
Transcript for Edward Hunter and Robert Campbell letter to Brigham Young, 17 July 1850

Having arrived at Kanesville in safety with my Brethern and friends about the second week in December I went to see most of the families I was to assist and bring out agreeable to your directions, and notified them to prepare themselves to join me in my company out the coming spring. Staid a few days in Kanesville and by the Council of Elder O. Hyde set out for Philadelphia to go to the United States Mint and make sales of our Gold Bullion – Returned in March to consummate my Missions –

 The first companies of golddiggers with Horse Teams had began to arrive – Those who afterwards passed through with ox Teams had bought up all the choice Cattle in the Country which occasioned a heavy rise in the price of cattle and the consequence was I had to delay in my arrangements in our emmigration to obtain cattle cheaper. I could not get broke cattle at any price. However by the strictest economy in making purchases in trades and sales I have succeeded in getting a tolerable good stock and a number of good cows. There has been an anxious excitement in Pottawatamie Co. St Louis and other places to get to the Valley at the expense of the Perpetual Fund – and I have had numerous calls from every quarter. Some I found necessary to assist who could not wait. to wit Widow Lyons [Sarah Bigler Lyons], Joseph Young, Isaac Decker, & Solon Foster agreeable to the council of Elder Hyde. I received a note from Br. Hyde giving me instructions to organize all the remaining companies with mine as no other Company would start later by his counsel and calling upon J.L. [Joseph Leland] Heywood to assist. I had my cattle herded and kept in a yard in Stringtown. Our waggons began to assemble on the Welch Farm near by- June the 25th 1850 made a start for our Journey. Staid a few days at Bethlehem 1½ mile from the Ferry to obtain Blacksmith Tools &c. July 2nd most of our Teams & Waggons crossed the River at the Lower Ferry. July 4th At the 12 mile Creek we organized our Companies, where Edw[ar]d Hunter was appointed President of the Company[,] J.L. Heywood his Councillor. Rob[er]t Campbell Clerk. Benj[amin] L Clapp & N[athaniel] H[enry] Felt Chaplains. E.D. Wool[l]ey 1st Captain. Lewis Wight, Jon[a]than C Wright. W[illia]m. [Mc]Pherson, Royal Barney, Jesse Haven, George Thompson and Andrew Burnham were made Captains of Tens. and the following is list of Families comprising our Camp Sisters Phiners, [Lydia Goldthwaite] Knight, Bro [Lewis William] Wight, [James A.] McCall, [Merritt] Rockwell, Sisters [Ann] Condit, [Mary Dull] McMinn[,] [Rhoda Ann] Fullmer, A[melia] Campbell, Walker, Sisters [Margaret Hall] Rushton, [Lydia] Knight. Brs J.C. Wright, [William] Pitt, [James Weaver] Palmer, Spilsberry [George Spilsbury], [Andrew] Burnham, [Jacob Flynn] Hutchinson, Silcox [Nicholas Thomas Silcock], [Miles] Romney, [Henry Miller] Parker, [Elijah] Fordham, Sis Stewart[,] Br Heywood, [Edwin Dilworth] Wool[l]ey, [Royal] Barney, [William Henry Harrison] Sagers, Meechum [Meacham], [James[ Lawrence, Sis [Margaret Major] Butterfield. Br. [Nathaniel Henry] Felt, Hamiston [Lyman Harmiston], [Sisson] Chase, [Oliver Hunt] Dudley, Sis [Ellen Stuart] Lockley, [Amelia Brown] Spencer, Brs [Jesse] Haven[,] [Benjamin Lynn] Clapp, [Mr.] Burlingame, Cluff, [Nahum] Bigelowe, Hewitt [Orin Taylor Hulet], [George] Thompson, [Joseph] Buxton, Sisrs Fanny Murray, Persus [Persis] Young, [Nancy Zerviah] Green & Lydia Knight. The following is a Summary in round numbers of the strength of our Company[:]

Persons 261. Waggons 67. yk [yoke] of Oxen 106. Cows 113. Horses 10. Sheep 19. Dogs 19. Cats 6. Doves 6. Loose Cattle belonging to individuals 40

 Perp[etua]l Fund 5,554.41....

 Loose Catttle in herd – P.F. 27 – X   # I have along with me Merchandize from England consigned to Prest Brigham Young and principally to N K Whitney[.] wt of Freight 4877lbs

 Mess[r]s Heywood and Wooley have made a start with us, with a heavy stock of Church Property. The strength of their teams was insufficient for their heavy burdened waggons and they found the necessity of drawing upon the resources of the Perpetual Fund till they arrive at Fort Kearney where they intend to hire; with that view I have turned them out – 3½ yoke of oxen and 2½ yoke of Cows. Up to the present we have got pretty well started and are getting along prosperously. At first we were visited  with constant and heavy storms attended with thunder and lightning which has made the roads very difficult to travel to say nothing of the sloughs and hollows. Many of our Cattle have suffered from Feet and sore necks but most of them are nearly well. While our Brethren were assembled on the 4th for organizing the Brethren with the mail hailed us with their presence. All well and in good spirits. Our anxiety for news from the Salt Lake City and to obtain Letters broke in upon the good order of our meeting and all were glad enough to adjourn. Br R Campbell from the Valley called over the Letter List after handing out a few letters stopt to get a few refreshments and left for Kanesville.

 July 6th overtaken by Elder O Hyde & suits staid with us an hour and proceeded on. We have passed some 60 graves of the Brethren who have died of the Cholera and by the dates seemed to have died between the 15th of June and the 7th of July. It may be interesting to give some of their names[:] Marg[are]t Dana, Har[ie]t Dill, Ameroy Nicholls [Ambrose Nichols], John Smith, M M Norris, Alford [Alfred] Brown, Marg[are]t McDougal, Dr Brally [Jesse Charles Braley,] Rhoda Smith[,] Jane Gray, Wm. Fox, Calvin C Hall, Charl[o]tte Thompson, J. T. M. Sellan[,] E[mma]. E[liza]. Camp. Elisha Hawrist 32 yr. Geo Catlin, Sis E Malary [Elizabeth Kennedy Mallory] 50. Irinda Crandell [Crandall] 23[,] Mary Johnston 40. several others. We have reason to be thankful that we have been comparatively free from this dire calamity. One of our Company was taken severlly ill, but by strict attention and proper remedies soon recovered.

 July 16th had the painful task of recording the death of an interesting young man by the name of Washington Marshall teamster for Br[other Nathaniel] Felt. An accident occurred wherein Sister Stewart's Boy received an injury by 2 Waggon Hubs bruising him. As many of our Cattle were wild and unbroke I esteem it a marked providence that no other damage is sustained and that the Camp at the present time is in such excellent health and that some who started sick are fast recovering their health. Frequently meeting waggons from the Fort passing back for provisions.

 July 19th Overtaken by Col. Reese in his Chaise. He has 8 waggons back bound for the Salt Lake City. Each waggon 3000 wt of Goods. This morning too Mr. Thompson Clerk of the Firm of Riley left our Camp destined to overtake their goods bound for the same place. Sundays we set apart to rest our Cattle do washing – blacksmithing and have preaching – and camp instruction.

 30 Miles East Ft Kearney [Kearny]- Sunday July 21st 50

As Kincaid [Kinkead] and Livingston are in our immediate vicinity and about to proceed on with dispatch I hasten to bring this communication to a close. Our Camp is in a healthy state – none sick with us. We have travelled about 90 miles this week. Last Sunday we took into consideration the propriety of making 2 Divisions. it answers our purpose. Our Cattle improve on the road. Within 10 miles of us lies our 2nd Division all pretty well. Col. Reece's trains is a few miles back of us. We received the intelligence of a death from Cholera in his company. We design holding a meeting this afternoon and having a preach from Benj[ami]n L[ynn] Clapp. Nothing of any importance has occurred on our journey – Save all is health, peace and that a hope inspires us that we shall improve in the prosecution of our journey and hail our Brethren and friends in the Valley. I expect to make a full report of my mission when I reach you. Considering the high price of Stock and of Provender & Provisions the Brethren generally have as good an outfit as I could anticipate. Wheat Flour $6.00 per 100 corn 2 to $2.50 per bu. Bacon from 6 to 9 cts Hay $1.00 per 100 – Groceries and other provisions equally high. Our waggons are most of them new and many are in good repair[.] We expect to reach Fort Kearney by or before the middle of this week. We would be remembered our friends in the Valley. and our prayers are for the prosperity of Zion

We subscribe ourselves ever yours in the everlasting Covenant

 Robert Campbell, Clerk.                                                                     Edward Hunter