping ground[,] plenty of wood & water. 4 miles from Fort Des Moin[es]. past a small Town this morning, 7 miles from the Fort.


June 24 th

24th The camp rolled out at 30 past 6 A.M. travelled 11 miles. the roads were a Little rough, and somewhat dusty. the day was exceedingly warm through which it was rather hard for the hand carts boys. pitched tents at 30 past 1 P.M. plenty of wood[.] Water about ½ mile from the camp on the Left side of the road. An old Mobinate came and tried to make a fuss with our Capt. Sydney Shinn son of James & Mary Shinn Junr Died this morning[.] Burried 30 yds south of the Bridge on 4 mile Creek on the East bank under an Elm Tree.


The Camp rolled out this morning 25 past 6 A.M. Travelled 19 miles[.] a gentle breeze blew nearly all the day[.] it was quite refreshing[.] the roads good. supplied water at 6 mile & at 9. pitched tents at 45 past 1 P.M. along side of a River bank[.] plenty of wood.


June 26 th

26th The Camp moved of this morning at 31 past 6 A.M. travelled 10 miles. forded the River Racoon about 1 mile from the camping ground[.] passed the town of Balley at 12 P.M. we again forded the Racoon and camped in the west bank[.] plenty of wood and water. the road good with the exception of two or three hills. Emma Sheen Daughters of Robert & Eliza Sheen died this morning of Hoopping-cough age 2 years & 8 months.


Emma Sheen was burried this morning 72 feet S.W of a Walnut tree on the West bank of the Racoon nearly opposite the saw mill. at 7 A.M. the camp rolled out and travelled 10 milles. good roads[.] camped at 30 past 10 A.M. in a beautifull vally along side of a good stream[.] plenty on the right side of the road[.] on the West bank of the stream there is a beautiful spring of Water


June 28 th

The camp moved of at 40 past 5 and travelled 16 miles. the road was good with the exception of some parts of it being rather Hilly. The water rather scarce for about 13 miles. We got supplied with water at Bear station. Pitched tents at 1 P.M. pretty good camping ground[.] plenty of water[.] wood rather scarce. We had a heavey thunder storm about 6 P.M. 1 of the tents was blown down and other rent from top to bottem.


We remained in camp all day and rested our bodies[.] the day was fine. severall strangers were in the camp. At 21 past 4 P.M. the saints met together for meeting, singing & prayer by Elder Crandel. the meeting was addressed by Elders Hargreave, Ellsworth, McCarthur, Lenard & Crandel on a variety of Subjects for the benifit of the saints.


June th

The camp moved out at 55 past 6 A.M. Travelled 16 milles. We travelled 12 milles without resting. the sure but middling part of the way somewhat hilly. no water for 12 miles. pitched tents at 10 past 1 P.M. all in good spirits. plenty of wood & water.


July 1st
The camp moved out at 10 past 7 A.M. and travelled 15 milles. the road were rather rough. passed one creek of water[.] camped on the side of a creek plenty of water. Wood plentyfull about ½ mile from the camp. about half past ten P.M. we had severe thunder storm[.] one tent was blown down and another rent.


July 2 nd

We remained in camp till 50 past 3 P.M. owing to Brother McCarthurs [McArthur's] company having lost a boy by the way. at the above hour we started and travelled 10 milles[.] rested about half an hour in the bank of the River Nishneybottoney. camp 2 ½ W.N.W. of Indian town at the banks of a River[.] plenty of wood[.] a most delightfull camping ground.


July 3rd
The camp moved out at 45 past 9 A.M. and travelled 14 milles. Rested at the side of the creek 6 miles from where we started[.] very little water as we came along. after travelling 12 miles we turned down a road to the right two miles and camped by the side of creek with plenty of water[.] Little wood. about 20 of the camp Lost their road but returned about midnight.

July 4th
The camp moved out at 10 past 7 A.M. and 20 miles. we past two creeks. the first ten milles. the other ten no water. the roads good. camped at 15 past 3 P.M. along side of a good creek of water. plenty of wood 14 milles from Councel bluffs[.] all in good spirits.

5th The company remained in camp to day to rest[,] get their cloths washed.

6th To day sunday we remained camp. had meeting at 20 past 4 P.M. singing and prayer by Brother Crandel. the meeting was addressed by Elders Galloway, Oakley, Ellsworth, & McCarthur [McArthur]. a good many strangers present. some were attentive[.] others good [could] not hear the doctrine and walked of[f] grumbling.

The camp rolled out at 7 A.M. Travelled 15 milles, the roads were very hilly. rested 30 minutes along side of a good creek. for about 8 miles there was little or no water. passed a few houses about 2 milles from the camping ground where a good many old mormons were staying. pitched tents about 5 P.M.

The camp moved out at 7 A.M. and travelled 16 milles over a very rough road up & down hills. A hand cart broke down by the way. The camp rested at Pigeon Creek for two & half hours, cooked diners and got nicely rested. passed the Missoura [Missouri River] by the steam ferry Boat a Little below florence[.] got to the camping ground at <Florence> 50 past 4 P.M.

9th to12
We were bussiy ingaged repairing the hand carts. on the 10th Sister Isabella Stevenson backed out with an old apostate.

13th The saints met in meeting at 4 P.M. The saints were addressed by Elders McGraw, Ellsworth, & McCarthur [McArthur].

14th to16
Engaged geting our outfit for the plains.

17th The camp rolled at 11 A.M. and travelled 2½ milles to summer quarters.

We remained in camp till saturday finishing the carts and geting the ballance of our outfit.

The camp rolled out at 6 P.M. and travelled 7 miles[.] pitched tents half past nine

21st The camp rolled out at 9 A.M. and travelled 18 miles[.] crossed the Elk Horn by the ferry Boat and camped about 5 P.M. before all the tents were pitched we had quite a thunder storm & continued more or less all night.

The [camp] rolled out at 12 P.M. and travelled 17 miles along a good road. passed 5 dead oxen. camped at half past 7 P.M. at Liberty pole camping ground close to the Plat[t]e River

The [camp] rolled at half past 7 A.M. & travelled 14¼ . camped at Loap [Loup] fork at 4 P.M. an excellent camping place[.] good feed for cattle. the roads were rather heavey & the day very warm[.] water scarce.

The camp rolled out at half past 7 A.M. travelled 9 miles[.] the roads pretty good[.] camp at 12 P.M. at Shell creek.

The camp rolled out at 7 A.M. and travelled 19 miles[.] the [roads] were pretty good with the exception of about 5 miles rather sandy. camped at 6 P.M. 2 miles from Luup [Loup] ferry fork.

At 9 A.M. the camp rolled towards the ferry where were detained 5 hours in crossing. at half past 5 P.M. the camp again moved on about 3 miles where we were over taken by a most terrific storm of thunder and rain in the open prarrie without tents[.] two Brethren & two sisters were knocked down by Light[n]ing Bro Henry Walker from [] was killed age 58. he was a faithfull man to his duty. we again moved on for1 ¼ mile and camped for the night[.] travelled 6 miles.

27 Bro H. Walker was burried this morning 4 miles west of Loap [Loup] fork fery on sandy rize right hand side of the road. at 12 P.M. the camp rolled and travelled 2½ miles to a better camping ground where we remained for the rest of the day[.] a Beef was killed at night for the camp. about 8 P.M. a meeting was called[.] Bros Oakley, France, & Ellsworth, addressed the meeting.

At 15 past 7 A. M. the camp rolled out and travelled 20 miles[.] the road in many parts very heavey[.] we rested two hours and had dinner[.] we turned of to the right about ½ mile and camped for the night at half past 6 p.m.

29th At 9 A.M. the camp rolled out and ascended a Bluff to the right of the camping ground. travelled 15 milles[.] the roads in some parts a Little sandy[.] camped at a quarter to 3 P.M. about 4 miles from the upper crossing, plenty of wood & water[.] two good springs on the west side of camp ground[.] one of them dugg out by Bro Card.

The camp rolled out at 7 and travelled 25 miles[.] a great part of the road very sandy and heavey for hand carts & wagons[.] no wood near water till we camped, and that not very plentyfull. still plenty for camping purposes. camped at 15 past 6 P.M.

The camp rolled out at 7 A.M. and travelled 18 miles. the road leading from the camp is a very heavey sandy road and continues so for about 13 miles[.] it is allso very hilly. camped about 15 past 6 P.M. alongside of Prairrey [Prairie] Creek[.] no wood but plenty of Buffallo chips. There is a Well about 7 miles from where we camped last night on the right hand side of the road.

August 1st
The camped rolled out at 8 A.M. travelled 16 miles[.] the roads in good condition[.] Crossed Prairrey [Prairie] Creek twice[.] the second crossing the hand [carts] had to be carried over by the brethren. there was a Little difficulty in geting the wagons over[.] the banks of the creek were so steep. We allso crossed Wood River by the means of a good Bridge. We came very close to a herd of Buffallo. Bro Ellsworth went out with his Riffle. wounded two but not sufficient for him to get them. at 30 past 6 P.M. we camped alongside of Wood River. plenty of Wood & Water. a good camping ground.

We remained in camp all day and attended to such duties as we were neccissited to do. Meeting at 7 P.M. Bro Oakley, Butter, & Ellsworth then addressed the saints.

at quarter to 8 A.M. the camp rolled out and [traveled] 18 miles[.] good roads[.] camp at a quarter to 3 P.M. near to the Platte

5th At 8 A.M. the camp rolled and travelled 16 miles[.] the roads pretty good with the exceptions of one or two places. camped about 4 P.M. Wood plenty[.] water rather scarce[.] still plenty for camping purposes.

At 9 A.M. the camp rolled out and travelled 12 [miles] roads good[.] camped about 2 P.M. on Buffallo Creek. 4 miles from the crossing of B. Creek. We killed 4 Buffalos to day. the camp got quite a good supply of meat.

At 15 to 9 A.M. the camp rolled out and [traveled] 25 miles. the roads good with the exception of about 2 miles which is rather sandy. There is no water after leaving the crossings. camped about 30 past 8 P.M. no Water but by digging for it[.] no Wood[.] plenty of chips.

At 15 to 9 A.M. the camp rolled out from this place of desolation and travelled 13 miles without water[.] the roads good[.] camped about 30 past 2 alongside the Platte[.] by turning of the Left about ¼ mile you will find a good camping ground but no wood. there is another camping ground about 2 miles ahead. By some means Father Sanders got Left behind. the brethren have been out on Foot & Horse[.] as yet they have not succeeded in finding him.

The camp rolled out at 10 past 1 P.M. and travelled 13 miles. Bro Thos. Fouler [Fowler] found Father Sanders this morning about 5 miles a head of the camp. The road for about 7 miles is very heavey sandy road. hard pulling for hand carts & ox Teams. camped beside the Platte about 2 miles from Skunk Creek about 15 past 8 P.M.

About 9 A.M. the camp was called together for meeting. Elders Ellsworth, France, & Oakley addressed the saints[.] a good meeting.

The camp rolled out at 10 past 11 A.M. travelled 14 miles, for two or three miles the [road] is sandy & Bluffy but they can be greatly avoided by winding round them[.] camped at a cold spring camping ground about 6 P.M. a most excellent place for a camp

The camp rolled out at 50 past 7. A.M. & travelled 17 miles. the roads were pretty good with the exception of some that are rather sandy but that can be avoided by turning of a Little either to the right or Left. plenty of water every three or four miles[.] 1 of our Milch Cows died near the camping ground. We crossed over a small creek and camp close to the platte opposite to two or three small Islands where there is wood but rather difficult to get at. We had two Buffalo brought into the camp to night killed by the brethren appointed for that purpose[.] We camp at 4 P.M. all well.

The <camp> remained at rest today to rest up[.] Buffallo to dry for the journey. and repaire the hand carts.

The camp rolled at 30 past 9 A.M. and travelled 12 [miles.] the roads were rather heavey owing to last nights rain[.] camped about 5 P.M. alongside of Bluff Fork. We forded the river previous to camping.

The camp rolled at 10 past 8 A.M. and travelled 18 miles. the first 12 miles was nearly all over heavey sandy bluffs[.] right from the camp it made heavey pulling[.] the last 6 miles the road was pretty good. 1 of the [ca….d] cavered [covered] hand carts broke down. camped about 7 P.M. alongside of the Platte.

The [camp] rolled out at ¼ to 8 A.M. and travelled 14 miles[.] for the first 6 miles the sand was fully as bad if not worse than yesterday. we crossed 4 creeks[.] took dinner at Goose creek. for the next 8 the road was good. We forded Rattle Snake and camped about ¼ mile from the old Rattle snake camping ground. camp about ¼ past 6 P.M.

The camp moved of at a ¼ to 8 A.M. & travelled 16¾ miles[.] a good part of it heavey sandy travelling[.] other parts of the road was good travelling. We crossed severall creeks[.] had dinner on the banks of Camp creek[.] camp[ed] about 7 P.M. on the East bank of Wolf creek. Buffallo chips not so plentyfull here. good feed for the oxen.

The camp moved out at a quarter to 9 A.M. and travelled 12 miles. We crossed over Wolf creek and a ascended the sandy Bluf. We crossed the Bluff to the Left instead of going up the old Track. it is easier for hand carts and for ox teams. the road to day was very sandy for severall milles. passed over severall creeks. camp at 4 P.M. on the side of the Plat[t]e apposite to Ash Grove. Brother Peter Stalley died to day. he was from Itlay [Italy].

17th <18 Mon>
The camp rolled out at 20 past 7 A.M. and travelled 19 miles. the road was very good to day. forded Castle creek[.] passed no other creek during the day[.] had dinner along side of a slough on the left hand side of the road about 4 miles from the Platte. Camped at 20 to 7 P.M. on the side of the Platte.

18th [19th Tues]
The camp rolled out at a quarter to 8 A.M. and travelled 20 miles[.] the road to day in parts was very sandy especially crossing the coble Hills it was very sandy. We crossed crable [Crab] creek to day[.] camped about 30 past P.M. on the Platte opposite ancient Bluff Ruins.

19th 20 Wed
The camp rolled out at 30 past 7 A.M. and travelled 20 milles. the road was tolerable good till we came to the last 5 miles when it became very sandy in some parts especially in crossing crera [?]sand Bluff. camped on the side of the Platte 45 past 6 P.M.

20th 21 Thurs
The camp rolled out at 30 past 7 A.M. & travelled 16½ miles[.] the road to day was tollerable good[.] no water for 14½ miles. camped on the Platte 2 miles beyond Chimney Rock at 4 P.M. Buffallo chips rather scarce.

21st 22 Fri
The camp rolled out at 20 past 7 A.M. and trvelled 21 miles. The road to day was good[.] we were detained about 3 hours on the road by a thunder storm. 12 miles without Water. camped about 30 past 7 P.M. on the Platte about 7 mile from spring Creek. Buffallo chips & Wood scarce[.] Poor feed for cattle.

22nd 23 Sat
The camp rolled out at 5 past 8 A.M. & travelled 15½ miles before we struck the Platte where we camped. Wood plentyfull on the south side by fording for it[.] the River from two to three feet deep[.] about 6 miles of the <road> was rather sandy[.] camped about 2 P.M. on the side the Platte near [blank space] Killed a Beeff to night

23rd Sun 24
The camp did not travell any to day[.] We were busey with the hand carts[.] At 6 P.M. We had a sacramental & saints meeting[.] a good time of it

24th Mon 25
At half past 7 A.M. the camp rolled out & travelled 19 miles[.] for 6 or 7 miles the road was rather sandy. at ¼ to 5 P.M. we camped not far from the Platte[.] good feed[.] plenty of wood.

25th 26 Tues
The camp rolled out 20 past 7 A.M. & travelled 17 miles. for about 14 miles the road was very sandy heavey drawing[.] Forded the Platte opposite to Lar[a]mie. Camped at 35 past 5 P.M. on the side of the Platte 4 miles from Larmie[.] good feed[.] Plenty of Wood.

26th 27Wed
The camp rolled out ¼ past 7 A.M. and travelled 21 miles. the roads good with the exception of about 4 miles rather rough and rocky. at ¼ to 5 P.M. we camped at Bitter Cottonwood[.] Wood & Water plenty[.] feed scarce.

28th Thurs
The camp rolled out this morning at 30 past 8 A.M. and travelled 15 miles[.] 8 miles from Bitter cotton Wood creek to the Platte[.] 3 from that to a good spring and pretty good feed in the right side of the road[.] 4 from that To Horse Shoe Creek. good feed[.] plenty of Wood & Water. camped about 30 past 4 P.M.

29 Fri
The camp rolled out at 15 past 7 A.M. and travelled 25 miles[.] the road was pretty good. 16 miles to the Platte when we took dinner. Travelled 2 miles and forded the Platte. camped about 30 past 6 P.M. on the Platte[.] plenty of Wood[.] feed pretty fair.

30th Set [Aug.]
The camp rolled out at 25 past 7 A.M. and travelled 19 miles[.] the road pretty fair[.] forded the Platte again[.] Travelled about 6 miles and camped by the side of a creek[.] plenty of Wood. Water & feed[.] We passed two emigrants from California[.] by them we were informed that 5 Wagons were waiting on us at Deer Creek[.] camped about 30 past 6 P.M.

The <camped> rolled out at ¼ to 7 A.M. and travelled 24 miles. the roads were very good. [- -] took about ¼ of a mile from a good creek[.] camped at Deer Creek about 30 past 5 P.M. Found the Wagons waiting on us[.] A most excellent camping ground[.] plenty of Wood, Water & feed for the cattle. Robert Stodart Died of consumption age 51. Burried about 400 yds from the Left hand side of road

Sept 1st
We remained at Deer Creek to day to rest ourselves & the cattle. Bussey repairing the hand carts. Killed a cow[.] had a good meeting at night addressed by Bro Ellsworth & the brethren from the valley. We spent a first rate day of it.

The camp rolled out at a quarter to 7 A.M. & travelled 20 miles. the road tolerable good but very dusty owing to a heavey wind. campe[d] beside the Platte. plenty of Wood. feed scarce[.] crossed a creek 11 miles from where we started. Walter Sanders [died] Last night. Burried this morning about 300 yds from the south side of the road, age 65.

The camp rolled this morning at 30 Past 8 A.M. & travelled 11 miles. it was very heavey pulling owing to the dust and a heavey wind. crossed the Platte 1½ below the upper crossings[.] a good place to ford. camped by the side of the Platte at 30 past 4 P.M. plenty wood. feed middling.

The camp rolled out this morning and travelled 26 miles. the roads were very good for travelling. had dinner by the side of Mineral <spring> creek[.] camped at Little Stream creek at 30 past 5 P.M. about half an hour after getting at camp it got very cold & rained for several hours so that we could not Light a fire.

We remained in camp today owing to the inclement state of the weather[.] it rained & snowed alternatley for the whole of the day that we could not cook hardly anything.

About 4 A.M. this morning the weather became more settled but we found to our sorrow that 24 head of our cattle were missing owing to the negligence of Robert Sheen & James Sheenn Jun. who were on guard. we had to remain in camp again to day as the cattle were not found till about 3 P.M.

The camp rolled out this morning at 30 past 7 A.M. & travelled 22 miles. The road was good for the first 14 miles[.] camped to have dinner beside a most beautifull creek of Water. for the next 8 miles the road is very sandy & heavey. camp at 30 past 6 P.M. by the side of Sweet Water 2 miles from the crossings[.] a good camping ground[.] good feed for cattle. 30 past 6 P.M. George Neappris died this evening age 24. emigrated from Cardiff in Dan Jones' company.

This morning George Neappris was burried in a sand ridge direct[l]y East of three Rocky Mounds 27 miles from the crossings in the bend of the North side of the River.

The camp rolled out at 40 past 9 A.M. and travelled 14 miles. crossed sweet Water by a good bridge. the roads were in many parts rather rough[.] had dinner beside an old trading post close by the Devil's gate camp beside Sweet Water at 30 past 5 P.M. not far from <a> company of apostates.

The camp rolled out at 30 past 7 A.M. and travelled 16 miles. The roads continued rather rough with a heavey head wind[.] camped at 6 P.M. beside Sweet Water[.] an excellent camp ground. Killed a cow.

The camp rolled out at 40 past 7 A.M. and travelled 18 miles. The roads tolerable good to Sweet Water crossing. After that it was sandy for 7 miles. camped at 6 P.M. on Sweet Water[.] a very indifferent camping ground. poor feed.

The camp rolled out at 40 past 7 A.M. and travelled 19 miles[.] the first part of the journey the roads pretty good[.] No Water for 12 miles[.] you will then come to a good stream of Water and good feed[.] take the left hand road[.] Travelled 8 miles to a creek[.] a poor camping ground. middling feed[.] camped at six P.M. about 11 P.M. Bro McCarthur's [McArthur's] Company came up[.] they had travelled nearly night and day to overtake us.

The camp rolled out at 45 past 7 A.M. and travelled 12 miles. the greatest part of the road very hilly & rough[.] a good spring of Water about 6 miles from where we started this morning[.] camped at 45 past 1 P.M. good camping ground[.] feed pretty fair. plenty of good spring Water about 200 yds from the road right side.

The camp rolled out at 40 past 7 A.M. & travelled 28 miles[.] The [road] was very good. We took the cutt off. 6 miles from where we started[.] there is good creek of Water and pretty good feed about 200 yds from where the road crosses the creek. 9 miles farther on there is another good creek and feed[.] it is nott far from the head of sweet water[.] camped at 9 P.M. at the Pacific Springs. here we came up with the main body of Capt. Banks company. they had 10 days clear start of us from Florence[.] Mary Mayo Died of Diarrhea age 65[.] buried close to the bigg Mountain Left hand side of the road

The camp rolled at 9 A.M. and travelled 3 miles where there was plenty of feed for the cattle.

The camp rolled at 7 A.M. and travelled 26 miles. a creek of water 12 miles from where we started[.] allso feed. here we rested two hours. 16 miles we camped at Little sandy. we got plenty of water by digging for it. plenty of wood and pretty good feed. campe[d] at 9 P.M. very good roads.

The camp rolled out at 30 past 8 A.M. and travelled 23 miles. good roads[.] crossed a splended creek of water 5 miles from Little Sandy. camped on the banks of bigg Sandy at 7 P.M. plenty of wood on the opposite side of the River[.] poor feed for cattle.

James Birch age 28 Died this morning of Diarrhea. burried on the top of sand ridge East side of Sandy.

The camp rolled out at 8 & travelled 11 miles. rested 4 hours by the side of Green River. Forded the River about 4 P.M. & camp[ed] about 6 P.M. Good feed & camping ground.

At 8 P.[A]M. the camp rolled & travelled 22 [miles.] good roads. camp[ed] on Ham's Fork at 7 P.M. good feed for Cattle & Wood.

The camp rolled out at 30 past 9 A.M. & travelled 23 miles[.] the roads good[.] a poor place for feed. camped at 9 P.M.

The camp rolled out at 45 past 6 A.M. & travelled 9 miles to Bridger. the road rather rough & Rocky. camped at Bridger for the day at 15 past 10 A.M. Killed a first rate fat ox; Shoed sevirall of the oxen.

At 7 A.M. the camp rolled and travelled 22 miles. the roads were good[.] crossed severall creeks. passed a sulphur & Soda spring. camped at 6 P.M. plenty of Wood & feed but no Water.

The camp rolled out at 30 past 5 A.M. & travelled 23 miles. had breakfast 6 miles from where we started. About 3 P. [M]. Met with Brigham & Helen's son[.] they were glad to see us. about half past 5 we were taken in a thunder storm and travelled an hour and a half in it. Camped at 6 P.M. plenty of Water & feed. Wood rather scarce.

The waggon with the tents did not arrive till 12 midnight[.] we were cold & wet. still we felt all right

The camp rolled out at 12 P.M. & Travelled 18 miles[.] the road was pretty good. We forded the Weber about 1 P.M. and had dinner in the Weber banks[.] camped about 30 past 6 P.M. Wood, water & feed plenty. We were visitted by a few Indians.

The camp rolled out at 7 A.M. & travelled 20 miles. the roads were rather rough & rugged. camped about 30 past 6 P.M. Wood, Water & feed plenty.

The camped rolled out at 7 A.M. & Travelled 20 miles. crossed Kanyon 11 Times. the roads a little rough[.] had dinner at the bottom of the bigg mountain. Crossed the bigg Mountain in 2 hours & 55 minutes[.] camped at the foot of the little Mountain at 6 P.M.

The Brethren from the city sent us a waggon with provisions as we were rather short.

At 30 past 10 A.M. the camp rolled and Travelled 13 miles[.] about 8 miles from the city we were met with Governor Young & his counsellors, the Nauvoo brass band, the [Lar...s] and a great many others[.] we were first rate received in the city[.] Provisions of all kinds came rolling into to us in camp. the brethren of the city manifested great enterest towards us as a company. which caused our hearts to rejoice and be glad.


Edmund Ellsworth, Capt.
A Galloway, Secretary